Posted in
DAILY 31 Aug 2009
Sometimes such things happen accidentally, but in most cases because of human stupidity.
What you’ll see inside the post is beyond the notion of ‘normal’ but from the other hand, it can be extremely funny ;) 
Another collection of incredible Photoshop disasters.
When looking such pieces of work, I wonder how they couldn’t notice such a flagrant drawbacks?? Anyway, it’s fun to look at this :)

The photoshopped black man’s head. Instead, they put a white man’s head. Then, Microsoft has officially apologized for this misunderstanding.
Here's a very "fun" one-room apartment for rent in the center of Moscow. And the rent cost is 1,250 bucks a month.
It is also pointed out that the apartment underwent renovation works, though after viewing the photos it is hard to believe in. And what’s with the fur???
I would never rent this apartment, especially for the sum they ask for it.
A very cute fountain, right? And it gathered a huge crowd of people around it.
But they came not to look at the fountain, but for another funny thing. Look inside the post. 
Everybody knows the story of the Loch Ness Monster, a creature said to live in the waters of the Loch Ness lake, located in Scottish Islands. Everybody knows it but only few people claimed they saw it for real during the 20h century. Most of the “evidences” are not convincing and could show lots of stuff different that the famous monster and most important, lots of pictures were revealed as hoaxes like the most famous one taken by Robert Kenneth Wilson (a London gynaecologist) in 1934.
Even if for most of the people it’s just a myth, some people live along the lake in hope to see and photograph Nessie and each year, though we can’t see it, the mysterious creature is the center of attention of countless tourists.
We’re in 2009 and the question about the existence of the monster is up again because of an Internet user that claimed he saw Nessie on Google Earth. To me, it’s nothing but a boat but for some, it’s already another proof of the real existence of the creature…Lets start with pics taken during the last century until today:
A funny compilation dedicated to customers of the largest global network of discount department stores.
Take a look. 
After seeing these photos I have only one question. Why?
The situations can be different though. A man bought a dishwasher, but didn’t have enough money for a stove, for example
And to prepare fish like this is quite simple - take a salmon, some vegetables and sauce.
Wrap all ingredients in a foil and put it in the dishwasher.
Then you turn on the machine and your fish is steamed.
For some reason I think that it would taste horrible, but maybe I'm wrong.
The official American government site posted guides in order to show people how they can be ready in case of biological, nuclear threats or different natural disasters. The funny thing is that the pictures in these guides are very ambiguous and can be interpreted differently without a proper explanation.
That is what the guys from safenow were trying to show us
If you have set yourself on fire, do not run.

If you spot terrorism, blow your anti-terrorism whistle. If you are Vin Diesel, yell really loud.
Christopher Gilbert is one of the best photographers and photoshoppers.
I have never seen someone who could compete with him.
Today we have a complete collection of his works, don’t miss it. 
Posted in
ANIMALS 31 Aug 2009
This series of spectacular pics is for lovers of what Mother Nature has created in its waters. The photos are truly beautiful.
You will see different animal species like Lightbulb Sea Squirts, Violet Sea Slugs or anemones…etc.
Posted in
31 Aug 2009
I do not know what made this man to do this and risk his life.
But it seems he had enough... 
At first it seems there’s nothing unusual, but the ending turned out to be just crazy.
Is it worth risking your lives just in sake of adrenaline? 
Well, you know, the one where you pretend playing the invisible guitar and everyone is cheering you up and screaming as if you were one of the best guitar players in the history. Well, it must be fun, especially as it becomes more and more popular.
Posted in
Babes 31 Aug 2009
Posted in
Babes 31 Aug 2009
Posted in
Babes 31 Aug 2009