
ファイル:Vesuvius SRTM3.png


元のファイル (942 × 794 ピクセル、ファイルサイズ: 922キロバイト、MIME タイプ: image/png)


English: Shaded terrain map of the Naples and Mount Vesuvius region from SRTM3 elevation data. Each pixel corresponds to about 70x70 m. SRTM tile used was http://dds.cr.usgs.gov/srtm/version2_1/SRTM3/Eurasia/N40E014.hgt.zip. The top of the image is 41°N, the left side is 14°E.

Note: This image has annotations, but you have to navigate to the Wikimedia Commons description page to see them. Or (if you are logged in at Wikipedia) go to "My preferences -> Gadgets" and enable ImageAnnotator.
原典 投稿者自身による著作物
作者 Morn the Gorn
compass rose from Maps_template-fr.svg: Eric Gaba (Sting - fr:Sting)


このファイルの派生元: Vesuvius SRTM3.xcf


SRTM data was plotted with the following Python 2 script (requires Python Imaging Library and NumPy) and then rescaled in Gimp to correct for the raw data aspect ratio at that latitude (about 92 m x 70 m). Terrain shading and hypsometric colors were combined in Gimp in layer multiply mode.

# Read SRTM3 file and create shaded relief

# 2010-04-05

from struct import unpack,calcsize

from numpy import *
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

row_length = 1201	# row_length is 1201 for SRTM3 or 3601 for SRTM1
file_name  = "N40E014.hgt"	# from http://dds.cr.usgs.gov/srtm/version2_1/SRTM3/Eurasia/
hlim       = 800	# height limit for map [m]

ref_lat    = 40.55	# reference latitude
earth_eq   = 6371. * 1000. * 2. * pi
x_scale    = 1./360.*earth_eq*cos(ref_lat/180.*pi)/row_length
y_scale    = 1./360.*earth_eq/row_length

print "1 pixel = %u * %u m" % (x_scale, y_scale)
print "factor", y_scale/x_scale

h = zeros((row_length, row_length))
f = open(file_name, 'r')
li = []

for j in range(row_length):
	for i in range(row_length):
		d = f.read(2)
		(height,) = unpack('>h', d)
		h[i,j] = height
		if height < -1000:

hmax = h.max()
h3 = zeros_like(h)
h3[:,:] = h[:,:]
print len(li), "missing data points"

def get_nei(z):
	h2 = h[z[0]-1:z[0]+2,z[1]-1:z[1]+2]
	nn = sum(where(h2 < -1000, 0, 1))
	av = sum(where(h2 > -1000, h2, 0)) / float(nn)
	return nn, av

# fill missing points with a nearest-neighbor averaging method:
loop = len(li)
lim = 7
while loop > 0:
	sd = False
	for q in range(len(li)):
		if h[li[q]] > -1000.: continue
		n, a = get_nei(li[q])
		if n >= lim:
			print li[q],loop, n, a, lim
			h3[li[q]] = a
			loop -= 1
			sd = True
	if not sd: lim -= 1
	h[:,:] = h3[:,:]
print "missing points done"	

def hext(a):
	"Hex color to triplet."
	r,g,b = a[0:2], a[2:4], a[4:6]
	return int(r, 16), int(g, 16), int(b, 16)

# from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Maps/Conventions/Topographic_maps:
col_sea = hext("0978ab")
cols = """
col = []

for l in cols.splitlines():
	if len(l) < 10: continue
	i = l.find('#')
	if i > -1:

col.reverse()	# -> bottom to top

o = Image.new('RGB', h.shape)

def interp(c, f):
	"Interpolate into color table."
	r = int((1.-f) * col[c][0] + f * col[c+1][0])
	g = int((1.-f) * col[c][1] + f * col[c+1][1])
	b = int((1.-f) * col[c][2] + f * col[c+1][2])
	return r,g,b

for j in range(row_length):
	for i in range(row_length):
		c, f = divmod(h[j,i] / hmax * (len(col)-1), 1)
		if 0 < h[j,i] < hmax:
			o.putpixel((j,i), interp(int(c), f))
		elif h[i,j] == hmax:
			o.putpixel((j,i), col[-1])
		else: o.putpixel((j,i), col_sea)

o.save("map_height.png")	# save height map
o2 = o.crop((0,0,942,603))

# taken from hillshade.py:
#def illumination(idata,azdeg=315.0,altdeg=45.):
def illumination(idata,azdeg=225.0,altdeg=45.):
    # convert alt, az to radians
    az = azdeg*np.pi/180.0
    alt = altdeg*np.pi/180.0
    # gradient in x and y directions
    dx, dy = np.gradient(idata)
    slope = 0.5*np.pi - np.arctan(np.hypot(dx, dy))
    aspect = np.arctan2(dx, dy)
    odata = np.sin(alt)*np.sin(slope) + np.cos(alt)*np.cos(slope)*np.cos(-az -\
             aspect - 0.5*np.pi)
    # rescale to interval -1,1
    # 1 means maximum sun exposure and 0 means complete shade.
    odata = (odata - odata.min())/(odata.max() - odata.min())
    return odata

il = 255 * illumination(h)

o4 = Image.new('RGBA', il.shape)
for j in range(row_length-1):
	for i in range(row_length-1):
		v = int(il[j,i])
		if 0 <= v < 128:
			alpha = (255 - 2*v)
			o4.putpixel((j,i), (0,0,0,alpha))
		elif v == 128:
			o4.putpixel((j,i), (0,0,0,0))
		elif 128 < v < 256:
			alpha = 2*(v-128)
			o4.putpixel((j,i), (255,255,255,alpha))
			o4.putpixel((j,i), (255,255,255,0))
o4.save("il_NW_alpha.png")	# NW-illuminated (alpha transparency for use with Inkscape)


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4 3 2010



現在の版2010年4月5日 (月) 01:012010年4月5日 (月) 01:01時点における版のサムネイル942 × 794 (922キロバイト)Morncorrected color of a lake
2010年4月5日 (月) 00:562010年4月5日 (月) 00:56時点における版のサムネイル942 × 794 (1.01メガバイト)Mornremoved artifacts in shadows
2010年4月4日 (日) 19:062010年4月4日 (日) 19:06時点における版のサムネイル942 × 794 (908キロバイト)Morncompass rose
2010年4月4日 (日) 14:492010年4月4日 (日) 14:49時点における版のサムネイル942 × 794 (899キロバイト)Mornremoved slight banding in the water
2010年4月4日 (日) 14:412010年4月4日 (日) 14:41時点における版のサムネイル942 × 794 (904キロバイト)Morncolor version
2010年4月4日 (日) 12:182010年4月4日 (日) 12:18時点における版のサムネイル942 × 794 (750キロバイト)Mornscale
2010年4月3日 (土) 20:552010年4月3日 (土) 20:55時点における版のサムネイル942 × 794 (652キロバイト)Morn{{Information |Description={{en|1=Shaded terrain image of the Naples and Mount Vesuvius region from SRTM3 data. Each pixel corresponds to about 70x70 m.}} |Source={{own}} |Author=Morn the Gorn |Date=2010-03-04 |Permission= |other_ve

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