▣ Code & Standard Characteristics
- Developed, integrated, or modified as needed.
- Comprise both mandatory and optional requirements.
- Involve a wide range of stakeholders with numerous producing entities.
- ASME regulations are legally adopted and enforced by individual states in the U.S.
- Focused primarily on Mechanical Engineering but play a leading role as codes and standards across all technical fields.
- Classified into four categories:
- Professional Societies
- Trade Associations
- Test and Certification Organizations
- Standards Developing Organizations

▣ Overview
- ASME Code : Established to ensure public welfare and system safety for users.
- Code Case: Issued swiftly by the committee when there is a need for interpretation of existing codes or to address topics not covered in the current code.
- ASME: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is responsible for certification and standardization in the mechanical field.
▣ ASME Code Structure I
- Contains sections with common applications.
- Classified by function: Sections for manufacturing and maintenance.
- Includes regulations for the design, fabrication, installation, testing, and inspection of boilers, pressure vessels, and other components.
▣ ASME Code Section II
- Contains information on various materials.
- Includes tables and charts according to regulatory requirements.
▣ ASME Code Section III
- Subsection NCA: General requirements common to Divisions 1 and 2, including equipment classification, responsibilities of related organizations, quality assurance requirements, authorized inspection, qualification, and management.
- Lists exempted items (NCA-1130b) and quality grade groups as per Quality Group (Reg. Guide 1.26).
▣ ASME Code Section XI
- Editions and changes (Addenda) are published every three years.
- Nondestructive testing methods: visual inspection, surface examination, volumetric examination, and alternative methods.
▣ ASME Code Applications and Items
- Types: Components, parts, appurtenances, piping subassemblies, component supports, materials, installation.
- Items exempted in ASME III (NCA-1130b): valve operators, controllers, position indicators, pump impellers, instruments.
▣ ASME Code Grades

▣ ASME Qualification Certification System
- Establishes procedures to certify companies that can engage in design, fabrication, and construction according to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code requirements.
- Differentiates items with specific stamps from those without.
- Applicable items:
- General Industry: All pressure vessels above 5 psig, including heat exchangers, columns, drums, etc.
- Nuclear Industry: Reactor pressure vessels, tank containment vessels, pumps, valves, core supports, structures, piping, etc.
▣ ASME Authorized Certification System
- Ensures pressure-containing equipment related to safety is designed, fabricated, installed, and operated according to design requirements and relevant standards (ASME Code).
- Authorized Inspection Agencies (AIA)
- Authorized Nuclear In-Service Inspector (ANIS)
- Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI)