“He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted.” Luke 4:18, NKJV
Have you ever had a broken heart?
Doctors today say a broken heart is a medical reality with measurable physical effects. After experiencing stress or trauma, some of the hormones released by the brain actually weaken the tissue of the heart. This results in chest pain as the normal rhythm of the heart is interrupted. It’s called “broken heart syndrome.”
Emotionally, a broken heart can come from disappointment, rejection, or resentment. When things don’t turn out as we plan, it hurts. We are wounded in the wake of rejection or careless words. When the attack comes from a close friend, the pain is all the more deeper.
Pain is real, and you don’t have to hide or deny it. You can stop pretending it’s not there and deal with it. You need to face it head on so you can find healing for your broken heart.
Here’s the good news: Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted. Go the Father sent His Son to live a perfect life, die an unjust death, and defeat death so that our broken hearts might be healed. You don’t need to hide your brokenness from Jesus; it was His mission to come and heal you!
When your heart is broken, it won’t get better on its own.
When you hold onto your personal brokenness, you are missing out on God’s best for your life. You become a shadow of who you are supposed to be. The longer you wait, the deeper the shadow becomes.
Jesus came to heal your broken heart. When will you let Him?