Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's catch up time!

Wow! 2 years... I've been MIA for a long while. But I am trying to make a goal to be better at this. If not for friends and family, for my kids to look back on. So a lot has happened in the last 2 years. And I think I will do a picture round up of everything to catch up.

Korbyn has grown up Sooo much. He is our little man, no more baby, no more toddler. Just an adorable little baseball playing, man!!

This little dream is the most incredible miracle that entered our world on July 5th 2011. I just love having a little princess!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Palm Springs Aerial Tram

This was crazier than it even looks! Palm Springs has a really cool Aerial Tram, that goes up the side of the mountain. It takes you up to the top of Mt. San Jacinto 8516 ft.! You ride in the little tram like the pic above. They are the largest rotating tram cars in the world.

 Here we are going up. Korbyn thought it was pretty awesome. He got a little freaked out, but it was so cute when we were leaving, Korbyn was telling us how much fun it was!
 Don't look down!
Cute pic of Mel and Sandy in the Tram!
Here is Justin... trying not to puke!
Here we are about to get to the top. It is pretty cool once you get to the top cause there are viewing areas, gift shops, restaurants, and hiking trails.
So pretty when you get to the top! Here we are posing...
Korbyn loves all his cousins!! (Even though Malachi isn't in this pic we still love him too!)
If you want to see what it was like on video here it is...
And there is still more to come!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

California: Part I

One of the highlights of our whole family reunion (For Korbyn anyway!) in California was when Grandpa took the kids for rides on the golf cart! Korbyn could not get enough!

Korbyn LOVED being with his cousins. Here he is with Braden and Jordan!! 
 And here he is riding with Asa, Malachi, Aunt Mel, and Grandpa
 There he goes AGAIN! With Braden, Tierzah, and his favorite, Elena!
Thank you grandpa! We had such a fun time!!
Don't worry there is much much more to come!! I promise!

Monday, June 7, 2010

It's CRAZY he is 2!

Korbyn is officially 2 years old! We had sooo much fun! Here are some pics of the birthday boy!

This is how Korbyn says cheese now! It is super cute, but it would be nice to see his eyes in a picture or two!!! hehe

His present from his mommy and daddy was this awesome bike! He absolutely LOVES it. He rides it around like he is a big boy. (Sniff sniff, my little baby is gone...)

This is my favorite picture because he is supposed to be blowing his candles out, and instead he is jumping on his new trampoline! How funny is he! Korbyn doesn't like cake or frosting or ice cream. So instead I made him brownie cupcakes with peanut butter cups in the middle hoping he would like that. But he was too excited to eat, so he didn't eat anything! But I am still glad I made them, cause they were delicious! ;)

This one is adorable too, he got a little curious!

He did finally come over and help daddy blow out the candle!

Korbyn had some extra visitors in town for his birthday too! It was so fun to have grandma and grandpa nelson here. I didn't seem to snatch a picture of grandpa ;(

And his fave Auntie Melo (or Welwo) was here for a few hours too, before she was off to see her boy toy in St. George! He always has so much fun with her!

And of course his Mimi and Baba! Korbyn loves having them here all the time!
Mommy and daddy LOVE you Korbyn! Happy 2nd Birthday! Please be good to us.... not terrible just cause you're two!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

4 Years of Happily Ever After...

I am so lucky to have spent the past 4 years of my life married to an amazing person. He is by far the best person I have ever met, and I am a better person because I get to be a part of his life. Through the past 4 years we have been through a lot together. Times of plenty and times of trials. I couldn't dream of spending it with anyone else. He is my world. He gives me the strength to keep going when times are tough.

I love him with everything inside of me. I thank him for all that he has given our little family. Not only does he provide for us physically, but he gives us everything he has emotionally and spiritually, and that is what a family really needs.

I know he will love me through thick and thin, and that gives me more happiness than he will ever know. He is my one and only.

I am also so grateful he is already such an amazing father, and I know without a doubt he will continue to prove what a great dad he is.
I had so much fun going through old pictures of us, and seeing all the fun things we have done together. My only hope is in 80 years we can still see enough to look through pictures of the rest of our fun filled years together! I love you sweetheart!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Finally a new post!!

Wow, I cannot believe how fast this last year has gone by! I have realized that I am a really horrible blogger. But I promise to be better!
So much has happened that I would have loved to blog, but I just didn't take the time to do it. Sad, but true!
But the biggest thing that has happened is we are the proud owners of a new house! It is so exciting, and now that we have been here for about 2 weeks and we have settled in a little it has been awesome! After living in a mortuary, an apartment and the in-laws, we feel like we have earned this! And the best part is Korbyn absolutely loves this house and his bedroom, it is so cute! So here are a few pics as it was being built...
This first one is when they were just starting to frame it...
And then it goes on...
Then a little siding...
And more...
Then here it is all done!
And here are some walls we painted inside, the dining room wall is a chocolate...
(Just excuse the boxes and junk!)
The kitchen has the same chocolate color
Here is Korbyn's bedroom, I love this color. It is like a gray blue...
And finally our bedroom...
I won' t bore you with pics of the whole house. But hopefully you liked what you saw!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Family photos!

We took the day a few weeks ago, and got my friend who is an AMAZING photographer to take pictures of Korbyn for his 1 year birthday. We went to Wheeler Farms, which was perfect! While we were there we also did a few family, and a few of just Justin and I. It was so fun! And they turned out SO awesome. I already have prints, and they look amazing on the wall! I love Jen, she is the best!!!! Enjoy...

Even though Korbyn was a little stinker, and he never wanted to smile for the camera, Jen managed to make it look like he was doing exactly what he was asked!!!
**Jen is having an amazing sale this month! Go to her website or her blog if you want the most amazing pictures of your family taken!**