Shrimp aka “Kucho Chingri” has a pivotal role in Bengali Cuisine. Generally, any independent dish is not merely prepared with only shrimp. However, while accompanying with any vegetable the taste is enhanced many folds. We Bengalis usually pair up shrimp with Bottle gourd, Pointed gourd, Green jackfruit, Banana flower, Elephant Continue Reading
Visiting the history is equally exciting as innovation in cooking. From time to time, one should try to dig out the recipes which earned the love of people from a different era which has not weathered a bit till present. It reflects on the success stories behind these recipes. Being Continue Reading
After trying my hands on so many different chicken recipes, I have come to the conclusion that this exploration is a never exhaustive process and one can not really run out of the recipes which offer flavour, taste and challenge, nevertheless. The present one, known as Chicken Lababdar, which is Continue Reading
Fenugreek leaves or Methi saag is abundant these days of winter and I often prepare a typical saag curry out of it. However Methi can be used in different dishes and if you recall, once I shared with you Methi Paratha before. Here I present a chicken preparation using methi Continue Reading
Today I am presenting quite a different Chicken curry which hails from the state of Tamil Nadu. The name ‘Chettinad’ is associated with the place of its origin, Chettinad. Alike any other preparation from south India, it also has the signatory flavour of curry leaves and coconut. Due to the Continue Reading
Sunday lunch is almost incomplete for Bengalis without “mangso-bhat“, that is any preparation of meat with steamed rice. Rice is well accompanied with gravy dish rather than a dry one. Generally I used to please our tongues by making usual Bengali Murgir Jhol. Though today I was in search of Continue Reading
Among all the meat curries, ‘rezala’ caste an enchanting spell on me, that is hardly going to wither away with time. Not entirely sure of its origin rezala is crazily popular in Eastern India. It actually is a white creamy meat curry, attaining the colour due to the ingredients such Continue Reading
Honey Chicken is a sweet and tangy preparation of chicken which can be served best as a smashing mouth-watering starter. As the name reveals, here the chicken is cooked with loads of honey along with tangy lime juice. Roasted sesame seed adds an extra dimension to the dish. If you are Continue Reading
Mung Dal/lentil is somehow a coveted side dish for Bengalis although having almost a regular presence on the platter. It can be prepared in different ways, few of which I have already shared with you. However, ideally those preparations are all without the Cheelka or green cover and known as Continue Reading
As the name reveals, today’s preparation of chicken is a speciality of Peshawar, Pakistan. I came to know this recipe through one of my good friends who is also fond of cooking and has a hobby of collecting recipes. This recipe caught my attention because of its less preparation time. Continue Reading