Library automation with Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)
Our Library complements the academic component of the college with good campus life. This enhances the overall learning experience of students because of a wide range of extra-curricular programmes, facilities, services and activities. These events provide students and other members of the college opportunities to a variety of social, cultural, intellectual and recreational activities. Such experiences enrich the lives of students and help them fulfill their potential.
Co-curricular and extracurricular activities are planned and executed through a number of associations, clubs, societies and students’ chapters of professional bodies. They are managed by representatives of students and are monitored by the faculty in-charge.
The College Library established in the year 1997, was housed in a classroom with 700 books to start with. In 1999 when the college was shifted to its permanent building, the library occupied a lecture hall in the first floor of the main building. In 2000, it was shifted to the present building named CENTRAL LIBRARY in honor of the founder Chairman.
The library buildings were extended from 5 sections to 12 various sections with discussion rooms, modern furniture, and air conditioning. The new building includes a separate hall for Tele conferencing through which current awareness programs and information services today can be disseminated throughout the world.
The Library transactions are carried out by Bar Code Technology. It has the facility of Web OPAC – online search. So the library catalogue can be accessed through intranet, in future through internet. And the library is being subscribed to the E-resources. Also, the library has 4 Digital surveillance cameras for the proper vigilance of the library holdings and to avoid misbehaviors (misplacement, tearing etc) of the users.
Modules in Win LMS
1.Database Management – (Cataloguing)
This module allows creating, update/edit and maintaining the databases such as books, journals etc.
2.Circulation Management
This module is designed for all types of counter transactions (for all documents types) such as Issue/Renewal /Return/Recall.
3.Report Management
This module is designed to generate and print a large number of reports such as, List of books by author, accession register, catalogues etc. All types of statistics/reports can be generated.
4.System Administration
This module allows to Create new user log-in, password and grant rights to access various modules
5.E-Resource Linking
This module allows linking various e-resources on the web with details.
6.Online Stock Verification
This module allows for online stock verification of library resources using Barcode Scanner and generates books reports.
7.Article Indexing
This module allows creating and maintaining journal articles database, searching and retrieving data based on several fields.
8.Question Bank
This module allows to create, maintain question banks and retrieve questions. A well-equipped Digital Library with 10 computers having Internet connectivity is accommodated in the Library for access to e-resources.
- Collecting, preserving and building connection between the record of human knowledge and achievement, we help to meet academic and personal goals that extend knowledge and promote achievement in the individual and in the department.
- To ensure the availability of books and journals required by the students and faculty.
- To increase the utilization rate of library facilities.
Library working hours is as follows:
Monday to Saturday – 8.15 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.
- Library is a silence zone. Mobile phones and watch alarms should be switched to silent mode before entering the Library.
- Students should show their identity cards to the librarian for the purpose of identification at the time of using any library facility and borrowing books.
- Private books and personal belongings are to be deposited at the entrance.
- Any printed materials, documents and CD-ROMs will not be permitted to be taken inside the library.
- Each student is allowed to draw two books from library. Teaching faculty can draw five books from library.
- Reference Books, Back Volumes and Periodicals are not issued.
- Books other than reference books and journals will be issued to the students for a period of 15 days at the first instance with the provision for renewal for a further period of 15 days.
- Any book reported to be lost by the borrower should be replaced by a new one, failing which the borrower should pay an amount twice the cost of the book lost.
- Members are responsible for the books issued to their account.
- Department Library is provided for easy access and preparation of notes for teaching by staff members.
Library Area And Collections
Books | |
Volumes | |
Titles |
Central Library Book Details
1 | Aeronautical | 423 | 805 |
2 | Civil | 1068 | 2128 |
3 | Computer Science | 2286 | 4394 |
4 | Electrical & Electronics | 1292 | 2780 |
5 | Electronics & Communication | 1584 | 3111 |
6 | Electronics & Instrumentation | 377 | 726 |
7 | General | 5956 | 15075 |
8 | Information Technology | 734 | 1604 |
9 | M.E. Cad / Cam | 40 | 95 |
10 | M.E. Structural Engineering | 23 | 66 |
11 | Management | 1518 | 2660 |
12 | Master Of Computer Applications | 367 | 821 |
13 | Mechanical | 1518 | 3233 |
14 | Science and Humanities | 2134 | 5775 |
15 | Textile Technology | 626 | 898 |
16 | M.E APPLIED | 414 | 652 |
17 | ME.COMPUTER SCIENCE | 715 | 925 |
18 | M.TECH TEXTILE | 350 | 570 |
TOTAL : | 21425 | 46368 |
Details of Library Books
Sl.No | Name of the Department | Volume | Title |
1 | Aeronautical Engineering | 3260 | 1310 |
2 | Civil Engineering | 6251 | 2402 |
3 | Computer Science Engineering | 8944 | 3015 |
4 | Electrical & Electronics Engineering | 4804 | 2113 |
5 | Electronics and Communication Engineering | 7955 | 2040 |
6 | Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering | 3214 | 1141 |
7 | Mechanical Engineering | 4692 | 2336 |
8 | Information Technology | 4107 | 2302 |
9 | Textile Technology | 2850 | 836 |
10 | Science and Humanities | 4750 | 2514 |
11 | Master of Computer Applications | 5615 | 1896 |
12 | Master of Business Administration | 7122 | 2414 |
Library Resources (Values)
- Value of Books: Rs. 2.08 Crore
- Value of Journals: Rs. 1.79 Crore
- Value of Digital & Other Resources: Rs. 4.25 Lakhs
- Online Journals Subscription: Rs. 19.18 Lakhs
Library Resources (In Numbers)
- Total No. of Newspapers Subscribed: 10
- Total No. of Back Volumes: 7,187
- No. of Book Bank Books: 3,064
- No. of Online Journals Subscription: 19,144
- No. of Digital & Other Sources: 6,514
- (Including Book CDs & Disks)
1 | Dr. S. Rajendran / Vice Principal | Chairman |
2 | Dr. V. Santhana Krishnan /Prof /S & H | Co-Chairman |
3 | Mr.P.Manimaran / Librarian | Member |
4 | Mr.Ponraj / AP / CIVIL | Member |
5 | Mr.Anbarasu / AP / ECE | Member |
6 | Mrs.Kanagavalli/AP/EEE | Member |
7 | Mr.J.Saravanan/AP/EIE | Member |
8 | Mr.R.Soundhar rajan/IT/IIyear | Student Member |
9 | Mr.D.Mohanamurali/CSE /II year | Student Member |
10 | Ms.G.lathika/ ECE /II year | Student Member |
- To ensure the availability of books and journals required by the students and faculty.
- To increase the utilization rate of library facilities
For Online Grievance :