Smart Training and AMCAT Assessments

Smart Training and AMCAT assessments are conducted by the Jaya Group of Institutions by partnering with reputed organizations. The Programs are as given below:

Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test (AMCAT): India’s largest and most trusted employability assessment
- AMCAT – Conducted by SHL, with 10,000+ customers globally, delivering 3 million+ assessments in 150+ countries each year.
- Assessing Students’ Logical Ability & Quantitative Ability, Personality Assessment (Big Five Model), English Comprehension, Domain Modules (Automata Fix, Computer Science, Electronics & more…)
- Providing Feedback & Certification with detailed personalised feedback report, Performance analysis across modules, Industry/Role-wise job fit mapping and Personalised improvement plan

- Smart Training Resources India Pvt Ltd has successfully trained and assessed more than 1 million students in over 550 colleges in India,including the IITs, IIMs and NITs with over 20 million teaching hours
- Training in General aptitude: 50 hours : Problem solving, Reasoning (Logical / Analytical / Critical / Non-verbal), Verbal ability, Group discussion, Resume preparation, Personal interview and other topics
- Training in Technical: 58 hours : Basic Java Programming, OOPS Concept, Data Structure & Algorithm, Dynamic Programming and other topics
The Program was started in March 2023 and is in progress for 109 students of III Year (2020 – 24 Batch) of Jaya Engineering College and Jaya Sakthi Engineering College. It is planned to be conducted every year for the students to improve their employability skills and get placement in the industry.
- Dr. M. Somasundaram, Dean – Research, Jaya Group of Institutions
- Mr. J. Lin Eby Chandra, CSE / Jaya Engineering College
- Mr. R. J. Poovaraghan, IT / Jaya Engineering College
- Dr. S. Madhurikkha, CSE / Jaya Sakthi Engineering College
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