The Euro-Mediterranean Province
The Euro-Mediterranean Province of the Jesuits consists of Albania, Italy, Malta and Romania. Four different reailites that share a common trait: they are all historical, cultural and religious crossroead between Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
Heading the government of the EUM Province is Provincial Superior Fr. Ronny Alessio SJ.
Read more about the Province government
La Compagnia di Gesù
Nel 1540 Ignazio di Loyola fondò la Compagnia di Gesù per aiutare gli altri a cercare e trovare Dio nella propria vita. Dai primi 10 compagni, oggi i gesuiti sono più di 16 mila in 100 paesi. Ogni gesuita è chiamato a vivere i voti di obbedienza, per il bene degli altri, castità, relazioni gratuite, e povertà, puntando all’essenziale.

Ignatius of Loyola
At the age of 30, Ignatius was a knight at the Royal Court of Spain. In the spring of 1521 an injury during a battle changed his life.
“He who goes about to reform the world must begin with himself”

There are many religious orders in the Church. Each has its own specific charism. Find out what makes the Society of Jesus different from others.