Discovering America's Soft White Underbelly | Mark Laita

Mark Laita started his career as a world renowned professional photographer who’s clients include the likes of brands such as Apple, BMW, Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Budweiser and the list goes on and on.

Mark lives in Pacific Palisades, California and interviews people mainly in the Los Angeles area.

But he decided to give all that up for his new passion, which is essentially doing character studies on the most unfortunate human beings in America, and publishing the interviews on his YouTube channel “Soft White Underbelly“.

For individuals requesting to be considered for an interview please send a short version of your story, your location and a 15-30 second video of yourself to:

Soft White Underbelly Intro Video

Two-part interview with Prostitute nicknamed Exotic

Interview with Skid Row debt collector Scotty (aka: Scarface)


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