I wanted to tell you why I so appreciate what you are doing. Your taking these very important realities and displaying them in a way that makes them understandable so now instead of just being abstract math they are seen in a way that allows people to connect to those concepts. Thank you. -Wendy Landkammer
以下直訳よりゼウスとガイア、木星と地球。フラクタル ホログラフィック宇宙で六角形の対称。”私が学んだは、世界は、設定、現実のシグニチャーと紛れもないデザインと、これは必ずしも意識を意味します。我々 は、マトリックスに住んでいます。数字はあまりにも完璧なあまりにも神聖な幾何学、あまりにも奇跡のシンクロニシティ ランダムなチャンスの結果である (I hope it’s good)
Simply a fantastic site you’we made! Thank you – Sebastian (from Sweden 🙂
These seriously might be the best esoteric/synchronistic graphics on the internet. Never give it up. -Rickey McDaniel
Enteressante -Almir Rossi
Me gusta muchisimo esta pagina la encuentro con muchos conocimientos hermosos y básicos para el saber…. saludos …..
-Yolanda Alicia Sanchez Beltran
“I own the Little Book of Coincidences and I’m always amazed by it. Your artwork really drives the concepts home! Thank you!” -Michael Wazowski
I love this page! It is like ‘A Little Book of Coincidence” Part II. Thanks for all of your thought and work! heart emoticon” -John Elliot Tone Rosan
Your’s is about best page on Facebook I have seen yet. Keep up the good work! -Jimmy Felton
You have some pretty cool images here. Thank you. -Beth E. Baker
Excelente, muchas gracias. -Lucre Bosisio
Wow this page is wow -Gabriele Roth
Like your site -Kurt H. Hoyer
Scott Onstott and Joe Dubs I think the world might be waking up and ready for your outstanding research of esoteric geometric math. Anyone who’s interested in harmonics, archaeoastronomy, and the vibrational secrets of the universe should definitely follow Scott and Cosmic Creations! -Adam Smith
Thank you Cosmic Creations heart emoticon -Susan Pryor
Dope page! -Theory of Thought
Your work is truly amazing. I love Sacred Geometry and have read both books of the Ancient Secret of the Flower of life…they are two of my book treasures…anyway, I know there are some people who seriously need to see your work -Wendy Landkammer
This is a amazing page onfo. -Theresa Cline
Fascinating pages,,,thank you. -Chris Gibson
I love all your stuff. Thankyou x -Simone Cher Roach
This page is super amazing -Chance Garton
I was trying to order the cosmic creation collection, but it does not seem to want to calculate shipping option if i have chosen Norway. Is there something i can do to get this to work?
Sorry Anders, still working on ironing out the problems with international shipping on my wordpress.. I’ll let you know when I have it figured. 🙂
Joe my old mate … reply to my email so I can send you my new FB .. I can’t find you for love nor money in FB
Nick! How have you been you cunt!!?? I am Joe Williamson on FB. FR me! https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071754278356
This is one of the top Cosmometry websites I use for Synaesthesia. Soon I hope to share whatever phenomena moves us so., Omnosis is the term to be used.
Dear friend.I am Augusto Hernández music,composer and sound designer from mexico city.I am creating in this moment a sound project dimensional windows and i want to send you a demo of my work. Iwould like to work with you creating many universe sound music.Thanks and waiting for your news.
Thanks Augusto, look forward to hearing from you.
[email protected]
If everything is as it should be, and all is perfection, wouldn’t Hillary Rodham Clinton be perfect, too?
Lol, she’s the one exception!
The most comprehensive work I have ever seen! Excellent!
Thanks Scott, I appreciate it.
Exceptional work Joe!! Appreciate it. Just quick question on throwing some deep light on Sanskrit ancient language ?
Thanks, Well I plan on doing an article on Ancient Aryans soon. Aryan is said to mean ‘noble’ in Sanskrit. Proto-Hebrew is a very ancient language that has similarities between in nearly all European languages, like Greek, English, Latin, etc. I wouldn’t doubt it if the same people who formed Hebrew and nearly all other languages also developed Sanskrit, but have not studied this. Sanskrit does bear some resemblance with Masoretic Hebrew. Here are some articles I found looking into this.. https://www.harappa.com/content/roots-hinduism-early-aryans-and-indus-civilization
hey, just found your site and i think its great, do you have a contact email? are you familiar with manly p halls books? i want to ask you if you had found any codes in it, I’ve heard someone a while ago had found a cipher but i can’t figure out how
Bill, I haven’t heard about any code in MPH’s book. Let me know what you find!
Hey there, was recommended this site by a friend and have found some very interesting information here. Love the presentation style, your infographics are awesome.
Have you seen any of Erv Wilson’s work on tuning theory in just intonation? It’s very geometric and mathematic and could make for some great additions to your Musical Geometry section.
A lot of the math is a little out of my grasp as of yet but from what I’ve seen here I think you may have more luck decyphering it.
Thanks very much. I have not heard of this before, Looks interesting.
Are you familiar with the so called Christ angle? What do you think?
No, but thanks for bringing it to my attention, looks interesting. Do you have an opinion on it?
I think this is what you’re talking about..
You lost your Facebook account again Joe? Update what platforms your on please Joe.
Indeed my friend, I’m on my last FB account, Joe Williamson (Philadelphia Pa)
I’m on telegram but don’t talk to many people on it. @joedoubleu