Get Lost “In the Bewilderness”


Okay, not that much of a surprise, really. If you’ve been paying attention to my social media accounts, you had to have known that I was up to something. And I was. I was tinkering with and figuring out the process to publish my own collection of short stories. Not just to Kindle, oh no! There are actual paperback copies to be had of this bad boy!

Check out this sweet, sweet cover:

This book contains a bunch of short stories that I’ve written over the years. Some have been published elsewhere, but close to half of them have never been seen before! If you want to purchase your own copy, you can head over to Amazon and get this bad boy for yourself.

Or, you know, you could enter the contest that I’m having right now.

That’s right! In celebration of this day, I’m giving away not only one free copy of this book, but one free copy of a book that I collaborated on with a bunch of other authors entitled Just Dumb Enough. It’s an epic fantasy romp written by a bunch of veterans from the now retitled Marcher Lord Press.

Check out this sweet cover:

Both books will be autographed (by me. If you want the rest of the Marcher Lords autographs, it’s kind of a DIY thing). You can sign up by using the handy widget below:

Good luck!

One Comment:

  1. Pingback: And the winner is… – John W. Otte

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