Hey! So, do you have a PO. Box or something? I make loads and LOADS of homemade hard candy in all shapes and sizes, and it could be fun to send you some! If you want, of course. If you hate hard candy that's cool. Also, I promise I won't send any shaped like genitals. Well, unless you want a raspberry flavoured penis or apple boobs... Hmm... This question did not turn out the way I planed when I started typing... Oh well! Have a nice weekend and all that jazz!
[Three people with Irish accents, all overlapping each other: “Are they helium balloons?” “Oh for fuck’s sake!” “I told you, the car’s not built for helium balloons!” “Ah, fuck it…” “It’s too late!” “We’re flying away!”]
You know you grew up on Steve Irwin when you see a photo of a crocodile and think, “Wow. Just beautiful.”
And you see Stingrays as the devil themselves
nah man Steve would have forgiven that stingray and absolved it of its sins
He would have apologized for getting into the stingray’s space and making it afraid.
He actually did! Some of Steve Irwin’s last words were, “it wasn’t his fault. I startled him.”
He actually did forgive the stingray. He knew that he had scared it, and that it was only acting to protect itself.
If you put your ear up to a seashell you can hear the sound of mY HEART BREAKING INTO A THOUSAND LITTLE PIECES
This is why I get so mad whenever my folks have Animal Planet on lately and it’s all about WHAT ANIMALS ARE GOING TO MURDER YOU IN YOUR FACE?
Steve Irwin (and at the time at least his contemporary follow-behind Jeff Corwin) ushered in such a pure unbridled LOVE of exotic, ferocious, terrifying animals. He respected the animals so much, he loved them.
Yes, crocs would charge and snakes would lunge, but he would respect when the animal deemed its boundaries well crossed and let it go back on its merry reptilian way.
This was the Tone for my childhood. My education of wild animals was Steve Irwin talking about how beautiful this deadly crocodile was, how majestic and chill and peaceful coexistence could be.
It was Jeff Corwin screaming and yelling at people at the discovery of a snake carcass, killed because of ignorant fear of it. It was harmless, and lost, and scared, and decapitated and he was livid. Why? Why would you do that? It was non-venomous, it didn’t want to be where it was any more than you wanted it to be where it was – why didn’t you call someone to release it?
And now it’s just… “Everything is murderous and animals will eat your face and everything is Ruthless Killing Machines”
and just.
I feel like I’m watching my own father’s work be tainted whenever AP is on. It’s so upsetting.
Because education and understanding don’t sell ad time.
Also why so much of Shark Week has become LET’S PISS THIS THING OFF TILL IT TRIES TO BITE US. “GREAT WHITES ARE MINDLESS KILLING MACHINES AND THEY WANT TO EAT YOU PERSONALLY, SUSAN.” is a lot more ‘exciting’ than “These things are gigantic and they feel with their very sharp mouths but they don’t actually mean anything by it they just don’t know what you are (also you taste nasty to them get over yourself.)”
Just in general I hate how the majority of stuff on Animal Planet (IF it’s actually about animals) is all this CRAZY and DANGEROUS, SHOCKING stuff. I used to love Animal Planet because it was educational and chill. Like I could flip the channel on when I felt anxious and needed to relax (even if it was showing, ya know, animals ripping apart other animals, it was in an educational manner with a narrator explaining stuff about the animals–ya know? Or you had Steve Erwin just exuding his love of animals and making you happy…)