Processing the Covid-19 pandemic in German as a foreign language
Drama pedagogy, Drama in education, Pandemic, Psychodrama, German as a foreign language, TeachingAbstract
The isolation caused by the pandemic has affected students all over the world. It is not only teaching and interaction between students that has suffered, but also the mental health. Movement-oriented teaching is a good way to alleviate mental stress. And movement-oriented teaching also has a beneficial effect on learning. Under the conditions of online teaching, this was a difficult task to achieve. As part of the project "Ich fühle - du fühlst - wir fühlen", which was carried out at the University of Porto in the winter semester of 2021, the aim was to come to terms with this intense time using the tools of drama pedagogy and aspects of psychodrama. As it turns out, even with relatively little knowledge of the foreign language German at A2 level, it is possible to talk about difficult, sometimes very personal topics.
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