All of the residents of this unique township have the right to know what decisions their elected officials are making on their behalf. Joyfield Residents for Accountable Government have taken it upon themselves to established this blog. It will give residents who choose to use technology, a location to find information about township business, until the Joyfield Township Government develops a website of their own.

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Land Use Maps- Exisiting and Future- What are they and what do they do?

Joyfield Township Zoning Districts when
Benzie County Zoning was in effect.  This map was the Future Land Use Map. 

RP10-  Rural Preservation 10 acres
RP5-   Rural Preservation 5 acres
RP25-  Rural Preservation 25 acres
C-1    Commercial District

During the Master Plan process, the Planning Commission has held their public input meetings/vision sessions, etc, and have a  idea of what they believe residents of the township desire for future development.  

The Planning Commission has taken stock of what land uses are occurring in the township, according to how it LOOKS like it's being used. In Joyfield township, each Planning Commissioner had a section of the township to drive through, examine and label what land uses they saw. This information is all put together on one map.  That is the Existing Land Use Map and Definitions-draft form.(not finalized)

The Planning Commission will use that Existing Land Use Map, to develop a Future Land Use Map.  This is a map of what the  planning commission members decide the best use of land in the future should be.  They decide what zoning districts the township should have according to what current land uses are and what public input they have received as to what township residents want for future development.  Typically, basic zoning districts are:  Agricultural, Residential, Commericial, Industrial. These zoning districts will have ordinances written to regulate land use within them.  But a Planning Commission can make any district and name it anything they like.  It can be as simple or as complicated as a Planning Commission chooses it to be.  

Below is the Joyfield Township Planning Commission draft form of the Future Land Use Map. 

Below is the draft form of the Beckett & Raeder suggestion (notice black boxes) of what the Joyfield Planning Commission might set up zoning districts.  The Planning Commission chose not to accept this suggestion. 

Zoning Ordinances will be written based on the zoning districts and the zoning ordinances will regulate land use within the established districts. 

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