Get Back UpQuotable QuotesFalling DownA SignGreat QuotesInspirational WordsGet BackFavorite QuotesLife Lessons100 Inspirational and Motivational Quotes of All Time! (11) - LifeHackPositive quotes about strength, and motivational5
Come Back QuotesVillain ArcSupernatural BooksWu KongFire QuotesJapanese PhilosophyLife Advice Quotes InspirationLife Advice QuotesStoic QuotesCome Back QuotesEvery fall is just a plot twist in your journey to success⬇️ We all stumble, we all face setbacks, nobody goes through life without falling. Your greatest strength doesn’t come from never falling, but from your ability to get back up every single time. Success isn’t about never making mistakes. It’s about how you handle those tough moments. It’s about getting back up, no matter how hard the fall, and continuing forward with even more determination. Every time you rise after a setback, you...137
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Soul PicturesI Wake UpA CellBe OkayNaive ArtThe CellSelf CompassionEasy To LoveLife Goes OnSoul PicturesThere is not a cell in my body that falters, that hesitates, that detours. I wake up and fall asleep to a soul chant that comes from ancient memory: deliver us from evil. There are so few times in life that we truly stand in a space of ethical ethnocentrism and I am certain that this is one of them. When human rights are on the line we intervene - it’s what keeps us human. So we fall asleep and wake up to the same prayer, again and again. A prayer that takes shape and steps forward and links…38