With ExcaDrill anything is achievable
This is between you and the rock. Man against the toughest surface nature can provide. Finding the strongest, smartest way to challenge the opponent requires plenty of professional understanding and a comprehensive set of equipments. Because even in the world of raw power and tough attitudes, a certain amount of intelligence and sophistication have proven useful.
ExcaDrill bores your way into improved profitability. While efficient and precise, it sets you up with an amazing amount of sheer power, enabling you to drill right down to the core of the rock. The road to new opportunities may not always be that even, but with ExcaDrill, anything that comes into your way can be dealt with.

ExcaDrill advantages
ExcaDrill represents an absolutely new and innovative drilling concept. It is based on the principle of attaching the unit as an accessory to the excavator, which allows it to use the existing hydraulic system. It takes less than five minutes to change the bucket for the drilling unit.
The benefit of using ExcaDrill is more than obvious: The same excavator can do different tasks like drilling, excavations, loading, etc. Only one operator is needed to do all this, since all models are equipped with the AutoDrill automatic drilling system.
One ExcaDrill unit can be used on many excavators, i.e. only the drill attachment is moved from one site to another. With the help of ExcaDrill it is possible to drill more efficiently due to the wide working radius and the good maneuverability of the excavator. The percussion hour to engine hour ratio is more than 60 %, which is substantially higher than what can be achieved with conventional drilling rigs.
Thanks to its strong steel construction and ExcaDrill attachmets, the excavator can be enabled to move even in the toughest areas.
ExcaDrill units can also be equipped with a video camera mounted on the excavator’s boom, which makes it possible to follow the drilling process from close range.
All models can be equipped with a laser, which allows drilling of all holes at the same depth.
ExcaDrill series includes six model covering the hole diameters from 30 to 127 mm. The use of the optional rod magazine allows drilling holes up to 29 meters deep. In practice, ExcaDrill is a real drilling rig equipped with the cabin. ExcaDrill is also suit- able for drilling water and air flushing, both above and below ground level.
For further information, please contact:
sales.ed [at] junttan.com
service.ed [at] junttan.com
Tommi Puurunen, Business Manager, ExcaDrill
Tel. +358 45 635 4693
tommi.puurunen [at] junttan.com
ExcaDrill Spare Parts, please contact:
parts [at] junttan.com
Junttan Oy / Youssef Zainana
Tel: +358 50 518 4236
[email protected]

See also our other solutions:
Pile Driving Rigs,
Hydraulic impact hammers,
Multipurpose Piling Rigs,
and also Used and rental piling equipment