Additional equipment of the Kuhn Planter 3 seeder for the application of the liquid fertilizers, UAN

Company Comprehensive AgroService makes reequipment of the seeders (cultivators, disc harrows) for the application of liquid fertilizers, UAN, PPP or their mixtures. In this article we have already talked about the modernization of several seeders KINZE 3700 and Prosem K16.

In the current article, we will consider the next stage of cooperation - the modernization of the KUHN PLANTER-3 seeder, which was carried out by the specialists of the company «Comprehensive AgroService». After the installation of additional equipment on the planter Kukh Plenter 3, its functionality allowed to applicate starting fertilizers during the sowing works.

Below is the general view of the KUHN PLANTER-3 seeder before starting of the re-equipping.

Re-equipment of KUHN PLANTER-3 seed drill for application of liquid fertilizers, UAN, PPP

It is not necessary to move a seeder, cultivator or disk harrow from the place of usual location to make modernization - the specialists of the «Comprehensive AgroService» company will come on the place of its placement. If the technological capabilities allows, then the  company can do the modernization of their technics on there own, after receiving of all the necessary equipment. In case of difficulties, information support is provided. In order to start the planting works as quickly as possible and avoid delays, it is better to immediately use the services of the specialists of the company «Comprehensive AgroService».

On the photo below, you can see an intermediate stage - installation of the module for the distributing of the liquid fertilizers on the KUHN PLANTER-3.

Additional equipment of KUHN PLANTER - 3 seed drill for application of liquid fertilizers, UAN

In order the seed drill be able to applicate the starting fertilizers, equipment must be installed on it that contains and distributes the working fluid.



On the photo below, the next stage - tanks for storaging of the liquid fertilizers are installed.

Modernization of the KUHN PLANTER-3 seeder for applying liquid fertilizers, UAN, PPP Modernization of the KUHN PLANTER-3 seeder for application of liquid fertilizers, UAN, PPP - installation of the Face Control system.

On the yellow tanks are fixed the elements of the system «Face Control». This system controls the patency of individual tubes, through which the working fluid is supplied to the injectors. If the nozzle (jets) is clogged and the fluids outflow disturbed, an appropriate message appears on the screen of the Vodoley spraying computer. The driver can visually monitor the passing of the liquid fertilizer (herbicide) during operation.

On the photo below, you can see a KUHN PLANTER-3 seeder, already modernized for the application of liquid fertilizers. You can clearly see the working fluid tanks fixed on the frame (both yellow).

Kuhn Planter 3, a modernized for fertilizer application


The system of hoses and sensors is not so clearly visible, but it is she who is responsible for feeding the liquid fertilizer to the seeding zone.

We finalize our report on photo field trials of the KUHN PLANTER-3 seeder, modernized for application of UAN, PPP, liquid fertilizers.

Field trials of Kuhn Planter seed drills modernized for application of liquid fertilizers

Thanks to the GPS module, the Vodoley spraying computer transfers to the Agrosystem's database both the outflow speed at current place and the GPS coordinates of it. After completion of the processing of the field, the owner can view the result via the Web interface and assess whether the planned amount of active substance on the given territory is entered.

See the video «Re-equipment of the planter Kuhn Planter 3 for the application of UAN 32»:

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