Lets talk rose gold spray paint colors! I also show some acrylics.

I have bits of copper/rose gold mixed in with my gray, white and aqua-teal colors in my home.

This post contains affiliate links for Amazon and I make commission if you buy through my links in the next 24 hours. See how I roll.

The winner for me… Krylon Rose Gold 53588. Has a nice shiny metal finish. I think its the perfect rose gold shade, to me its the closest to actual rose gold. The Design Master is nice too but a bit more pink like the iPhone.

Colour scheme is a critical element in creating a captivating atmosphere, even in the corporate world. When it comes to the world of online casinos, their choice of colours goes beyond aesthetics; it’s strategic. One intriguing aspect of this strategy is the use of Krylon Rose Gold paint in the colour scheme of their offices. Online casinos such as swiss casino online are known for their glitz and glamour, and the choice of Rose Gold paint isn’t arbitrary because Rose Gold exudes a sense of opulence and luxury that resonates with the high-stakes nature of the industry. It’s a hue that speaks to elegance, sophistication, and, importantly, the allure of winning big. The use of Rose Gold extends to various elements within the office space, from wall accents to furniture and decor. This colour scheme creates an environment that evokes excitement and a sense of possibility, much like the feeling one gets when entering a casino in the physical world.

I just want to note: Be careful handling your finished project as you can leave finger prints from oils from your hands. Any of the shiny metal finishes like this will do that.

Related: 25 Spray Painting Tips

Jars left to right: Krylon Dusty Pink, Krylon Rose Gold, Design Master Rose Gold, Krylon White Copper.

Different light.

I could only find the Krylon Rose Gold and Design Master at the craft store in my area and online. Amazon link bomb to buy your Rose Gold paint. 😀

Update 6/2018: The Valspar Rose Gold is no longer available at Lowes and discontinued.

Related: Rose Gold Acrylic Paint

Valspar Rose Gold spray paint

An acrylic alternative for Valspar Rose Gold. Rose Chrome.

Valspar rose gold alternative

This Rust-oleums Metallic Rose Gold. 286564. Its more of a tanish shade, not a bad color but a Rust-oleum fail! haha. I hope they improve it as Im a Rust-oleum fan. I was hoping it looked better than the cap.

Many cap colors are a bit off with metallics…

Rust-oleum rose gold spray paint color

This Elite pint jar below is really a copper but its very pink toned. Funny this is a copper so pink and the rose gold above is ‘tan’.

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Blush copper spray paint. Use as rose gold.

Its Rust-Oleum, we could call it a ‘blush copper’. Its 7273 Copper Metallic is the color. I found this color at Valu Home Center in my area. Only place I could find it local.

I saw some on Ebay and found it on Amazon but you have to buy it by the case(6 cans). This copper is good for handling, it wont tarnish and leave finger prints like the shiny finish.

7273 Copper Metallic

Update: 6/2019

Rustoleum Desert Rose Gold. This version of rose gold spray paint can be used on handles, etc. Its more durable for handling. I found it at Home Depot.

Rustoleum Rose Gold spray paint, Desert rose gold

Related: Best Gold Spray Paint

This is a copper but its very rose gold! Rustoleum Bright Coat Copper.

Update: 9/19 Rust-oleum introduced Bright Coat Rose gold. Its very similar to Kyrlon. I found it at Home Depot.

Rose gold spray paint. Rustoleum.

Acrylics & Other Rose Gold Paint

Martha Stewart Brand is called Rose Copper.

Craft Smart is Rose Gold. This paint is thick! Its a ‘wax’ this can work well for buffing over another finish to give an ‘aged’ look but with rose gold.

Martha Stewarts Rose gold and Rose Copper. The rose gold on on the right.

Related: Rose Gold Acrylic Paint

I did a ‘buff’ on these mason jars with the Craft Smart Rose Gold. I just buffed on the wax with a lint free cloth over spray paint.

I’ll add other colors as I find them and update this post.

Have you used any Rose Gold or other paints that are a rose gold shade? Are you a rose gold color junkie like me? ha ha.

Rose Gold Acrylic Paint

Copper Spray Paint Colors

Best Gold Spray Paint

Rust-oleum Metallic Colors

Krylon Chalky Finish Spray Paint

Glow in the Dark Spray Paint

25+ Spray Painting Tips

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  1. Hi. Thank you for the work you’ve put into these comparisons. I was wondering if you’ve worked with Rustoleum’s Champagne Rose? I am looking for a truly iPhone rose gold look, and I wanted to see if the Champagne Rose would be the one.

  2. how did you “buff” with the rose gold on the black? I love it and want to do it. Thank you 🙂

    1. I just used a rag, do it more gently so you dont rip off your base color. 🙂

    1. Pdta. Sí vi que el oro rosa del desierto era apto para manijas, pero consulto si has encontrado alguna tonalidad más similar a los krylon del inicio o si la última actialización brigth coat rose gold es también apta para manipularse y poder pintar mis frascos de cocina.

    1. Has anyone found a good topcoat yet — did the wood/floor sealant work? I just spray painted mason jars and would like to protect them. Thank you!

  3. Hi.. I read no topcoat on the metallics what does that mean? Also can I give a spray of clear to prevent fingerprints?

    1. Thats means no clear coat, it will ruin the finish. Ive tried multiple clear coats, even gloss glue and it ruins it.

    2. I’ve read you can only use wood/floor sealant to seal the metallic color and prevent it from chipping/finger prints over time. Haven’t tried myself yet but will let you know once I do.

    3. Hey,Just wanted to ask you I sorted A table and it came beautiful but it seems like the spray it came like dust I can’t even touch it.What can I do on top of it so it doesn’t come off Please.Thank you & keep it up.

    4. Id sand it with a fine grit and start over, you may have had a bad can. It happens sometimes. Ive never had any of these do that but have with chalk spray paint.

    1. Only with a cloth loop curtain, others will scrape the paint. Also with the metallic they can tarnish from the moisture to you’d need to touch up over time.

  4. Hello,
    I was reading the comments and you said to not use a top coat on the metallic but will the Rust-Oleum, ‘blush copper’ 7273 color go bad when touched? I want to purchase it but I can only do the 6 cans and I do not want to purchase if I cant spray my wedding vases that guests can take home, to find out that they tarnished. I want to give them a top coat but I also don’t want to ruin the finish. Thank you

  5. This article was extremely helpful! I’ve come back to it so many times looking at your photos for the different brands of rose gold spray paint! You are super thorough THANKS! <3

  6. Hello, I am
    Trying to find a “ pink” rose gold spray I am Thinking the Design Master Rose Gold But want to make sure with all the info listed above.

  7. Are any of these spray paints non-toxic I would like to paint silverware rose gold but not sure if I could paint the part you eat with?

  8. Hi, could these paints be used on car wheel rims? I did see the blog about plastidip, but would this paint work too?
    Thanks 🙂

    1. No, most of the colors will tarnish and look like crap rather quickly. This is why I went the Plasti Dip way.

  9. Hi,
    Thanks for this quite useful information. I ‘ve skimmed through the posts above, but nowhere noticed anyone inquiring over the use of any of the recommended spray paints on leather and leatherette materials. Would like to freshen up the color on my rose gold shoes and handbag. Which one brand would be suitable? Thank you in advance!

    1. Ive never tried it on leather but I would think it with work using a couple light coats. As for brand, it will depend on the shade of rose gold you are going for. Some are more pink and some are more copper.

  10. Hello! Thank you so much for this post! I want to paint my desk. Do you think if I use a sealer after it will protect against fingerprints?? Thanks in advance!!

  11. I am a fellow rose gold nerd, got married last summer and had rose gold as my color! I’ve been admiring rose gold spray paints dreaming of all the rose gold projects I could create, but knowing that so many things labeled “rose gold” are far from what I think is the true color. This is EXACTLY what I have been needing!!! Your descriptions of the different shades are spot on. Thanks so much for the info! Will definitely be signing up for your blog!

  12. Hi Kelly,

    How many spray cans did you use for He project? I’m doing this on recycled soup cans for my wedding- over 100 cans and do not know how much to buy.

    1. I got 5-7 pint mason jars per spray can so should be about the same if you are using cans about the same size. 🙂

    1. Yes but do light thin coats so its not super ‘wet’ and use a thicker paper, thinner paper may wrinkle and pucker.

  13. Hey Kelly
    Thanks for your entry! It is most informative! I’m preparing my new home and is also crazy with rose gold. Haha
    Had spray paint my water feature ornament. While I was about to top it off with a waterproof spray,
    I realized it was discouraged. May I know are the Rustoleum Universal metallic(aged copper) and Rustoleum metallic copper finish waterproof? I’m afraid they may spoil my water feature by clogging 🙁 …and I dont wish a waterproof spray to destroy the current nice finish too. Thanks in advance for your reply!!

    1. Yes, the metallic that are shiny metal like will ruin… If you can find that Rustoleum color in this post that will be a good one to use for something like that.

  14. Hello! You mentioned your rims are rose gold? Is there a picture of how they turned out?

  15. Hi there! Do you think that first Kryolan one would cover a red surface? Or should I use a white base? I have an old gumball machine I wanna spruce up 🙂

  16. Kelly, we have some lever type door handles on our folding pantry doors in the kitchen. We want them to be a copper color now, to match new décor. We sanded them and painted the Krylon rose gold. It appeared to dry, but then got sticky as we used them. We then sandblasted them and tried again. We let them dry for days inside the house. Again, they have gone sticky again as we use them! Whats with this paint!

    1. The shiny metal finishes dont work well for that. It may be a bad can as well, it happens. For door knobs, etc try the Rust-oleum Universal line or this copper will work better for handles. I just tried this and need to update my Copper Spray Paint post. Its has a hard enamel finish. I hope this helps. 🙂

  17. Hi! Thank you so much for this post! Such a time saver 🙂 I was wondering if you would be able to tell me which of these would match the rose gold iphone closest? Thank you 🙂

  18. Hi! I just ran to Lowes to see if I could find the rust oleum brand but unfortunately they did not have it. i am going to try and purchase it via Amazon or EBay but when I enter 7273 metallic an item comes up but the cap color looks so far from that of the jar so I’m a bit worried. Do you recal if the cap looked like a dark cooper color?

    1. Some of the caps dont match the color that well.

      This is the 7273 color.

  19. Hi…
    I having a small two drawer dresser/nightstand that I bought brand new about ten years ago. I was drawn to get because it was this beautiful, glossy yellow color and I thought it would be perfect in my daughter’s bedroom. Fast forward a decade, I decided to paint it a flat blue color :(.
    I now want to repaint it a glossy rose gold. The problem is that the blue just looks so unforgiving…dry and well, like I said FLAT!
    Do I need to do anything differently to cover the blue and will it make a difference that the gloss is probably still beneath it?
    Thanks so much for your time, like I said, I already love your blog.

    1. You could paint right over it but you should probably use some primer, it will help covering that blue. You may even want to lightly sand the gloss surface too. 🙂 I have things Ive pained at least 5 times! haha

  20. Hi Kelly! TY for your post. In your 25 tips did I read correctly that top coats are not recommended on Metallics such as the rose golds above?

  21. Thank you! I was planning to change the color of a mirror frame. I found the Rustoleum in Copper here in Mexico at Home Depot. I’m eager to start my project!

    1. Im not sure. I know they do have Rustoleum over seas. I hope that helps. 🙂

  22. Thank you for this! I just bought a can of Rust-Oleum metallic in Rose Gold, have you tried this one? It is definitely not named “copper” so idk if it’s the same or similar to the color you have here..

    1. You are welcome.

      It must be new or not in my area yet, I haven’t seen a Rustoleum Rose gold yet! I’ll have to look for it! 🙂

    2. Maybe! I found it at Home Depot, sadly I didn’t see the copper at my store but I’m excited to try the rose gold 🙂

    3. Im going to try to get out sometime next week and see if I can find it around here. I’ll do a jar and add it to the post. ha ha. I hope you love it! 🙂

  23. Love this post but I am confused. Which paint is used for the jar all the way on the left? Thank you!

    1. Do you know if the Valspar Rose Chrome still exists?

      I can’t seem to find mention of it ever having existed except for here

    2. They discontinued it. It was their rose gold shade. I have 4 cans left for sale.

  24. Hi,
    I love the gold paint sprays. Where can I buy both sprays? I cannot find them in internet.
    Best regards,

    1. The Valspar can is at Lowes and I found this for the other, I buy it at Valu Hardware near me, the color is Copper Metallic. I hope that helps. 🙂

  25. Hey! Absolutely love your post. Also being a huge fan of copper spray paint I would like to ask if there is a special name/number of those shades.
    Would love to paint my bike with it!
    All the best from Germany

    1. Thank you. 🙂 The Valspar is Rose Gold, Lowes carries it. Id check to see if you have a hardware store in Germany that carries Vaslpar paints. I chatted with an AU customer a while back and some hardware store in the AU carried Valspar so you might have it too. I think you have an OBI there? The Rustoleum product # is: Copper Metallic 7273830. I hope that helps. 🙂

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