Cultural Transformation
The shift from traditional views of the organization to Enterprise-as-Community requires letting go of the typical “pseudo-community” habits that most people have developed in traditional organizational settings. Those habits have led to a lack of safety and trust in organizational communication and collective work efforts.
The shift from traditional views of the organization to Enterprise-as-Community requires letting go of the typical “pseudo-community” habits that most people have developed in traditional organizational settings. Those habits have led to a lack of safety and trust in organizational communication and collective work efforts.
Pseudo-community habits may be dropped in times of crisis or a push to meet an important deadline, but quickly return as normalcy is restored.
As the Framework unfolds and processes move toward the center of the diagram, the cultural transformation begins to be perceived and new fears and insecurities need to be addressed, which takes the community-building process to a new level. This phase requires further learning on the part of managers as and his facilitators to support new levels of individual, communal, and enterprise developmental processes.
Kaz and his facilitators work intensely with management and team leaders through this process. The learning that results reduces fear and hesitation among the managers, which leads to an increased sense of safety among the workers, which has the added benefit of increasing productivity.
For learning, knowledge creation, and effective knowledge transfer to happen, communities with new standards for interaction, based on authenticity, safety, inclusiveness, and openness must be established. Once in place, such communities enhance the performance of high-functioning individuals and groups by promoting their capacity to validate their own and others’ differences as strengths. Kaz provides the tools and processes to implement this function at all levels in the organization – from working groups to enterprise-wide gatherings.
These group-level transformational processes lead to an organization-wide transformation. As a result, financial and operational performance are linked with human development through enterprise-wide systems of governance, along with policies, structures, and processes that scaffold the progression of human capacity through the performance of daily tasks. Development is not limited to specific occasions or events, but is ongoing in learning communities doing the daily work of the organization in safe, open, authentic processes that enhance the performance of all involved. What had once been a fixed structure based on outdated and outmoded management assumptions and practices that limited the enterprise and its capacities, is now a dynamic, fluid, flexible, high-performance organization, ready to thrive in a constantly changing marketplace and operating environment.
Kaz and his facilitators work intensely with management and team leaders through this process. The learning that results reduces fear and hesitation among the managers, which leads to an increased sense of safety among the workers, which has the added benefit of increasing productivity.
For learning, knowledge creation, and effective knowledge transfer to happen, communities with new standards for interaction, based on authenticity, safety, inclusiveness, and openness must be established. Once in place, such communities enhance the performance of high-functioning individuals and groups by promoting their capacity to validate their own and others’ differences as strengths. Kaz provides the tools and processes to implement this function at all levels in the organization – from working groups to enterprise-wide gatherings.
These group-level transformational processes lead to an organization-wide transformation. As a result, financial and operational performance are linked with human development through enterprise-wide systems of governance, along with policies, structures, and processes that scaffold the progression of human capacity through the performance of daily tasks. Development is not limited to specific occasions or events, but is ongoing in learning communities doing the daily work of the organization in safe, open, authentic processes that enhance the performance of all involved. What had once been a fixed structure based on outdated and outmoded management assumptions and practices that limited the enterprise and its capacities, is now a dynamic, fluid, flexible, high-performance organization, ready to thrive in a constantly changing marketplace and operating environment.