September 5th, 2019

Monthly Wrap Up: August


Not a lot to say with this month. Mostly I just wasn’t in the mood for reading or writing (which is why this is late). I tried to do 2 readthons and didn’t fully complete either of them. I only read 6 books and while overall they were good (only having one 2 star), they were almost all disappointing to a certain degree. I did still manage to have a good variety of books (including a non fiction), read my classic of the month, and continue with my yearly reading challenge. Also midway through the month I started impleneting a new star rating system on a scale of 10 stars that I would then translate into a scale out of 5 stars. For clarification numbers on the left is out of 10 stars and the numbers on the right is out of 5 stars: 1-2 stars=1 star, 3-4 stars=2 stars, 5-6 stars=3 stars, 6.5-7 stars= 4 stars, 8-9= 5 stars (if a book manages to get 10/10 it’s obviously going to be 5 stars). Not a bad month, just wasn’t what I hoped it would be.  

More Than This by Patrick Ness: In the past I’ve read two very different books by Ness. A Monster Calls and The Knife of Never Letting Go. Also had very different opinions about the books. I’ve stayed away from Ness’ other books because they’ve gotten mixed reviews, at best. The one exception seemed to be More Than This, which everyone seems to like but also tip toed around what it’s about. Now having read it, it makes sense why very little is given away about this book, but I really didn’t like it. The only reason I kept reading it was in the hope that I would get answers by the end of the story, which I didn’t. I will say that the first quarter of this book, when Seth is waking up and just experiencing the environment around him, was actually good. Lyrical and introspective, the pacing was just right and really pulled me into the story despite little action or dialogue. It was definitely my favorite part of the book. After the mysterious Driver shows up, however, the entire novel goes downhill. Instead of being a slow, tender story that would focus on people, and life, and mortality, it just degrades into this weird action packed dystopian. Characters were just bland, absolutely devoid of personality and minimal back story to establish how tragic they are. As for Seth himself, I liked that he was gay and in the big scheme of things it wasn’t a big deal, but I don’t get why their had to be such extreme hatred for him being gay when that was only a very small part of the story. What’s most frustrating about this book is that nothing makes sense and it provides no answers. Even the ending makes no sense! I can’t go into any details because of spoilers but this is definitely one of the worst post apocalyptic/ dystopian stories I have ever read, and there are a ton of generic ones out there. This novel was just a cheap Matrix rip off with sloppy execution. Based off my opinion of this book, and what I’ve heard of other works by Ness, I don’t think I’ll be reading any more material that produces. More Than This received 2 out 5 stars (3/10) and was my pick for the Treasure Hunting Readathon: Door.


The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett: I was initially going to read this one next month, as my classic for September, but I picked it up for this month as part of a reading challenge (which I did not complete). I know it’s classic that a lot of people read as a child, but I wasn’t one of those people, and I was curious how I would feel about it as an adult. There were definitely some problematic aspects of this book that are honestly staples of Victorian literature, child abuse (neglect) and racism. That being said, I rather enjoyed this book. It’s a simple story, a sour girl discovering a secret garden, with a lot of depth due to the themes of love, friendship, and growth, making it both easy to read but something that lingers with me. It’s a pretty book, with both the writing and the setting, that works as a timeless classic. The Secret Garden received 4 out 5 stars (7/10).  


The Book Thief by Markus Zusak: When I read this book in junior high, I liked it but I honestly didn’t get the hype. Now rereading, I realize that I missed so much as kid and this is the type of book I would recommend everyone read. Taking place during WWII, this book follows a young girl named Liesel as she grows up in a small town in Germany with her foster family. This is a book that nails everything that a historical fiction should be. The war serves as a backdrop while the spotlight is put on the struggles of daily life and the effects of the war. Characters are all well written, to the point where they come off as life like. Each one stands out as an individual with their own story to tell: from the book thief, to accordion player, to the Jesse Owen’s fan, to the Jewish fist fighter, even Death himself. Even the plot, which is simple war time slice of life, really pulls me in with it’s humanity and stellar characters. It’s honestly hard to restrain myself in this quick wrap up because this book evokes so many thoughts and emotions in me. The best thing about this book is that it shows the humanity, it shows the light even in dark times. There’s very little fault to this book, if any, and is the kind of book the comes along every once in while that you know will withstand the test of time and evolve into a modern classic. Needless to say The Book Thief received 5 out 5 stars (9/10).  


The Social Sex: A History of Female Friendship by Marilyn Yalom and Theresa Donovan Brown: While the topic of this piece of nonfiction did appeal to me, since I’ll read just about any history book that focuses on women, but I think because it was a topic I had such high hopes for, I was ultimately disappointed by it. There were only a few chapters that I thought were actually informative, which is actually the problem I have with most shorter history books. When it’s a history book there’s generally a lot of ground to cover, that can’t be properly condensed into a book under 400 pages. The result is usually a text that glosses over the more intimate and intricate details, which is what I’m really looking for. I really wanted to get a sense of the real world history of friendships among women because it’s something I feel like doesn’t get the spotlight it deserves and even in fiction I’m always looking for good examples of friendship between female characters. The first few chapters focused on the philosophy of friendship, while emphasizing how male dominated it was at the expense of women. That theme remained to almost the halfway point, which I really didn’t want because that lesson has been driven in my head and I don’t want to see it everywhere I go. Those chapters really only focused on a few notable female friendships at various periods of history, and only in 3 countries (sort of 4) in the entire world. There were a few solid chapters in the middle, and the book did end better than it started, but the last few chapters kept repeating the same thing. I felt stiffed because most the book just wasn’t informative or memorable. An interesting subject that just fell short in it’s delivery (and possibly research). The Social Sex received 3 out 5 stars (6/10) and was my pick for the PopSugar prompt “book by 2 female authors” (which was really hard to find).  


The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson: Every century, someone is chosen to be the bearer of the Godstone. Princess Elisa is the current bearer, and while she is prophecised to perform a great act of service, the path to that destiny is filled with danger. When she is married off to a king from a neighboring kingdom she must finally face what it means to be the bearer and begin her long journey with an uncertain ending. I am excited to talk about this one but I’m finding it hard to. When I first read it back in high school, it instantly became one of my favorite series and remained one of my favorite series all these years. Because of how much I loved it, I put this reread off for awhile because I was super nervous that it wouldn’t live up to my previous experience. It didn’t, but to be fair it would be almost impossible since my reading tastes have changed, I have a better understanding of what I think makes a good book, and I’ve been hyping up this book for years.  What made this first book so beloved to me (an intelligent female protagonist who experiences amazing growth and the role of religion) were still all there with the depth that I remember them having. There even some surprising elements: like I still thought the romance was well handled and I loved the world. Everything about it from the religion to the geography to the language and even the fact that all the characters have darker skin (seriously if you’re looking for more diverse YA I would totally recommend this one), clearly has influence from a certain culture in our world but is still its own thing. There were however, a few things that did disappoint me, one of them being a big deal (at least for me personally). The pacing of the narrative itself was fine, especially since there was a lot of journeying in this book, but it almost felt like the narrative was moving too fast and I just wish there were at least a few moments where the plot settles and we get more intimate character moments. The major issue I had with this book the lack of girl power, something I thought this series had but upon reread I was confronted with the fact that it really doesn’t. Again I would like to emphasize that Elisa is a fantastic character, not only because she proves her intelligence and puts it to good use but she’s someone who grows past her insecurities and becomes a better individual for it, but she’s the only female character that gets this treatment. Most of the other females, like her sister Alodia, her nurse Ximena, and her new handmaid Mara, get little screen time and are hardly relevant to the story, while the only female side character, Cosme, is a total bitch to Elisa for basically the entire novel. It was the exact opposite of what I wanted in terms of girl power, and I was really disappointed by that, but that’s my only major complaint. This book has its strong points that elevate it beyond the typical YA fantasy but it isn’t all that I thought it would be. The Girl of Fire and Thorns received 5 out 5 stars  (8/10) and was my pick for the PopSugar prompt “reread of a past favorite.”


The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson: Immediately after I finished The Girl of Fire and Thorns I started reading this one, since I want to marathon read all the books in the Fire and Thorns series, like I did last time. Where the first book focuses on Elisa’s personal growth (the whole series does but its most prominent in the first book), introducing the world, and the battle of good vs evil (Joyans vs Invierne), the second book focuses more on Elisa being a ruler while still having a looming destiny and the political machinations of the world, and starts to blur the line between good and evil. Based on that summary it sounds more like the kind of book that I would love, but I struggled more with this book than I did the previous. I think it’s due to the fact that this book tried to tackle more mature subject matter, but kept the narrative pacing the same as its predecessor, and also didn’t really remedy the issues I had in the previous book, which were only more prominent. I didn’t like the political intrigue because almost everything about it was just kind of dumped in the book with no prior development, which it really needed in order to create a believable scenario. I discussed in The Girl of Fire and Thorns wrap up that I was pretty disappointed by the lack of girl power which only got worse in this book. Mara as a character frustrated me because she only existed to talk about boys with Elisa, but there’s also a lack of females being major characters or even important figures in politics. Even Elisa being a ruler is undermined by all the males in her court (except Hector), which is something I’ve seen done with YA fantasies with female monarchs, and I really don’t like it because it reduces the queen down to little more than a figure head. Carson clearly shows that she can write amazing characters that are also female, but I don’t know why she reserves it to only 1. Speaking of Elisa though, she is the best thing about this whole series. Like I love everything about Elisa. I love that she retains her core characteristics (strong moral code, her faith and intelligence) but she continues to progress as a character, constantly evolving to reach her full potential. She’s honestly what drives the narrative, her decisions as a queen, her destiny as the bearer of the Godstone, and her internal growth. As YA fantasy, especially one from the time period it was published, this is a good book, but it’s frustrating seeing the obvious potential this book has to be a rather sophisticated fantasy series, but then just not having it reach that potential. The Crown of Embers received 4 out 5 stars (7/10).


Thank You Everyone

Keep Calm and Keep Reading

August 10th, 2019

Monthly Wrap Up: July


July didn’t quite go how I planned it to. First, there was my families vacation to South Carolina. I brought several books with my because I thought I would just be able to crank out within a few days, but our stay was much shorter than usual and even during traveling I wasn’t able to read as much for various reasons (fear of planes and driving in the dark). So in that time frame I was only able to complete 3 books, which was good but nowhere near what I was hoping. Than work started getting busy, and I had to deal with some graduate school stuff, so I didn’t have as much time for reading. That all being said I was still able to complete 10 books, most of which were good and I gave 3 or 4 stars to (there were a few notable exceptions), and accomplished various reading goals, like completing the Reading Frenzy’s Runaway with the Circus Readathon (which consisted of 6 prompts) and did my classic of the month. I will also say this month had a huge variety of books, both in the genre and status, and while I still definitely gravitate toward adult fantasy, I feel like picking up books outside of my preferred genre is becoming easier as I end up liking more and more of those selections. To summarize, despite not getting to all the books I wanted to and the three 1 star reads, this month was really solid and I definitely found some books that I could add to my favorites of the year.  

Morning Star by Pierce Brown: Darrow must complete the mission of the Sons of Ares, to break the chains of Society, but the events of the previous book have completely changed things. With dwindling resources and allies, Darrow and the Sons of Ares make a final stand against the tyranny of the Sovereign and the Jackal. Upon rereading this book, I’m definitely glad that Brown is continuing the series because I don’t think this works well as a finale. When I read the last book in the series, I want to feel that full emotional impact and want a sense of resolution from the ending. I’m not saying everything needs to be completely fixed, I like having a few loose threads, but this ending leaves me with such a sense of uncertainty that I almost feel anxious, which is not something I want from a finale. My biggest issue with this book was probably the pacing of the book, and how everything was just rushed so it could be crammed into one last book. I know there’s a lot that this book had a ton it needed to cover, and without a doubt one of this series strongest feature is its action, but something was off and this seemed to produce a ripple effect that tainted other elements of this book. The stakes didn’t feel as high, despite the fact that they were potentially world ending stakes. Characters arcs were incomplete, with only Darrow and Sevro having really progressed in any way (and even then I have mixed feelings about Darrow’s arc), and romances were really forced into the narrative with little chemistry between the couples. New characters that were added in honestly had little impact. There was, however, 1 major highlight of this book, and really the whole series. That was the villain, The Jackal. As a villain, he is terrific. He’s terrifying, amoral, cunning, and deceptive. He isn’t a fighter, but that’s what makes him so dangerous, because he knows how to get others to do the fighting so that all opponents underestimate him. His petty grievances against his family, and self worth issues make him human, but he is anything but humane. He’s honestly one of the best villains, ever. Morning Star was a fun, enjoyable read, but it really lacked the development that it needed to elevate and complete it, and as a finale it really is disappointing. Morning Star received 3 out 5 stars and for the Circus Readathon was my pick for the Flyer prompt “a book set in space.”      


Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys: When I completed Sepetys novel Salt to the Sea, I loved it so much that I decided to read the rest of her books. I took this one with me when I went on vacation because I would be in South Carolina, and since this book is set in the south I thought it would be the perfect time to read it. This is a historical fiction set in New Orleans during the 1950s. Josie is the daughter of a prostitute with big dreams of leaving behind all the prejudice and brothel that she has grown up in and starting fresh with a college education from a prestigious college. I admit I had high standards going into this one because of Salt to the Sea, and while Out of the Easy wasn’t as good, I still liked it. There were a few hiccups however. This narrative lacked direction at times, to the point where things just stalled, with no action or quiet moments. I also didn’t like the romance. It wasn’t awful but very predictable and just didn’t have enough substance or development, especially when compared to almost every other relationship. The one other thing I struggled with was the setting itself. The writing just didn’t convey the vibrancy of New Orleans, which is shame because New Orleans has such a colorful reputation. Most of these complaints, however, were minor and this book managed to pull of a really solid, more mature narrative without being depressing. Characters were the highlight of this book because all of them had a life like quality to them, but the best one was probably Josie. Watching as various relationships shape who she is, working hard to achieve her dreams, and having to tackle disappointments and harsh realities made her She’s definitely a flawed individual, but I think that at least makes her relateable and sympathetic. Still not as good as Salt to the Sea, but a decent good and one of the better historical fiction novels that I’ve read. Out of the Easy received 4 out 5 stars.


Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang: Since I was going on vacation, I just wanted a nice quick read, and I tend to overall like short story collections. I wasn’t sure what I expected going into this, I think I was hoping for something like Ken Liu’s Paper Menagerie anthology, but that wasn’t what this collection was. It was exclusively science fiction stories (though there were a couple stories that blurred the lines) but the most surprising aspect was definitely how many hard SF stories there were, which is a sub genre I’m not comfortable with yet. Those stories were definitely my least favorite because not only did I disliked what they focused on, physics theorems and mathematical proofs (which I’ve always struggled with) but also from a writing stand point these stories were the weakest. There were several issues present in most of the stories (weak endings, cold tone, impersonal characters, and disjointed narratives) but they were just really all present and emphasized in the 2 hard SF stories (Story of Your Life and Division by Zero). On the bright side, there was some very good stories that I really loved that I think nailed everything a short story should be. My favorite 2 stories were Tower of Babylon and Seventy Two Letters, both of which would get 5 stars. The individual stories get mixed reviews from me, ranging from poor 1 star, to average 3 star, to excellent 5 star, and despite the fact that execution felt weak in most of the stories, most of the stories at least had some interesting themes. Overall thought it was a decent collection and I’m glad I read it, but I wish I had known it would be just SF stories. As a whole, Stories of Your Life and Others received 3 out 5 stars.    


    The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle: This is classic fantasy story that somehow managed to stay under my radar until a couple years ago. I honestly didn’t expect much out of it, but at the very least it would be a quick, easy read, with a simple premise of the last unicorn going on a quest to find the rest of her kind. After completing this one, it actually managed to exceed my expectations. It definitely hit all the beats of a classic fantasy: a long quest, medieval European setting and myths, wicked king, magic and prophecy. There’s a lot of elements about the book that could make me dislike it, because I have struggled with several epic fantasy novels in just this past year. The difference is that The Last Unicorn is significantly shorter than the other books, and that is without a doubt what makes it work for me. Instead of dragging the story out as long as possible to make it seem grand and epic (because everyone’s trying to emulate Tolkien), Beagle gets right to the point and keeps everything at a smaller scale. This pays off because almost every scene feels worthwhile and I’m actually invested in the characters, who were all interesting and well written. Even things I would normally irritate me, I thought was well done. Specifically the prophecy aspects of the narrative. Prophecies are so overused, and rarely done well, they usually make the story feel cheap. In The Last Unicorn, the prophecy wasn’t a fundamental part of the story, but it did add layers and the way it played out was done in such a poetic way that it really was a satisfying addition to the narrative. There were also some great themes in this story, in fact the whole thing felt like a mystical allegory for growing up, and I personally love finding good coming of age narratives. There was a lot about this novel that just worked for me and I thought was well executed, but there were a few missteps. Most were minor, like one filler scene (that was a bit weird), and the juxtaposition of modern pop culture reference being present in a medieval setting, but the biggest issue I had was the ending. It was a vague and just felt like I was missing something (though I can’t pin point exactly what), but the ending definitely dropped the rating a little. All in all this was a solid fantasy that stands the test of time, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good stand alone fantasy novel. The Last Unicorn received 4 out 5 stars and was one of the books I read for the Reading Frenzy’s “Runaway with the Circus” Readathon.          


    Brisingr by Christopher Paolini: Long books can be a struggle to get through, especially if you become increasingly frustrated with the story, and oh boy was that the case for this one. Over 700 pages, and I’d say about 600 of those pages was just filler. Most of the story was dedicated to sub plots which I think were supposed to add to the characters and the world  (like the Dwarves electing a new king) and the only events that tied the book to the rest of the series was at the very beginning and end of the book, which makes the entire book feel unnecessary. To add insult to injury, this tome of a book was almost exclusively in the POV of people I didn’t care about. Eragon was annoying at first, but now he’s just bland because his purpose in this book seemed to just be a mouth piece to spew exposition. There’s also the detail of him having made allegiances to everyone he comes in contact with, and while this could have been an interesting plot point and character flaw (since everyone points out that he’s basically spread himself to thin) nothing really comes of it. Roran got a lot more screen time in this book, and I hated his POV in the second book and I disliked it even more in this one, because he doesn’t do anything and doesn’t deserve all the leadership he gets. He’s basically a discount Eragon, his chapters were so grating that I just started skipping them all together. The ultimate slap in the face though, was the removal of Nausada’s POV. She’s my favorite character, by far, the most complex, and I really felt her absence. In general I was so disconnected from the story and the characters, that after days of finishing it I honestly don’t remember most of what happened. It sucks because not only was this a favorite series of mine as a child, but also because I see glimpses of potential for this series to be elevated for adult audiences but nothing is done with it. I’ll read the last book at some point, just to finish the series, but I’m in no rush to get to what will probably another disappointing tome. Brisingr received 1 out 5 of stars.


    The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson: For a little over a year I’ve wanted to read this book. Granted it’s a mystery which falls out of my usual genre, but it was receiving enough attention to make me curious. Almost immediately I had issues with this book, and those issues stretch through the entire narrative. First is the writing style. Larsson (or at least the translator, since this was originally published in Sweden) seems to use a very dry style, utilizing the precise words that are needed. I have a history of disliking books with a dry style and this one was no exception. The result was that I was honestly bored, felt like I was reading a lot of filler that focused on what exactly everyone looked like and what they were doing, and just in general very detached from the narrative. The other part of this book that was off putting for me was the sexuality and sexual violence. Like this is definitely a novel I would only recommend for an adult audience. I already knew there was going to be a rape scene with Salander, but there was more than just that, which I was not expecting. It just builds up, from the male protagonist constantly having casual sex, to the way men regard Salander, to Salander being explicitly raped twice, then a missing person case turning into a hunt for a sexual sadist with a trail of bodies. It was so bleak and really turned me off from the narrative. Combining the writing style and sex, and I ended up skimming the majority of the book, because every time I tried to fully read, I just felt worn down. Speaking of which the mystery narrative wasn’t that good. I’ve seen worse but I wasn’t invested in this one at all, there were some notable holes in it, and toward the end it was pretty obvious who was the killer. I wasn’t invested in the characters because they basically felt like archetypes that I either disliked or had seen way too many times, although Salander did manage to have a few shining moments. Basically there was nothing that I liked about this story: the tone, the writing, the violence, the characters, and the story itself. I personally would recommend just watching the movie if you’re curious about this one, since I could see it potentially being better in movie format. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo received 1 out 5 stars and was my pick for the PopSugar prompts: “set in Scandinavia,” “published post humously,” and “features an amateur detective.”


    Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell: The only reason I read this book is because I wanted to knock out some challenge reads. I didn’t expect to love this one, it’s not in a genre I gravitate towards and Rowell’s books strike me as a mix between John Green and Nicholas Sparks novels, neither of which I have any interest reading. However, this novel fulfilled 2 prompts, so I really needed to get this one done. Honestly, this one felt like I was reading fanfiction. The writing was choppy and juvenile, the dialouge was awkward and unnatural, the characters were card board cutouts made from a collection of cliques, there was no chemistry with the romance (love interest was a bit of creep at times), and whenever there was a plot it was melodramatic moments that the author was trying to force. Even though this was supposed to be a coming of age book, with the protagonist going off to college, and being in a fandom (with the fictional fandom being a blatantly gay Harry Potter), it delivered on none of that. If you want a good book on fandoms, with a well written protagonist with social anxiety, I would skip this book and just read Eliza and Her Monsters. Everything about this book was lazy and awkward and was even uncomfortable at moments, and I’m just glad I got it over with quickly. Fangirl received 1 out 5 stars and was my pick for the PopSugar prompts: “set on a college campus” and “author whose 1st and last name start with the same letter.”


    The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter by Theodora Goss: This book was in a word, fun. All this book wanted to do was tell a fun story, and I think it delivered on that. The whole story focuses on Mary Jekyll as she discovers that her late father was part of a secret organization of scientists that might be connected to a recent string of murders in London. Along the way she meets several other women in the same predicament as her, and together they work to stop the mysterious Society of Alchemists before it’s too late.  Loved how the whole book is just a nod to several iconic literary figures, especially of Victorian Literature, but it really focuses on the females and the effect that their “fathers” had on them. The way the book was written, as a sort of memoir with each of the girls adding in their own commentary, worked well because it gave us some insight to each of their personalities as well as making slight commentary on the Victorian Era. Surprisingly I also liked how the mystery was handled, because that’s usually where a story comes crashing down for me. I think that’s because it took it’s time to develop and arise naturally, kept the stakes relatively small, and set the groundwork for a series long conflict. I thought Mary was a pretty good protagonist, a practical minded leader and good hearted individual. While the book keeps the plot simple, which worked, its also kept most of the characters simple, which did not entirely work. For most of the girls, and even other side characters, I felt like they weren’t developed much outside of their original context. Which meant that I didn’t feel much attachment to them, nor did I get a feel for their inner dynamics, which is rather important for group based stories. Granted the book didn’t suffer too much from it and we have the whole just of the series to further develop them. In my opinion this book is ultimately just a fluffy story that’s great for reading slumps. The Strange Case of the Alchemists Daughter received 4 out of stars and was my pick for the Circus prompt “Cotton Candy: a fluffy and light hearted read.”


    Nevernight by Jay Kristoff: Hyped books always make me skeptical, because more often than not I’ve been burned by them. Initially I got this one as a gift for my sister because it seemed like the type of book she would enjoy, but I was intrigued because of all the praise it had been receiving. If the premise of this book sounds familiar, a young girl training to take revenge on a corrupt government that executed her family, that’s because it is. At the start this book does feel just like a copy of Arya Stark’s narrative, and even the rest of the story features overused tropes that I don’t like (Mean Girl and Mean Teacher) but I think everything else about this book makes up for that. The world was really interesting, a blend of various real world time periods and cultures but injected a healthy amount of fantastical elements. Loved the Red Church and the various classes, aka Halls, because you actually get to see what the acolytes learn and how it would be useful. “Truths” was definitely my favorite because that was the class with poisons and chemicals. I also appreciate the fact that while this definitely is an adult fantasy, and has dark and grim elements, it never steps over the line of being bleak to an absurd degree like a lot of fantasy (adult and YA) currently is, which is nice because I hate grimdark books. Characters were all interesting to say the least because while each was unique, with their own quirks and motivations, they all have a cut throat streak to them since all are either assassins or training to be assassins. While I did like Mia and found her to be an excellent protagonist, she wasn’t actually my favorite character, which speaks to how good the side characters were. All the relationships in this book were artfully done and really tugged on my emotions. Like I wanted to trust others and for true friendships to be developed, only for the rug to be ripped from under me and those relationships only to end in death or betrayal. Even liked the romance, which is saying something because it’s hard for to find a romance I think works well (still didn’t need the sex scenes though). As for the plot, I’ve already stated that there were some tropes and the story did drag at times, but overall I liked the story. I liked seeing the various twists and turns that it took, I thought the flashbacks were well utilized, all the pieces just clicked together, and by the end of the story I was on the edge of my seat with anticipation. There’s also a matter of the footnotes, which I know some people don’t like, but I personally liked them because of how they added world building but also conveyed the narrators wit. This book wasn’t super original, but everything about this book was really solid and I honestly loved it. I’m eager to see where the rest of the series goes. Nevernight received 4.5 out 5 stars, and was my pick for the PopSugar prompt “religious setting,” and for the Circus Readthon prompts: “Big Top” (red, white, black colors on cover), “Grandstand” (hyped book), and “Ringmaster” (first book in a series).    


    The Art of War by Sun Tzu: Over the years, I’ve read a variety of books. Mostly fiction, mostly fantasy but I’ve also read plenty of non fiction and classics, yet this one is really isn’t like any other book I’ve read. A blend of classical writing and non fiction, above all it’s a book on military tactics. While the concept is good, and I did find this insightful, I don’t read books that focus on military. It’s such a dry, technical form of writing that I struggle to visualize and can’t connect with, and as a result I just tend to glaze over battle scenes, even in fiction novels that I’m really liking. I also didn’t like how the supplemental notes and translations were placed within the book, to the point where the writing felt very choppy, and I honestly struggled with getting through the last 50 or so pages. On that note, I think Art of War is an interesting read, that illuminates the delicate relationship between peace and war, and does make the subject of military strategy approachable and understandable, but the subject still isn’t something up my alley, and there were times I was just bored when reading it (both due to the subject and the writing itself). The Art of War received 3 out 5 stars and was my classic read of the month.  


    Thank You Everyone

    Keep Calm and Keep Reading

    July 5th, 2019

    Monthly Wrap Up: June


    Okay, so I’m actually a bit surprised that the month turned out the way it did. After the past couple of months, I accepted that wasn’t likely to read a total of more than 5 books. This month I was able to read a whopping total of 15 books. 15! I haven’t read that many books since January. Granted 2 of those books were DNF, one was a short classic, and another was only 7 pages, but still it’s an impressive amount for the month. As for ratings it was all over the place. I had everything from a 1 star DNF to even a 5 star book, but the majority of books fell in the middle with 3 stars. This was also a surprise because toward the middle of this month, I was just reading 1 and 2 star books back to back. I lost my enthusiasm for reading, resigned myself to the possibility that this would be a horrible reading month, and even went a few days where I didn’t read anything. After soon detox time, I pushed through and even managed to end the month on a relatively good note. Also got back on track with the reading challenges. I read a total of 6 books for the PopSugar Reading Challenge and finished at least 1 of the books I set out for the Reading Frenzy’s Pride Month Buzzword Challenge. Biggest achievement was completing my Goodreads Goal of reading 50 books within the year. By the end of this month I completed 60 books, and now I want to see if I can make it to 100. Probably won’t but, it will be an amazing accomplishment. So despite a significant low point, June was actually a good month.

    Armistice by Lara Elena Donnelly: The previous book Amberlough had been a thorough disappointment, and I was nervous this one would be the last straw for this series. In fact it came close to being the biggest disappointment of the month. If this book wasn’t impressing me by the halfway point than I was just going to give up the series. That did not happen, in fact I really ended up enjoying this book. Continuing some time after the previous book (I honestly couldn’t tell you how much time, probably no more than 5 years), we follow a few characters from the previous book in their new circumstances, as well as a new character with connections to all the old characters. As I said in my Monthly Wrap Up for May, characters were the driving force for this series, which is part of why the first book struggled, because the character weren’t done well. In this book however, the characters are much better because they now have some sense of identity. Aristide and Cordelia were tolerable, if not a little likeable at times. Cordelia’s clearly been through some tough times but keeps grinding through to achieve her goal of destroying the Ospies, and her skills are good enough to convince other to help her cause. Aristide seems to want out of the criminal life, enjoying a new life of luxury in film, but the past won’t let go of him. The new character, Lillian, was fantastic, like without a doubt the best part of the book. I like how she’s connected to the other characters, both with her profession and the fact that she’s Cyril’s sister. Her work with the press puts in several politically delicate situations, but she demonstrates the smarts and the drive to accomplish her goal of saving her son. Through her you also finally get some behind the scenes political machinations, something this entire series needs yet usually fails to deliver on. Onto one of the stronger aspects of this series, and that suprisingly is the romance. The series stretching relationship is Aristide and Cyril, and with Cyril being absent, you see how much Aristide is effected by Cyril’s absence. While having the main relationship be a gay romance, my favorite relationship was between Lillian and Jinadh, a minor royalty from the lush, tropical country where half the books takes place (I think the name is Liso, but I honestly don’t know). They have a history, which resulted in their son, but can’t be together due to her profession and social taboo’s in his country. Yet when they meet again they still feel the chemistry, they want a relationship. They have their differences but are willing to put it aside in order to get their son to safety. I also thought some things that the previous book struggled with where partially remedied in this book. There were actual examples of Ospie atrocities, actual political intrigue (but I still struggle to fully grasp what’s going on), and complex motivations that make sense. The setting was lush and tropical, and again had that 1920s feel with the film industry and airplanes, but I still struggle with knowing anything about the world (I don’t even know where half the book takes place). So while this book does greatly improve from the first one but it doesn’t take things to the extent that it needs to and I’m more than a little worried about how the last book is going to go. Armistice received 4 out 5 stars.


    City of Lies by Sam Hawkin: I wanted this to be a 5 star book. All of the reviews I read made it seem like it had the potential to be 5 stars, but it wasn’t. Part of issue might have been how long to took to get through this book. First I kept putting off reading it because I was worried that I wouldn’t love it and the beginning chapters were very involved and were also fairly long. Than in the middle of reading it I had to put this book on hold so that I could get through other books that I needed to finish in May. This constant delaying of the book contributed to the feeling of the plot dragging, but looking back at the plot itself, there really wasn’t much action after the second half of this book except for in the last chapter. The whole story revolves around a murder mystery that begins shortly before the city is under siege. As our protagonists try to find the killer and stop the siege they must figure out who is loyal and delve into the dark secrets of their city. This was a book that had so much potential, it really could have been a 5 star book. Even as I was going over my tag notes for about the first quarter of the book I saw a tone of potential for the world and characters and really saw how nuanced the story and themes could have been. Then the story starts to drag on and on and really starts to show it’s true colors as a debut novel. This all culminates in an extremely lackluster, completely out of left field climax with one saving grace scene. Everything in the first quarter of this book was great: the writing was detailed and intriguing but not overwhelming, the POV characters had some depth, with their own sets of assets and flaws, and were immediately put to the test with a change in circumstance, the world was rich and unlike so much grimdark fantasy that I’ve been reading by portraying that while there were relevant grievances against those in charge it wasn’t all bad, and the whole emphasis on poisons was cool. The mystery for the majority of this book was actually done well, which I haven’t really seen well done mysteries in SFF books. I was as lost as the protagonists were, it made sense why they couldn’t figure out who was behind the conflict of the books, and everyone made for an equally believable. Then things shifted and for some reason the story starts to drag on and on, with the same points being reiterated over and over and no real progress is made, and really starts to show it’s true colors as a debut novel. Characters lose their depth (and prominence), the conflict becomes more black and white in morality, new things are just thrown in with little development, and the mystery loses its suspense. This all culminates in an extremely lackluster, completely out of left field climax with one saving grace scene. I really wanted this to be a 5 star novel but it just wasn’t. City of Lies received 3.5 out 5 stars and was my pick for the PopSugar prompt “debut novel.”


    Gone by Michael Grant: Much like City of Lies, Gone was a book that had a 5 star start. You are immediately thrown into a tense and strange situation with all the other kids, who are now trapped within a confined area and everyone over the age of 15 has disappeared. Aside from trying to survive without adults, new threats emerge in the form of bullies, mutants, and a mysterious creature known only as The Darkness. I loved this series as teen, completely wrapped up in the action and the characters, and was really hoping it would live up to those expectations. It did, at first. The beginning really grabs you and doesn’t let go. I didn’t want to put the book down, I needed to read how everything played out, and I loved that. Things went downhill when they POV started shifting to less interesting characters and the story really started to lose its tension. Also as weeks have passed between me finishing the book, I find myself forgetting most of what happened and just not being attached to the characters. There were a few that were compelling but they were put aside for Sam and Caine’s rivalry which was both clique and not well done. Once the series started slowing down, it never really recovered and even during a high stakes climax, which the entire book has been building up to, I wasn’t as invested in the story as I was at the beginning. Above all else, this very much felt like a YA book, with the simple writing, archetypal characters, and underdeveloped plot. Gone received 3 out 5 stars and was my pick for the PopSugar prompt “about someone with a superpower.”


    The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman: Here it comes, the inevitable 1 star DNF of the month. Though I will say this book wasn’t bad, it just really wasn’t for me. While I like warm books, I don’t usually prefer light hearted books (another reason why I don’t reach for contemporary). I will, however, still read these books if they fit the following conditions: they contain certain things within the narrative that I like, I’m aware that it’s a light hearted story, and I’m in the mood for a light hearted story. I was not in the mood for that kind of story nor did I know the book would turn out to be one of those kind of stories. I went in there for the library bits because I am a book lover, and I think that is why many people are initially interested in reading this book. Unfortunately, the Library itself was hardly seen or utilized from what I read, so that things could focus on a book retrieval mission, which I found to be both absurd in its execution and boring. It felt like a bait and switch, intentionally drawing in readers with the promise of this really cool library that the story and characters revolved around only for it to actually be about a wacky retrieval mission and murder mystery in a weird alternate world. Which is a shame because what we see of the Library (lots of training with numerous people, vast sectors of different books from different worlds, the various classifications of different worlds based on magic/ chaos and technology, ancient meets modern) was really cool yet is completely underutilized and underdeveloped. Like, why is it so hard to write a good library setting? Seriously, the only good one I’ve ever seen was the Clayr Library in Lirael, and even that was underutilized. It’s not just the bait and switch nature of the narrative that upset me, but literally everything else in the book was disappointing. The writing was so zaney, almost trying to emulate an episode of Doctor Who, and it was so absurd and over the top that it just grated on my nerves. Like for awhile Cogman seemed to be deliberately putting Liechtenstein in every other paragraph to sound clever and funny, but it became very irritating, very quickly. The world that the characters spend most of their time in could have been interesting, an alternate Steampunk London (still don’t fully grasp why Victorian London is such a popular setting) with faries in it, but it was so focused on being as weird and over the top as possible that I couldn’t enjoy the world, and we never really get much of a sense of what any of the other worlds are like. The character were at best lack luster and at worst irritating. I wanted to love Irene because she’s a book lover, relies on her smarts, and I love those kind of characters, but she failed not just as a book lover but as a character in general. We are told Irene a book lover but never shown it, and other than her reading a few books, nothing is really known about her. I don’t know really anything about her personality, her likes, her dislikes, her history, what she’s like on missions. I don’t even know what books she prefers to read or her opinions on various books. She was a very flat character that felt like a prop in the story. This emptiness is further extended  with her relationships. Her parents are always absent but she’s not mournful or glad of this fact. She has no attachment to them, in fact she doesn’t really show attachment to anyone. Like seriously, this woman seems to have no close friends despite the fact that she works in a large multi dimensional library with other book lovers. This again serves to make her come off as more of a cardboard cut out rather than a fully fleshed out character. The only other “relationship” we see is this petty rivalry she has with literally the only other on screen female. It was so annoying witnessing the only 2 female characters being catty toward each other. This may improve because the rival seems to stick around up to the latest book, but I couldn’t stomach it with the rest of the book’s contents. Despite how disappointing Irene was, Kai, her new partner, somehow managed to be worse. He was this smoldering guy, wearing a leather jacket and being incredibly gorgeous. He could have been interesting because apparently he’s a dragon, or part dragon, but he’s so forgettable outside of his looks that you have to be constantly reminded in the story that he is a dragon. The best thing I can say about him is that he wasn’t a snarky jerk, but he was just devoid of personality. As far as I got there wasn’t any romance going between Kai and Irene but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where it goes. This is a book where characterization, setting, and even plot are sacrificed in favor of writing in a particular style, and this felt a little insulting to me as a reader, but mostly the style just did not mesh well with me. Gave The Invisible Library 1 out 5 stars, since it’s a DNF, and was my pick for the PopSugar prompt “favorite prompt from past reading challenge,” which asked for a book that features a library. One day I’ll read a book with a good library!


    Amnesty by Lara Elena Donnelly: While this wasn’t a bad finale, it was disappointing. In fact this whole series was disappointing. I thought based on the covers, and the premise, and other people’s review, the series would sweep me away with it’s dazzling characters and plot. What should have been a firework, was a sad a little party popper. This book takes another time skip and takes place after the Ospie regime is put out, and follows various characters as the deal with the aftermath of the previous 2 books. All the issues that have plagued the previous books in the series were repeated in this one, and I was honestly over it. Focusing on how tragic mediocre characters are doesn’t work if I don’t care about them. Even after completing 2 books I didn’t really know these characters, I didn’t have a grasp of what made them tick, and I felt no attachment to them. While I was disappointed with the characters, the worst thing about this book, and really this entire series, was how the plot and themes were handled. If this book had focused on the election and all the political turmoil, or even the effect these events were actually having on citizens, it would have been a much stronger series. Unfortunately, readers are only given scraps of that narrative, while the author prioritizes the melodrama between characters. This is most telling with the climax, were the results of the current election aren’t divulged, it’s just left hanging in the void, but several chapters are dedicated to detailing the journey of 2 characters leaving the country. There were some interesting themes that had a lot of potential but aside from giving a few nods to it, there isn’t anything done with them. Lillian was once again the only source of anything good in this book. It’s through her that we get the election subplot, and I felt for her going managing sticky political situations while having to deal with her brother Cyril who’s been labeled a war criminal. Honestly without Lillian, this entire series would have been only 1 or 2 stars. Potential isn’t enough to carry a series, and when execution fails the end results are disappointing, which sums up not only this book but this entire series. Amnesty received 2 out 5 stars.


    Space Opera by Catherynne M. Valente: This one is going to be short because there isn’t a lot to say. I only managed to get about a third of the way into it, which I haven’t done in years. Whenever I DNF I make an effort to get 50% of the way through so that the characters or plot has a chance to improve. The reason I quit at 33% was because my issues with the book had nothing to do with the characters or plot. The writing style was awful. It was pure word vomit, overloading the page with every word that sounded like it could fit, and some that didn’t. The writing honestly starting resembling a Donald Trump speech with utilizing the quantity of words used (and how cool they sounded) versus the actual quality of word usage. It was about at that point that I had to put the book because I couldn’t take it anymore and I knew that this was something that was not going to change as the book progressed. I honestly couldn’t tell you anything about the characters or the plot, because everything was so weird. Granted I expected an eclectic writing style based on my experience with Valente’s other novel, Deathless, and the general premise of this story, but it was so over the top it was just nauseating and unbearable. I’ve read a short story of Valente’s and really liked that, but I just don’t agree with her novels. Space Opera received 1 out 5 stars and was my pick for the PopSugar prompt “book about a game or puzzle,” since it’s not about a game exactly but more about a competition.    


    Hunger by Michael Grant: I don’t have much to say about this one for a few reasons. I hit another mini reading slump because when I was reading this book I wasn’t reading anything I was enjoying. This lead to me just skimming like the last half of this book so that it could be over. Even doing that, though,  this book still lacked the level of action that the first book had set up. Not to say that there wasn’t some significant things that occurred, but I really think this book suffered from second book syndrome. This book picks up immediately where the first book left off, all the kids still trying to survive in the FAYZE with dwindling resources and Caine recovering from his previous defeat and plotting against Sam. Most of the book is similar to the first one, kids being kids and not really managing things and different power struggles, and once again things being built up just to serve their purpose in the climax, which I think is the biggest fault of this book. Nothing was organically developed, the story seemed to drag on and at slow pace (despite the majority of the book literally taking place within 24 hours), characters were being stupid and generally assholes (heroes and villains), and there was a lot of forgettable material in this book. The saving grace of the previous book was the strong beginning, which this book lacked. The only saving grace of this book was that there were some compelling themes, but even that’s a bit of stretch because they were once again poorly developed. After finishing this book I was really tempted to quit the whole series, which is telling of how frustrated I was with this entire book. I will at some point continue with this series, but I need to take a little time off after completing this disappointment. Hunger received 2 out 5 stars.  


    Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu: Close to the beginning of the year I was wanting to read a classic novel each month to widen the genre of books I read each month and get back into regularly reading classics like I used to in high school. I read Little Women, but that was really it. Last month Barnes and Noble had a sale on classics, so I picked up a couple that I really wanted to get. This one was the first one I read, and is actually a reread. I first read it for a literature course I had to take in college and I really liked. I liked the soothing tone it set and I found it to be a very thought provoking classic (even if I didn’t always agree with what it was advocating). I figured I would probably enjoy rereading it and I think I liked it even more the second time. It’s got a very serene tone, the philosophies presented are quite humbling and ones I think should be implemented in daily life (to certain extent), and it makes in interesting contrast to Confucianism with both having their virtues and weaknesses. There was supplemental reading that went along with the edition that I had, which I definitely think helped improve my reading experience because it added context to much of what I was reading. It’s the kind of classic that you can see why it has lasted so long, and that you can enjoy reading because of it’s simplicity and calm tone. Tao Te Ching received 5 out 5 stars.    


    The Lottery by Shirley Jackson: Initially I intended to read this book in September to help get ready for the eerie October reads I have planned. Then I noticed I’m behind on my PopSugar Challenge, so I wanted to do some quick reads to catch up. I looked up this one to see how long it is and it’s only 7 pages, so I definitely gave this one a quick read. There’s a lot you can break down even in this short story, and I like that. I always like something that gives me food for thought, and this work in just a few pages manages to do that better than some works do in over 400 pages. It manages it tackle and satirize themes of tradition and war, again, in such a small amount of pages. Suspense was also something done really well, which I did expect because it’s a Shirley Jackson. At the beginning everything seems fine but then the story starts building up this sinister feeling around the lottery until the horrifying reveal of what the lottery actually is. It’s an intelligent, satirical, chilling piece of short fiction that I think everyone should read. This book made a brief appearance on Netflix’s Haunting of Hill House, which is another book by Jackson I want to get to later this year, but also thought it was a clever nod to Jackson’s stories, and fits perfectly for the PopSugar prompt “book you saw someone else on TV reading.” The Lottery received 4.5 out of 5 stars.


    Red Rising by Pierce Brown: Going into this reread I knew it wasn’t going to be as good as I remembered. Despite this, and some frustrating aspects, I still managed to find it somewhat enjoyable. It has a rather generic dystopian premise, a boy at the bottom of the hierarchy rebelling against his leaders, there’s something about the story that adds enough of a breath of fresh air for it to be engrossing. This book’s greatest strength is definitely it’s action and pacing. I was never bored while reading it and at least when there was a filler chapter, it was over quickly. It kept adding new twists and turns, creating multiple conflicts for the protagonist, Darrow. As for Darrow himself, he’s a character that I both like and dislike. He’s arrogant and stupid, but it feels in character and fits quite well for the series as a whole. He’s generally a well intentioned person who is fighting for a good cause so you want him to win, but the book does display him as almost being too perfect. Speaking of which, I didn’t like most of the side characters, especially the women, because their entire characterization revolved around Darrow. The core trait of every woman was that she’s beautiful. Either kind and beautiful or evil and beautiful but always beautiful. It was really annoying, and I wanted more from these characters. The only one I liked was Sevro, who was really an underdog and weirdo, but didn’t seems to care. The story in this first book is really an underdog story about overcoming the odds, which is straight forward and something people are both familiar with and inclined to like. The world was kind of cool, a sort of Roman Empire in space, that actually felt like the Ancient Rome and appreciated seeing that. While this book is a bit too shallow for me to love, it’s a fun, quick read that can help pull you out of a slump. Red Rising received 3 out 5 stars and was my first book for the Reading Frenzy Pride Month Buzzword challenge, which asked you to read a book with a color in the title.  


    The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen: Oh boy, this one was a hot mess.  Much like the previous book, I knew I wasn’t going to like this one, in fact I was almost sure I was going to hate it. Unlike Red Rising, however, which balanced out things I thought were good with things I thought could have been improved, this book only had a sparse few moments of compelling narrative but was jammed full of stuff that just made me angry. So the series is about Kelsea, a 19 year old who has been raised in isolation until the day she ascends to the throne. When she does become queen she discovers that her kingdom is in massive disarray and full of corruption. As she tries to work and internal problems and avoid assassination attempts, she also must address the looming war she will likely have with her powerful and mysterious neighbor, the Queen of Mort. While, there were several issues I had with Kelsea (which I will get into in a second) there were a few good moments with her. As a book lover, I was glad to see a ruler who wanted to put an emphasis on education, deeply valued her collection of books, and even worked with the church (which she makes clear her distrust of) to start something of a library system. That’s something that I liked not just because of my own love of books but because it’s good to see a ruler with those values and implementing them. The other thing was Kelsea ending the Mort Treaty when she learns what it means for her people. It’s a tricky situation, and one she probably could have handled better, but I do admire her for sticking to her morals and doing what she believes is right. Feels a bit like Danerys Targyern (before she got power hungry). And that’s about it. That was honestly all I enjoyed about the book. Other than what I just talked about everything else in this book actively frustrated me. Characters are very flat, usually either being written as angsty or evil (and those evils ones always being sluts), the plot has a ton of holes in it (biggest example being Kelsea raised in total isolation for 19 years) and generally dragged on with very little action despite the books length, and the world building was, in a word, bad. I’m not going into a detailed rant here, talking about all the issues I had with this book, but there is something I want to go into a little more depth with and that’s Kelsea herself. Kelsea has to be one of the worst protagonists I have ever read. She’s supposed to be intelligent, or at least book smart, yet consistently makes stupid decisions. She’s a condescending brat who insults everyone around her, which isn’t a smart idea since she’s a brand new ruler. Insists on doing everything her way, and has mini tantrums when it doesn’t go her way. Above all else is her hypocritical ways and her obsession with her appearance, considering her attractive mother beneath her for focusing on vanity, but Kelsea spends most of the time focusing on her own plain appearance (which is emphasized at every opportunity and usually in the worst way) and insults other people’s appearance. Also when she’s talking to her attractive servants who had previously been abused because of their beauty and they try to warn her of that, she completely disregards them, only wanting to be gorgeous. Kelsea is the kind of character this book tries to say is a savior figure, but all the narrative does is present her as a hypocritical brat that shouldn’t be within a mile of the throne. I knew this book was going to be bad after reading some reviews, but I didn’t think it would absolutely tank. The Queen of the Tearling received 1 out 5 stars.


    Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore: Going into this one I knew little, only that it was a magical realism because that’s what McLemore usually writes and there’s a curse on this family that causes their lovers to disappear but something changes when a boy shows up. Also you can tell flowers are going to be a central motif based on the colors and title. The flower’s provided beautiful imagery and I liked what the meant to the girls and the land of La Pradera. In fact this novel’s imagery was probably the best thing about it. It felt distinct, quiet, personal, lush, and colorful. I also liked the family dynamics in this book. All these women tied to the land and each other by the curse that has plagued them for generations. This has the double effect of making them intimately close with each other, but also dislike and distrust each other. I felt their pain just as much as I felt their love. Speaking of love, I also liked Estrella and Fel’s dynamic at the start (and only at the start) of the book. Fel mysteriously shows up in their garden, meets Estrella and the 2 quickly develop an odd connection, both being plagued by their pasts in different ways. For a little while I wasn’t sure if they were going to become lovers or platonic soul mates, and that’s what made me like the 2 of them together because I would be happy with either. I also liked some the themes presented in the first half of the story and how they were handled (within the first half). That being said there was one thing I didn’t like and that was Bay. She was kind of annoying and artificial, this figure that all the girls put up on this pedestal, and I honestly found the  Nomeolvides girl’s obsession with her (yes obsession, not love) more than a little irritating. Also Estrella was really the only one in the group of girls that stood out to me. The rest were just kind of there, and I would have liked more development of them. The ending was what really dropped the rating of the book. Standalone novels are hard to cram a good, complete plot into, and magical realism tends to sacrifice plot for atmosphere. At the start, Wild Beauty had a vague plot that was slowly developing but there was solid direction with good themes and great atmosphere. Then it took a hard right and the plot seemed to be trying to hard to have something happen at the price of sacrificing everything else and the message took a dark and almost destructive meaning, the girls ripping out everything that makes them who they are. At the end Estrella makes it clear that she has no sense of self love, in fact she seems to hate herself even more because of something she wasn’t aware or responsible for. That left a very bad taste in my mouth. The romance also seemed to fall apart in the end too. I already went in with certain expectations, but was still okay with romance. At the end, Estrella’s self hatred seems to add an unnecessary amount of angst, and even has a toxic feel to it. It also feels very rushed, though I can’t say exactly why. This was a pleasant novel with a solid start that unfortunately was bogged down by an unnecessarily depressing and empty ending. Wild Beauty received 3 out of 5 stars and was my pick for the PopSugar prompt “plant in title or on cover.”  


    The Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen: Not since last year have I read a series that has made me so enraged. This series is an amalgamation of lazy, generic world building, toxic tropes, and ripping off of other popular works. There’s honestly too many issues in this book to properly go over in a Monthly Wrap Up. There did manage to be a few slightly redeemable aspects but even those were tainted by the rest of the writing. Kelsea started to develop interesting parallels to the Red Queen, but Kelsea became on awful character who showed her true colors. She’s petty, violent, doesn’t listen to anyone, and isn’t as bright as she likes to think she is, yet other praise her as being the True Queen. Also having read the final book, I know that things don’t get better, which makes me dislike her even more. The only other character that remotely stands out in my mind is Lily, a character from our world shown in flashbacks. Her narrative is basically a Handmaid’s Tale rip off, but she at least seems to have a little more drive. The other character I thought I would like was Ewen, a mentally slow prison guard because he’s a sweet bean who always does what is right, but he didn’t stand out to me as much this time. This book also really pushes the anti religion message. This could be an interesting theme, because religion and those in charge are capable of doing both good and bad, but it’s done in such a black and white manner that all good will of the message Johansen is trying to deliver goes flying out the door. This one’s arguably my least favorite book in the series, just because I was so mad after reading it. It’s just another example of why I’m always cautious about hyped books, because they are rarely worth the hype they get. The Invasion of the Tearling gets 1 out 5 stars.


    Golden Son by Pierce Brown: I was a bit surprised I enjoyed this one as much as I did. Not that I thought I would dislike it, but this book still managed to get a reaction from me. Continuing a year after the events of the previous book, Darrow must maintain his persona as a Gold while hiding his true heritage as a Red. With mounting tension between various faction, war seems to be an inevitable outcome. The start was slow and a bit painful, there was some convoluted moments, but the book overall keeps up the momentum that the previous book developed. This was also the book that made me respect Brown as an author. Darrow still has the same flaws, because that’s just who he is, but now he’s starting to see consequences. The themes become more developed, mostly focusing on the fine line between revolution and terrorism, imbalance of power leading to civil war, and breaking caste systems. Brown also clearly tried to develop the side characters more, especially the females. However this ultimately falls a bit short and I think the main reason for that is because the entire story is told from Darrow’s perspective, who is seeing the world and people through his own distorted filter. That specific element is I think biggest fault this series has. On a good note, the ending of this book was without a doubt the best moment of this entire series, it’s the darkest moment and was done perfectly. Even knowing what happened, I was still shaking from the anticipation. It’s a book with enough solid assets to balance out the flaws, and is possibly my favorite book in the series. Golden Son received 3.5 out 5 stars and was my second book for the Reading Frenzy’s Pride Buzzword Challenge.    


    The Fate of the Tearling by Erika Johansen: I’m worn out by this series. I knew I was going to hate this book because even when I first completed the series and still liked the first 2 books, I thought this one was incredibly disappointing. I skimmed most of this book, and outright skipped sections in a certain characters perspective, because I just wanted to complete this series. Like honestly the story repeats the same issues as the previous books with new issues in pacing (moving very rapidly), character arcs (stagnates and does nothing), the ending (huge cop out), the origins of the “magic” crystals (confusing and just doesn’t work) and the villains. The main villain was actually the one interesting thing about this story because he could have been this eerie mysterious force or could have been at the center of a compelling conflict about power and politics, and he just wasn’t. He was irritating brat who thought way too highly of himself (spurned on by his nut case of a mother) and is another reflection of the poor writing that plagues this entire series. I didn’t actively hate this book like the previous one but that’s only because I was tired from this series. This is a series where I honestly don’t understand the hype and don’t know why I liked it so much the first time I read it other than the hype. Disappointing book and sub par series. The Fate of the Tearling received 1 out 5 stars.  

    June 12th, 2019

    Top 5 Wednesday 

    Topic: Blue Covers

    I absolutely love blue covers. I don’t know why put I just generally gravitate toward them, and I don’t think it’s just me because many series I’ve read have a blue cover in them. Out of all the blue covers I’ve read I picked ones that are the most standout to me, generally tie into the story itself, and that I find aesthetically pleasing, irregardless of the contents.  

    1. Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo: I love almost all of the covers of Bardugo books, and while I have a soft spot for the Six of Crows cover, this one is arguably my favorite of them because it’s blue. But not just average sky blue. It’s like the teal blue you would see in the sea, or with a precious stone. I love everything in the background too, the castle with the classic Russian orthodox domes and the silver sea serpent that weaves to create the title heading, the subtle scale design that resembles fish. It all pulls together well, and is one my personal favorite covers, let alone favorite blue covers.  

    2. Like A River Glorious by Rae Carson: This series as a whole was disappointing to say the least. I’m only still holding onto it for 2 reasons. One is that they are Rae Carson books and I loved Carson’s first series and don’t hate this series enough to immediately get rid of it. The second reason is the covers, which are without a doubt the best thing about the books. The first book really sets the tone of what the series is about, with a black or dark brown background helping bring out all the gold colors. This cover doesn’t tie into the story as well, but the vivid refreshing blue colors does feel like a cover and you can see speckles of gold in there, plus the girl at the top is wearing a blue outfit and the sunrise on the mountains. It’s a very pretty and lush cover, and a real shame that the story couldn’t match the quality of the cover.


    3. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach: I like this cover due to it’s simplicity. Just a navy blue background with a white graphic of a seagull. It’s straightforward, no nonsense, yet is still pretty and rather profound (much like the story itself). I almost picked American Gods for similar reasons, but I thought the seagull was a more appropriate image for the cover than the tree was for the American Gods cover (though I do understand why it’s there).


    4. Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer: If anyone were to ask me what the most serene setting is, I would pull up this cover as one of my answers. I just get very calm looking at it. With a single house surrounded by a snow cover field, a bright clear sky with a full moon, really conveys a quiet, almost isolated tone.


    5. Salt to the Sea by Ruta Septys: Now there’s 2 different covers for this book. There’s the paperback version with different pairs of shows, and there the hardback version with an ocean background a 4 life preservers. I prefer the hardback edition because while I do now understand the significance of the shoes, I immediately get what the narrative and tone will be. It’s a beautiful shot of the ocean that has a rather haunting feel to it. Each life preserver represents a different POV, and each one is significant in different ways. It’s a beautiful blue nature setting, the kind of picture you would honestly expect to see in a magazine like National Geographic.


    Thank You Everyone

    Keep Calm and Keep Reading

    June 5th, 2019

    Top 5 Wednesday

    Topic: Books I DNF

    For a long time I did not DNF books. The concept was something that was just so foreign to me. Even if I was hating a book, I pushed through it, for better or worse. As I’ve gotten busier in life and my TBR list continues to grow, I just don’t have the time or energy to read books I dislike. I will push through to make it to the halfway point, but if I get to that point and nothing’s improved and I don’t see anything improving than I quit the book. Over the past 2 years, I’ve accumulated more than enough books to do a Top 5 DNF list, so I picked the top 5 worst. The ones that made me mad, the ones that have deeply disappointed me, the ones that will always stand out in my mind for all the wrong reasons.  

    1. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mendel: This is the only book is in the #1 spot by sheer virtue of being the only DNF that I couldn’t make it even half way through. I really have been looking for a good soft apocalypse story for years, and everyone had been hyping this book as the best book of the summer, so I gave it a try and I hated it. I thought the characters were unbearable, there was a general lack of any story or action, and I personally did not like the flashbacks. I think even if this book hadn’t been over hyped, I still wouldn’t have liked it.  

    2. Rebel Angels by Libba Bray: I don’t know how I made it 80% of the way through the book because I can’t think of anything good about it. Unlike the other books, where I can usually pinpoint the one thing I hated, I hated everything about this book. Any potential that the first book had for the series was obliterated in this book. The 4 girls were honestly such petty, idiotic brats who were focused on gaining more power and doing things they explicitly been told not to do (seriously I think these girls had a death wish) or internal squabbles among the group. In fact these girls were actually incredibly toxic toward each other (not that any of the side female characters were any better). The plot dragged on and on, and when there was action all it did was highlight how selfish and stupid all the characters were. The world could have been interesting but was shown through the lens of these awful girls who were blind to everything around them, and only served to show that any woman vying for power will only do awful things, which really goes against the initial theme of this series. Can you tell how much I hated the 4 central girls?


    3. Daughters of the Storm by Kim Wilkins: This is another book that just made me mad. I went into it with certain expectations, the biggest ones being that this would focus on the bonds between 5 sisters and that it was a standalone with a simple straight forward quest. Turns out it wasn’t a standalone, so the plot dragged on and on, with no action. That wouldn’t have killed the book if the characters were good, but they were awful. They were all trash, except for maybe Rose. Ash was a gloomy, flaky character. Ivy was an obnoxious, lazy flirt who caused so much unnecessary drama. Willow was a creepy zealot, and Bluebell. Don’t get me started on Bluebell. She was a character I was actively rooting for her be killed, yet she lived, got what she wanted, and got the most screen time. Between this book and Rebel Angels, I have never seen a more deplorable cast of characters accompanied by a boring, lack luster story.  


    4. The White Princess by Philippa Gregory: So all the picks above I hated because they had awful characters and little narrative. While this one did have that, that isn’t why I hated this book. When I read a historical fiction I either want a very personal narrative about how the times and events shape a person and their life, or I want a detailed story describing others behind the scenes involvement (would be great if I got both). This book failed to deliver on either. The main character was clueless, wishy washy, and had no involvement in any of the action despite her position. This was a book that failed to deliver for the genre that it is.  


    5. When She Woke by Hilary Jordan: This book didn’t make me mad so much as disappointed. It was initially pitched as a futuristic retelling of The Scarlet Letter, one of my favorite classics. I thought it would be an introspective look at several moral dilemma’s plaguing society and individuals. I’m not quite sure what story this was trying to tell, but it felt like a poor mesh between The Scarlet Letter and The Handmaid’s Tale, 2 books that I really like. I think the book tried too hard to be the modern Scarlet Letter, yet seemed to miss the underlying themes of it, plus I read that the second book took some weird turns. It’s disappointing because not only did it fail to live up to a classic, it failed to stand up as it’s own book.

    June 3rd, 2019

    Monthly Wrap Up: May


    For the past few months I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump. The majority of the books I’ve been reading were either mediocre or bad, with very few good books. It got to the point where last month I wanted to spend this month just focusing on books that I wanted to read and going back to focusing on fantasy or science fiction reads.  Despite the low average ratings for the month, and the fact that I only completed 1 “challenge” book, which is unusually low for me, I actually don’t feel that I had a bad month. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I won’t be able to read as many books as I had at the beginning of the year, but as long as I can get through 5 books a month I’ll be fine. I did have to put “challenge” books or rereads on hold, but it was to get to other books that I really wanted to complete this month. The majority of the books were some kind of fantasy read, and while that definitely helped none of them were the highlight of the month. That honor actually goes to my completed “challenge” book and the 1 historical fiction of this month. In fact I loved that book so much that I gave it 5 stars. For next month I want to stick to my initial reading schedule of 3 books at a time, so that I can get through more challenge books and rereads since that I only did 1 challenge books and 1 reread. I also want to see if I can maybe read 1 classic a month, since I purchased a couple I’ve really wanted to read.  

    Angelfall by Susan Ee: This was my third time reading Angelfall, and because I enjoyed it so much, not once but twice, I thought I would enjoy it this time. That didn’t happen, and the reason why became apparent pretty soon. This book falls victim to a lot of tropes seen commonly in YA, and doesn’t handle them well. I like the premise of the novel, a teenager trying to save her crippled younger in an apocalyptic wasteland ravaged by angels. This book is fairly action driven and things progress at a fairly quick pace, which was both appropriate to the narrative and was one of the better aspects of the book itself. Penryn, the protagonist, actually started out as a solid character. She a competent fighter, who has years of training to back up any tough talk she delivers, and even saves Raffe multiple times at the beginning of the novel. While at first glance she might appear to be a typical YA protagonists, she at least has the skills and results to distinguish her. Towards the end though, she started doing some stupid things and was clearly relying more on Raffe to handle things, which was clearly being used as a way to force in a romance. So yeah, started out good, but slowly became an irritating characters. Raffe on the other hand is a very generic paranormal YA love interest and I really didn’t like him. He’s hunky, broody, snarker and there really isn’t anything to him other than that. His banter with Penryn felt so awkward because it felt out of character for him, but it also made him come across as an arrogant ass. There’s a lot of emphasis put on how sexy he is, which on top of being annoying, is the cause of all the girl on girl hate in this book. Literally every female that isn’t in her family that Penryn meets only serves as her competitor for Raffe’s attention, and I f**king hated it. Also despite being an angel I would honestly bet Penryn is more likely to survive because there are several instances throughout the novel that Raffe comes off as naive and flat out stupid. I liked Penryn and Raffe’s relationship the first couple times I read it because it seemed like just a tense partnership and nothing more. Now it’s very obvious that this is going to be a hate to love forbidden romance, which, again, is super common in YA and I personally am sick of seeing those type of relationships. I felt zero chemistry between the 2, and especially hated how Raffe regarded Penryn for the majority of the book. Yet at the end they realize they love each other only to be separated and it’s oh so tragic. Gag! I think if they had just stuck with a partnership built on mutual respect then I would have felt at least something between them. The rest of the characters are just kind of there as one dimensional set pieces so I neither got attached to them, nor really liked them (with one exception). As I stated at the beginning, and have illustrated through the rest of this review, this book really relies on overused tropes. There some tropes I like, but none are present here and there are a few present that I dislike. Hate to love, forbidden romance (at least no Insta Love), absent parents, pure younger sister, brooding love interest that’s actually a paranormal creature, a warrior type female protagonist, a brewing revolution. It was just too much. I think what weighed this book down the most for me, aside from how tropey it was, is the fact that I know where the rest of the series goes and things really go downhill. Penryn goes from strong survivor to damsel in distress (which I saw a bit of at the end of this book), a full romance blooms between Penryn and Raffe, characters I don’t like or think were poorly done get a lot more screen time, and the book suddenly shifts from a simple story of survival and a rescue mission to being like every other YA dystopia and focus on saving the world. While this book did disappoint me, it did posses a few redeemable qualities and is a decent book to read if you want quick action or find yourself in a slump. Angelfall received 2 out 5 stars.


    Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly: Going into Amberlough I thought it would be a book I liked because it’s supposed to have a lot of political intrigue, an alternate art deco setting, and eclectic characters.  Sadly this book fell apart pretty quickly for me, to the point where I had a hard time motivating myself to pick it up than skimming over the last third of the book because I just wanted it to be over. All of the things I expected in the narrative were almost entirely absent, and everything from the plot to the characters to the setting even was kept at a surface level with nothing beneath it and not only was that bad in itself, it also ruins the climax. The characters were clearly what was supposed to drive the story because there was a lot of focus put on their lives and interactions and there was very little plot. However the characters were almost all flat with little to no development, and one of the POV characters could even be omitted from the story without changing the narrative or it’s outcome. Based off the reviews I read Cyril is everyone’s least favorite POV character, but I thought he was actually the strongest. Cyril is definitely an unlikeable character, he’s spineless and self serving, his actions lead to bad consequences, and even kills a boy that was trying to help him. He is completely governed by his sense of self preservation, BUT I at least get a sense of identity from him and actually think he makes a good topic of discussion. Again, he’s not a good person but given the circumstances I do think he’s a compelling character which by default makes him the best character, in my opinion. Aristide was a disappointment because he showed the most promise at the start but then nothing is really done with him. I mean he’s a gay, flamboyant drag queen that performs at the Bumble Bee but also works as a smuggler. He has a stutter but it turns out this is only a front to hide something about him. Sounds pretty cool right, however, there isn’t any depth to him. I don’t know his history. I don’t know why or even how he does the things he does. All I know about him is just what I’ve stated, so I can’t really get attached to, or even like, a character that doesn’t have any depth even though I want to like him. I may get some hate for what I’m about to say but in my opinion Cordelia was by far the worst POV character. Her part of the narrative could have been omitted all together and the story would have held up, and the fact that this is also the only female POV just adds insult to injury. She’s an incredibly generic character: this girl that grew up in the dregs who has lived a hard life but still has a heart of gold (which I never really see any example of that), she goes around and gets it from different guys. There was just nothing compelling or even distinguishing about her and it’s a shame because she could have provided a good pedestrian narrative about an average person having to adapt to an oppressive new regime, but that’s not what we get. Also she’s a dancer but again that’s something about her character that is easily forgettable. There’s also a ton of side characters that are forgettable which negatively impacts the story by making it both more confusing (because I couldn’t keep straight who was who) and when stuff starts happening to these people at the end, I just didn’t care and that’s not the reaction I was supposed to have. This ties into the larger issue of the overall conflict of the story. The world of Gedda is blatantly based off of our world, with no magic or new technology being filtered into the story. The only difference is in geography and names. This really becomes a problem when the main antagonists, the One State Party, or Ospies, are presented. I knew going into this book that this political party is the Amberlough equivalent of Nazis. Knowing this fact is the only the only thing that makes me root against the Ospies, but even then I didn’t really care what the outcome was because I didn’t feel any attachment to Amberlough or the people their. Yes Amberlough is in stark contrast to the Ospies because of it’ diversity but I don’t get any emotional attachment to it or it’s identity because I have no attachment to the characters. Also for the majority of the book, we don’t see or hear what makes the Ospies such a threat, we only get a vague impression that they’re bad. It’s until the last quarter the book when Ospies show their violent streak, but by then it’s too late (both for the characters and me as a reader). Instead of stuffing the rest of the book up with chaotic filler, there should have been time spent creating action to show each characters depth and grit, as well as what makes the Ospies such a bad threat that people don’t want in Amberlough, or taking quite moments like there was at the very beginning of the novel to create a stronger sense of identity in Amberlough and stronger dynamics between each character. This book could have been an interesting “calm before the storm story” and while the story did get better it was way too little, too late and ultimately the book did not deliver on any of premise’s that I expected from this book. The only reason I did not DNF it is because I have the rest of the series that I do plan on reading in the hopes that it gets better. Amberlough received 1 out 5 stars.    


    Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson: Even though I didn’t love the first book, I knew I was going to complete the rest of the series. My pen pal in the Netherlands recently finished Kiss of Deception and had the rest of the series on hand, and we’ve been wanting to do a buddy read together for awhile. So we both agreed that completing the rest of The Remnant Chronicles together would be a great idea. The story picks up immediately where it left off in the first book. Lia arrives in Venda and must survive a dangerous game that the Komizar is forcing her to play. Meanwhile Rafe has also been captured and hides his true identity while plotting his and Lia’s escape and Kaden must grapple with his conflicting loyalties. Lia was probably the best part of this book because even though she had a few frustrating moments, especially at the beginning, I could see her grow into a more capable person and enjoyed seeing her rely on her wits to survive being imprisoned by a man who is both ruthless and cunning. There’s also her growing faith and strong morals which help guide her through the darkness. Rafe was okay, there just really isn’t much to talk about him aside from his relationship with Lia and the loyalty his men feel toward him, both of which show he’s a good royal. Kaden on the other hand was a bit frustrating, he kept going back and forth, just being indecisive about where his loyalties lie, and was only wanting to help Lia because he’s attracted to her. However I liked that his relationship with the Komizar was complex and that there’s more to him than there initially seemed to be. I struggled a bit with the world in this one. I liked worlds that feel realistic, that feel fully developed on a personal and practical level. While all the texts involving Morrighan and Venda and Gaudrel were kind of interesting, they weren’t expanded on outside of being a plot device. Also this entire world feels like a watered down grimdark fantasy (ruled exclusively by men, generic medieval world, all courts festering with corruption, Venda being full of atrocities against their own people) and I just did not like that because A) I hate how depressing grimdark B) it felt underdeveloped to the point of being lazy. Kiss of Deception made me think that there would be a more in depth exploration of the world and the history which would be relevant to the plot in an unexpected way (kind of like The Girl of Fire and Thorns series), but it doesn’t do that and I was definitely disappointed. Also, I have an issue with the women in this book. They weren’t bad (except for Gwenyth and Pauline who I just found to be irritating) but they only existed as disposable side characters to further Lia’s narrative. As time passes I find myself forgetting more and more of this book except for Lia, but I still think it was an okay book. The Heart of Betrayal received 3 out 5 stars.  


    The Beauty of Darkness by Mary E. Pearson: Despite this book between 600 and 700 pages, I managed to finish it in 2 days. I was very motivated to finish it. Now having completed the entire Remnant Chronicles I can definitely say that it’s a series that improves with each book. This book left a more lasting impact on me, but was still had plenty of forgettable moments and there were issues that I had over the whole series. Rafe and Lia have now escaped Venda but must flee to Dalbrech if they have a chance of withstanding the Komizar’s oncoming army. Also Lia must now return to her own court and root out the corruption within. Everything reaches it’s climax in this finale book and while think many of the story threads were concluded well, especially character arcs, there were a few things that I felt the ending was bit rushed for like in the last book. Rafe and Lia were absolutely the highlight of this series, and this book really allowed them to reach their full potential. I loved seeing them grow as individuals, as leaders, and as romantic partners. I personally like arranged marriages growing into love, and this was an example of one done well because of the various struggles that they face. The final battle was probably the biggest disappointment of the series. While it did need to happen, if only to fulfill a prophecy (which I have issues with), but I thought everyone already had a decent close to their arc and the battle kind of went against what the series had previously set up both in terms of conflict and character. While the series itself is a decent, more romance heavy, YA fantasy series, but I thought this was a solid finale. The Beauty of Darkness received 4 out 5 stars.  


    Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant: I’d like for one month to go by without me reading a 1 star book. After reading Feed in February (or was it January) I was hesitant to read any other science fiction by Seanan McGuire (uses pen name Mira Grant for her science fiction works) but Into the Drowning Deep seemed interesting, with an undersea expedition trying to find out what happened to the previous vessel that traveled to this area and possibly discovering if mermaids are real. So I saved this book specifically for May to do the MerMay challenge (reading mermaid books in May) and it is without a doubt the biggest disappointment of the month. I ended up DNFing this at 50%, and after looking at reviews and spoilers for this book, I don’t regret not continuing with it. This book feature’s many things that I’ve noticed McGuire putting in her books, irregardless of genre. Now these things aren’t bad per say but a lot of them felt unnecessary to the point of being annoying, and the fact that McGuire seems to struggle expanding outside of familiar territory is also a bit annoying. Let’s start with the setting, California. I don’t know about the Wayward Children, but every other book I’ve read by MCGuire is set in California. I get that it’s her home state and what she’s familiar with, but really does every book need to be set in California. Even this one could have started out in any coastal region. The rest of the book takes place in the Marina Trench, and I kind of wish the book had started here because it already gives a claustrophobic setting and a submarine’s a pretty unique setting, with flashbacks bring used to tell people’s life before they were on the mission. The majority of the story takes place in the future, in the year 2022. McGuire also did this in Feed, and while it makes some sense in Feed, it makes no sense here. There’s nothing different about the world and there is no need for a large time gap. It’s minor but it’s still really annoying because of how unnecessary it is. Siblings are another thing that McGuire frequently puts in books and this one has both good and bad examples. Good examples include the sibling bonds in the Wayward Children series and the Stewart siblings in this book. Bad examples include the sibs from Feed and the other set of sisters in this book whose names I’m forgetting. While one of the Stewart sisters is killed at the beginning, we still get impressions of what their relationship was like and it’s clear that Tory’s still grieving over her sister because she wants to go on the same dangerous mission for closure. The other sisters are introduced a third of the way through the story and I know nothing about them as individuals or what how they interact with each other (also didn’t help that one of them made the dumbest decision I read in the story). So McGuire can write good sibling relationships but it’s irritating when she doesn’t. Some of McGuire’s more recent works feature a diverse group of characters, like the Wayward Children series which I love in part because of it’s diversity and how various issues are both presented and dealt with because of the diversity. Into the Downing Deep is also supposed to be diverse but unlike in Wayward Children series it doesn’t feel natural. The diversity here feels like it’s put in just so that there is diversity, and to be honest I can’t even pick up on the sources of said diversity. There’s sign language, which I don’t think I’ve seen before in written fiction, but nothing is done with it (at least as far as I got). There’s a lesbian character, but there weren’t any hints of her being a lesbian until almost half way through the story, so it very much felt like it came out of left field. There might also be a physically disabled person but it’s really unclear, and those are about the only sources of diversity that I could find. Maybe I was missing something or didn’t get far enough into the book, but I would not say this book is a source of a diverse cast. Also speaking of a large cast, I hated this cast, not because they were bad, but because they were poorly written. At first we’re introduced to Tory and given her back story and an understanding of her personality and why she would go on this expedition, but then there’s a ton of new characters introduced all at once who aren’t given the same depth as Tory, but are now given equal amount of time. It was really hard to keep track of who was who, and I really just didn’t care because I didn’t know these characters like I did Tory. If the book wanted to have a large cast of characters it should have taken it’s time and let us get to know them instead of cramming them all in at once when we’re a third of the way through the book. I think the book honestly should have focused solely on Tory so that I could be fully invested in her story and the outcome of it. McGuire also seems to like mysteries but I don’t think she does them well. I definitely think she does a better job when they’re in a fantasy context, like in the October Daye series, but I hated the mystery in her science fiction novel Feed because it was so predictable. At the beginning the book sets itself up to have a potentially good mystery that could span the entire book. This potential is immediately obliterated by explicitly telling the readers that mermaids are real and are the cause of all this underwater devastation. That immediately takes a huge chunk of the tension out of the story because now the characters are coming across as willfull idiots. This could have been recovered if once mermaids were discovered the crew was both cautious and clearly making signs to study them. This didn’t happen, instead I just have characters spouting facts about mermaids as if they’ve known mermaids were real and have studied them for years, which was jarring to say the least. They’re an alien species you’ve just discovered, you need to work from the ground up to understand them but also need to be careful because they have clearly proven themselves to be vicious killers. The way the “mystery” was handled and the lack of scientific investigation were frustrating because now I have nothing keeping me invested in the story, and it’s not like it got any better. After learning what had happened at the ending, I honestly thought it made no sense based on the evidence presented in the first half of the book and the fact that there was no hinting of it at all. The only good thing at all in the entire book was a few short paragraphs that did make the situation tense because there’s an understanding that something awful is about to happen or already happened. These moments, however, are watered down by everything else in the story which I’ve already made clear I hated. At one point I wanted to try all of McGuire’s works, and I’ll still try her major fantasy series, but I’m not going to reading anymore of her science fiction works. Into the Drowning Deep received 1 out 5 stars.    


    Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys: Now we go from the lowest point of the month to the highest point of the month. I had heard good things about this book and author but I’ve had a streak of historical fictions that have disappointed me, so I was worried about how this book would turn out. In fact this one had been on my TBR list the longest and I just kept putting it off again and again. May came around I couldn’t put this book off any more because this was the only book I wanted to read that fit the Reading Frenzy’s “May Buzzword Challenge.” This was a book I flew through, not just because of time constraints but also because of how good the story was. It’s about Operation Hannibal (which occurs near the end of WWII) and is told through 4 different points of view. Joana, a nurse who’s originally from Lithuania. Florian, a German solider on a mysterious “mission.” Emilia, a young Polish refuge, and Alfred, a Nazi sailor. What I love about these characters is that the book managed to make them real and you really see who they are (for better or worse) and the effect that the war has on each of them. It’s a book that shows how dark and grim a war is because of it’s affect on all people, especially civilians, but there is still light in the narrative. You see some the characters become very attached to each other and start to regard one another as a found family, which makes their deaths all the more devastating. This also shows the atrocities that both sides, the Germans and Russians, commit. The Nazi’s are awful in their prejudices and we repeatedly get examples of that, especially with Alfred and Florian, but the Russians are also doing terrible things, like killing refugee’s and raping women. Operation Hannibal and the ship Wilhelm Gustloff were actual parts of history that I wasn’t even aware about and that’s another thing I appreciate about this novel. It takes place during a very familiar time period but focuses on one explicit event that isn’t as well known as events like Pearl Harbor or D-Day, but is no less important. I honestly loved everything about this book. The characters, the setting, and just the raw emotion that this book delivered. I’ll definitely be picking up Septys other books, and I am so glad I finally read this one. Salt to the Sea received 5 out 5 stars and along with being my May Buzzword Challenge book also fits the PopSugar prompts “book title with the words ‘bitter,’ spicy,’ or 'salty,” and “clothing on the cover,” since the paperback edition has pairs of shoes on the cover.


    Thank You Everyone

    Keep Calm and Keep Reading

    May 29th, 2019

    Top 5 Wednesday

    Topic: Books Featuring Mental Health

    This was a very difficult topic to discuss. Not only is it a sensitive topic because of how many people can struggle with their mental health but also because it’s a topic that I think should be talked about but I’m not exactly qualified to do that. I also wasn’t sure to what extent mental health needed to be featured, if it needed to be the focus of the story or if it just needed to be present. All of my entries feature protagonists that I think has mental health issues, and I will try my best to dissect the problems the protagonist must deal with and how this impacts the character and the story.  

    1. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath: This one makes the top of the list for a few reasons. It is a book that entirely revolves around the protagonist, Esther, dealing with her depression, and it’s also the one I can talk about best because depression is something I deal with myself. This is a book that really resonates with me and I think does a good job at capturing what it feels like to have depression. It’s this heavy emptiness that weighs down on you and leaves you in an immobile state. No motivation to do anything because it’s pointless. Having your whole life set before you only for it to be ripped away. Comparing yourself to others and coming to the conclusion you’ll always be second best. Being overwhelmed by life itself and being unsure of what to do. These are all things that I’ve experience myself and do usually trigger my depression. I like this book because it understood me, but it also shows the effect that the lack of a care of mental health can have negative effects on people. Many professionals are dismissive because the character is a woman, but their only solution seems to be to subject her to electric shock therapy treatments, which just sounded terrifying and doesn’t work because they aren’t addressing the cause of the problem. By the end of the book, the protagonist doesn’t seem to have improved at all, she’s just become better at hiding her issues because that’s the only way the rest of society will accept her. Granted she does seem to slightly improve by doing things she wasn’t able to do before. There’s also a connection between Esther’s depression and the pressure to be a married and a mother, and while I can’t connect to that part but it does make for good discussion material. Undoubtedly my interpretations of this novel are colored by my own personal experience, but it is a poignant novel about depression and conforming to society ideals.    

    2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins:  It may be a little surprising that this book is on this list, but when it popped in my head I realized that it really fit. While the primary focus of this book is on the revolution, it also takes time to analyze and satirize many things about our current culture (something the movies forget to do entirely), including how damaging war is to a persons psyche. Katniss suffers from PTSD, even before the Hunger Games has actually started. She has nightmares about her Dad being blown up and because of this death had to grow up very quickly to ensure that her family didn’t starve to death because her mother was in catatonic state. As a result she comes off as very cold, trusting very few people, and seems to be desensitized to the injustices of her world and only cares if it affects her family, but she’s also very resilient and a capable survivor. Both during and after the Hunger Games, Katniss’s PTSD only gets worse as the world around her becomes more unstable and now she must watch those she cares about actually get killed. It reaches a breaking point in the third book where the majority of the story has a very dazed, depressing tone because Katniss has basically checked out of life, suffers frequent episodes of depression, and keeps herself on morphine. She’s even seeing a therapist, because it’s that bad. Let’s not forget that she’s just a teenager being thrust into a war that she didn’t want to be a part of, which is guaranteed to screw up any kid. The trauma is so severe that even years after the war, when Katniss has kids, she still suffers from nightmares. Her recovery is an active process that takes years, but Katniss does little thing to remind herself that there is good in the world, like making the memorial book. Plus she has a good husband who understands what she’s been through. War and trauma are serious things that have long reaching consequences and takes effort to recover from, and the way that The Hunger Games series demonstrates this is part of the reason it’s become something of a modern classic.  


    3. Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira: Much like the entry above,  this one is also about overcoming trauma. Unlike The Hunger Games though, it’s on a much more personal level and the story focuses more on the trauma and grief and even guilt that the protagonist, Laurel, has suffered. The source of her suffering stems from her relationship with her older sister, who has recently perished. Laurel idolized her older sister, so much so that she tries to emulate her at the start of the book and it comes off as cringe worthy. This idolization was unhealthy and unrealistic but also didn’t give the complete picture. Laurel’s relationship with her sister both before and after her death was, complicated to say the least, and this has a strong impact on who Laurel is, but Laurel eventually comes to terms with the fact that both she and her sister are flawed and that isn’t a bad thing. Also smothering your suffering doesn’t make it better, or go away, and it’s good to get help from people you know and trust. This book is similar to Perks of Being a Wallflower but I picked this one because it has a more positive and hopeful ending with recovering from trauma, which I felt Perks of Being a Wallflower lacked.          


    4. Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia: The protagonist in this book, Eliza, appears to suffer from social anxiety. As a result she struggles with relationships in the real world but seems to do well with internet relationships. After a new boy arrives at her school and starts to open up more to him. So there are thing I like about this one and there are things I don’t like about this one. I don’t like the fact that it was this new boy who’s obviously going to be the love interest and only him that Eliza opens up to because it makes her growth feel more artificial. I like that the online friendships were treated as genuine ones because that’s something that is both topical and can be a good way for people with social anxiety to interact. I don’t feel that Eliza really grew as a person. Yes she starts going to therapy which I think could be helpful, but she still doesn’t open up even to her own family and this is after her brothers confronted their parents about the big mistake they made and how it’s going to negatively impact Eliza’s online experience, which does lead into the other thing I liked about this book. Eliza can be selfish at times. She’s put herself in bubble so that her entire world revolves around her, which is a very human thing to do, but even when the people she is closest with are clearly struggling all she wants to focus on is her own issues. This happened several times throughout the narrative, and  I appreciate for being there because it highlights the fact that the world doesn’t revolve around you and part of being a better person is striking that balance between caring for yourself and caring for others close to you. Unfortunately this still made Eliza an unlikable character because she never realizes that she’s at fault. This is definitely a decent book for talking about social anxiety or internet culture, but I can’t say it’s great because of the protagonist and romance.    


    5. Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko: I actually forgot about this one because it was a required reading that I did in college, but it was actually one of two reads I enjoyed that semester. Like most of the other entries on this list, the protagonist suffers from PTSD during a time when PTSD wasn’t really a thing (he’s a recently returned WWII veteran). He’s also half Caucasian and half Native American, which has made him an outsider his entire life, even among his own family. This was a beautifully written novel that also focuses on recovery, but in a very spiritual way where the protagonist learns to be accepting of himself and cutting out the toxic aspects of his life, like violence.


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    May 22nd, 2019

    Top 5 Wednesday

    Topic: Emerald Covers:

    I had to cheat on this topic a little because I own very few green covers, let alone emerald (the only way this topic could have been harder was if they asked for purple covers). That being said, I did manage to pull together 5 options, however, I have not read all my picks. I had to look at all the books I’ve read (whether I had them or not), books the rest of my family had, and books that I want to read in order to come up with this list. I made my ranking based on how pretty I think the cover is, how vivid I think the emerald is, and my opinion on the book itself.

    1. Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi (cover design by Danielle Christopher): This one takes first place by a long shot. It’s the only book I’ve recently read, and enjoyed it, and while the cover is predominately emerald, the rest of the design and colors serves to create a gorgeous cover. The bronze lining and letters, the shooting stars in the background, the different shades of purple at the bottom, the flowing sari, and girl riding a horse. It’s all just so pretty, and this ethereal beauty actually ties into the writing itself well. Chokshi primarily use purple prose to tell her story, relying on imagery and metaphors, and she does a fairly good job at it. So while the cover doesn’t exactly give any impressions as to what the story itself is about, it does tie in well to the overall experience readers get when reading the story.  

    2. Inheritance by Christopher Paolini (cover illustration by John Jude Palencar): This one gets second place just for being almost entirely emerald. The image focuses on a green dragon, which is surrounded by a thick border of the same color. I haven’t read this book in years, and I honestly don’t know what my opinion would be of it. Having already read the books I knew the dragon on the cover won’t make an appearance until the very end of the book, so they aren’t that relevant of a character, but it is nice green cover that keeps the image simple and focused.  


    3. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid: So I haven’t read this book, yet. It made so many top books of 2018 lists that I’m intrigued enough to want to read it, even though it’s outside my comfort genre. The cover focuses on the bright emerald dress that a woman is wearing, and while the dress itself is pretty and vivid, I do get a sense of identity from this book and am curious to see if and how the dress ties into the overall narrative.  


    4. The Dead and the Gone by Susan Beth Pfeffer: I was a little surprised that this one worked, but comparing the cover against a picture of an emerald, I had to admit that the colors are fairly matched. The book is about an apocalyptic New York City where the moon has been knocked closer and the cover manages to convey that grim premise very well. The first book used sapphire to create a calm atmosphere set in the country, while this cover used emerald to create a bleak, dirty atmosphere with an urban setting. Unfortunately I didn’t think the book lived up to that grim impression you get from the cover, which is why it’s near the bottom.  


    5. Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas (Cover illustration by Talexi): I don’t actually own, this book (my sister does). Nor have I ever read this book, and never plan to. However, it does fit the requirement of being an emerald cover, and I personally like the Throne of Glass covers.


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    May 15th, 2019

    Top 5 Wednesday

    Topic: SFF BFFs

    I’ve come to the conclusion that talking about things I like is hard because of how detailed I have to get. I love reading about friendships, particularly in SFF, and there were several options that I had in mind, but I managed to narrow them down to 5. For this topic, I also decided to focus on a friendship just between 2 people and not any friend groups since that’s a topic I’ve already done. So there won’t be any Harry Potter, Six of Crows, Wayfarers, or A Court of Mist and Fury characters here.  

    1. Amalia and Zaria from the Swords and Fire series: This, this is the epitome of an SFF friendship between 2 females! There’s a lot that I love about this relationship. It’s the center of the entire narrative, and I’ve only seen a F/F relationship be that one other time. They are the perfect foil’s to each other, Amalia being the blue to Zaria’s red. While Amalia starts out as a sheltered, bookish noble, Zaria is a loud mouth orphan who had to survive on the streets. This difference, and the fact that Amalia controls Zaria’s magic, put them at odds in the beginning. Over the series, each one starts to have an influence on the other and make them a better, more well rounded person. Zaria slowly begins to open up emotionally to other people (also she cares very much about her dog) and Amalia becomes a more active person who wants to bring change to the Mews. Both show a deep trust and loyalty to each other that only grows stronger as the series progresses. I absolutely love these 2 as individuals, but for them to maintain such a strong friendship brings a whole new element to each of them.

    2. Isabella and Tom from The Memoirs of Lady Trent series: While the series did go downhill, and this relationship was highlighted less and less, I still fully appreciate for being a great platonic friendship between a man and a woman that remained that way through the entire series. At first these 2 didn’t like each other because they were jealous of the others position in life (him being a man and her being nobility) and viewed the other as competition. As they are increasingly forced to work together to achieve a mutual goal, they grow to respect each other and even start seeing each other as allies to help one another achieve their goals. In the second book, rumors start spreading about the 2 being romantically involved, and while it’s a relationship I could honestly support I think I like it better because there was never a romance. Much like Jesper and Inej from Six of Crows or Kenji and Juliette from Shatter Me, this is a good example of a platonic F/M relationship because it develops over time and you clearly see the 2 being mutually supportive of each other.


    3. Nessa and Meghan from The Call: Last autumn I was non stop gushing about this book because I was honestly stunned by just how good it was. Well I’m back on the hype train to provide yet another example of why this book was good and you should definitely read it. They posses contrasting personalities and motives, and despite each one having moments where they question why they are still friends, they still clearly remain loyal to each other. They defend each other from the bullies in the school, and when one of them dies it’s clear how traumatic this is for the other one. Their friendship is honestly a minor thing, but it’s something I really appreciate both because of how strong it is and how natural it feels.  


    4. Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens: This is going to be hard explaining why I like these 2 so much but I will try to put into words as best as I can. The best way I can describe the interactions between this demon and angel is like an old married couple. The 2 have been on Earth for centuries, and while they have differing goals they start to appreciate each others company and this strange planet that they reside on. So with the apocalypse coming, they work to achieve a mutual goal. They are just so fun and quirky, both individually and together


    5. Darrow and Sevro from the Red Rising series and Sam and Edilio from the Gone series: I had to talk about these 2 together because they are so similar. Darrow and Sam are both hero figures, who develop a bit of an ego. Sevro and Edilio start out as a nobody who helps their partners in the beginning and the pairs eventually evolve into best friends. While I do like these relationships, it’s mainly because of Sevro and Edilio carrying the relationship (like Magnus Bane in The Mortal Instruments). Both display unwavering loyalty and I love their personalities, Sevro weirdness and Edilio being a sweet bean. Not that I don’t like Darrow or Sam, I just think there archetypes are a bit more generic and don’t display loyalty to the degree that their best friend’s do.


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    Keep Calm and Keep Reading

    May 8th, 2019

    Top 5 Wednesday

    Topic: Favorite Mothers

    Man, this was not an easy topic. There’s an overwhelming trend in books, especially YA for some reason, that parents are usually dead or absent from the narrative. This can be applied to both mother’s and fathers, but it seems to be worse with mothers. I had to go through all of my books individually almost all of them where irrelevant to the story or protagonist (like Darrow’s mom in Red Rising) were dead and irrelevant (like Maya’s mother in The Star Touched Queen) or ended up having a more negative impact in the protagonists life, dead or alive (like Meira’s mother in Snow Like Ashes). Needless to say I tried to avoid mother’s who fall in these categories and that unfortunately only applied to small percentage of books I’ve read. What I was really looking for is mother’s who are a positive influence on their children and show clear devotion to them while maintaining a good, if not complicated at times, relationship, and many of them even feel like their own individual characters (albeit minor ones). Also while I did try to pick mothers who are actually alive through the entire narrative (so far), there is an exception but that’s only because they fit all my other criteria of being a good mother. Finally there will be no Harry Potter mothers on this list, since they are all awesome and we already know that.

    1. La Contessa from the Swords and Fire series: This character is one of the many reasons why I love this series so much. While still only a minor character, she is still an active part of Amalia’s life. At the beginning I was worried she would just be another snobby noble who looks down on her daughter, but that isn’t what happens. Instead she encourages her daughter to grow and take a more active role in politics, which Amalia does. She’s always looking out for her daughter from the shadows, like making sure her daughter has an ample supply of the elixir she needs to live and sending along her faithful handmaid/ spy Ciardha if she’s ever seriously concerned about Amalia’s safety. You don’t see much of the relationship between Amalia and La Contessa, which is to be expected since Amalia’s a young adult, but despite that Amalia and her mother still have a good relationship and Amalia looks to her mother for advice at times. It’s the epitome me of a mother/ daughter relationship I want to see more of in fiction.  

    2. Maggie Walker from The Year I Turned 16: While there isn’t any specific reason I like this one, this mom manages to defy so many parental tropes in YA. She’s a single mom that is struggling to raise 4 daughters as they grow through their teenage years and running low on funds. Despite losing her husband and the struggles she has, she still maintains a positive persona, a good relationship with her daughters, starts a successful catering business and even manages to find love again. She works well not just as mother but as a character too.  


    3. O-Shizuru and Burquila Alshara from The Tiger’s Daughter: Much like my top entry, these mother are minor characters who remain a part of their daughters lives, even when removed from the plot. They both stand out as strong women and have a close relationship similar to that of their daughters, despite their different backgrounds. They both have a strong influence on their daughters, to the point where their children work to emulate their mothers. It’s also clear that these mothers care very much for their children and will go to great lengths to protect them but also alert their daughters to the harsh realities of their world.  


    4. Sally Jackson from The Percy Jackson series: Now this is a book series that I don’t think gets enough love despite how reminiscent it is to Harry Potter (I blame the movies). I haven’t read this series in years, but I remember Sally being a pretty decent mother. She’s not in the series much but she’s still a positive figure in Percy’s life and stays alive for the entire series.


    5. Essun from The Fifth Season: While motherhood is a major theme of this series, I’ve only read the first book and have only seen glimpses of Essun’s maternal side, which is why she’s at the bottom. I liked seeing her at different stages of being a mother as well as the grief and trauma she goes through, but it just wasn’t enough for me. I still really wish that there had been a growing maternal relationship with her and Hoa, but that didn’t happen. I have faith that Essun as a mother will become more of a focus in the next books but there just wasn’t enough in this book.


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