Keith OCDS
Order of Carmelites Discalced Secular

Keith, Order of Carmelites Discalced Secular

Welcome to my website.  I have built this website in order to share thoughts and writings on the Carmelite Order, Christian Spirituality and the psychology of religious experience. 

I updated this site with a page containing my doctoral dissertation on St. John of the Cross and Object Relations Theory.  Also I have added my paper setting forth a holistic psychological understanding of the human person and a multi-modal dynamic psychotherapy.

Keith Reeves Barron, O.C.D.S., Ph.D.
Columbia, SC

[email protected]
(803) 695-1769

Some Carmelite Links

OCDS Washington Province, my home OCDS province

OCD Washington Province, my home province of the friars

ICS Publications, the Discalced Carmelite publishing site

Carmel Institute, an institute for Carmelite Studies (OCarm & OCD)

OCDS Good Shepherd Community
, Columbia, SC

The Carmelite International Seminar, The Experience of God Today and Carmelite Mysticism: Mystagogy and Inter-Religious and Cultural Dialog, in Zidine, Bosnia, September 2007.

For many additional links for the Carmelite Order, go to the link directly above for the Carmelite Institute and click on "Links" on the top bar to the far right.

Some Spirituality Links

Christian Classics Ethereal Library, a large collection of online books

Spiritual Directors International, an association of spiritual directors
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