Marks & Spencer Single Origin 100% Cocoa Dark Chocolate

Marks and Spencer 100% Cocoa Single Origin Dark Chocolate

When I'm avoiding sugar I do like a good 100% cocoa dark chocolate bar. They're hard to find in most shops, but luckily thanks to Sainsbury's the Montezuma's Absolute Black is becoming widely available - handy for anyone on a low carb diet. But now M&S are here to challenge it with their own version of 100% cocoa chocolate, a Single Origin Fairtrade bar made in Peru. This bar costs £2 for 100g and is available in most of their larger stores.

Marks and Spencer 100% Cocoa Single Origin Dark Chocolate

There's a Taste Profile inside the case, which mentions notes of red fruits and honey, as well as a whisky that pairs well this chocolate. Steady on M&S, are you trying to get me drunk?!

Marks and Spencer 100% Cocoa Single Origin Dark Chocolate

Make no mistake about it, this is a very, very dark chocolate and one that I imagine is just too much for most folks. It's intense, and has that fruity acidic flavour that is common with unsweetened chocolate. The description of red berry flavours is quite accurate; this does indeed taste strongly of berries, and is quite complex with a smoky aftertaste. If you're new to unsweetened chocolate it will no doubt be too much for you, but if you've tried a few varieties already you may just enjoy it. I was a bit unsure at first, but over time the flavour has grown on me and I now purchase this over the Montezuma's Absolute Black simply because of the cheaper price - it's handy to use in baking, or for homemade chocolate mousse or truffles.

Overall, this is only one for the serious dark chocolate lovers! If you've tried this bar, do let me know your thoughts in the comments...

8 out of 10.


  1. I absolutely love M&S single origin 100% chocolate
    I have one square each night with my decaff coffee instead of dessert.

    I also enjoy 85% in the same range but it will sent quite so satisfying and I could manage more than one square.

    I have 10 squares of 100% left in Lockdown. I hope to stay alert and find more! My local M&S has run out :(

    I think I may be addicted...

  2. Hello the m&s 100% dark chocolate is nice only brand of 100% cocoa dark chocolate I've tried also tried lindt 99% Coco a dark chocolate.

  3. I don't think my palete is sophisticated enough to detect all the subtle nuances of this "quality' chocolate. A bar of this was left on the table in our mess room and 3 days later half of it is still there. Give me Dairy Milk any day.

  4. I think the benefits, if accurate, outway the intensity of taste. If you can get passed the chewing a cigarette end. I detect no berries or anything else at all but will continue, proof being in the blood tests later in the year.

  5. I would like to know how they are made, because this one and the one with hints of vanilla instead of whiskey taste a bit too sweet to be 100% dark, real cocoa 100% is extreemely bitter with no sugar, but I guess they sweetened it with vanilla and somehow extracted honey without the sugar but the honey is very faint hardly taste it.

    So yeah I would like to know how they are made and if it really is 0.4g sugar per 100g If they are hiding something from me they had better fix it now, I don't want to add extra sugar if they are somehow adding a small amount in just enough to sweeten it from being 100% true cocoa chocolate.


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