Image: AntiDuelingPamphletEliphaletNott1804
Description: Cover of pamphlet with text of sermon by Eliphalet Nott on the death of Alexander Hamilton, 1804. Web page states: "1804 Discourse on the Death of Alexander Hamilton and the Duel between Hamilton and Vice President Aaron Burr as well as the evil of Dueling itself. [...] titled 'A Discourse, Delivered in the North Dutch Church, in the City of Albany, Occasioned by the Ever to be Lamented Death of General Alexander Hamilton, July 29, 1804'. By Eliphalet Nott. Albany, 1804. Printed by Charles R. and George Webster. 1st (and only) Edition. This original, early 19th century American Pamphlet measures approx. 5 1/2" x 9” and contains 32 pages. Offered here is the original printing of a sermon on the evils of dueling by Eliphalet Nott, the young pastor of Albany's Presbyterian Church. Philip Schuyler, Hamilton's father-in-law, was an Albany resident, and a parishioner of the church. Nott had become acquainted with Hamilton through Schuyler, so there was a personal dimension to his remarks. Nott's 'Discourse' proved the most influential of many speeches that sought to put an end to dueling following the murder of Hamilton. Parts of the sermon, in fact, became a standard declamation exercise for students in the 19th century."
Title: AntiDuelingPamphletEliphaletNott1804
Credit: eBay store Web page:
Author: Eliphalet Nott
Permission: not necessary; copyright expired
Usage Terms: Public domain in the United States
License: PD-US
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