A2 Key Speaking Part 2
Часть Говорения экзамена A2 Key for Schools длиться 8 минут и состоит из 2 частей.
Вторая часть – это нововведение с 2020 года. Вторая часть длиться 3-4 минуты. Нужно описать, сравнить, высказать свое мнение в формате диалога с другим кандидатом на основе картинок-подсказок на заданную тему. К концу диалога присоединяется экзаменатор и задает вопросы по обсуждаемой теме.
Как проходит Speaking Part 2
A2 Key for Schools
Экзаменатор дает лист с картинками. Кандидаты задают друг другу вопросы и отвечают.
Далее к диалогу присоединяется экзаменатор и задает вопросы каждому из кандидатов. Список возможных вопросов как кандидатов друг другу, так и экзаменаторов приведен ниже.

1. Что делать, если второй кандидат не задает вопросы и не участвует в диалоге? – Нужно брать инициативу и в порядке своей очереди, без вопроса со стороны партнера, рассуждать на тему того, что нравиться или не нравиться из обсуждаемых картинок и почему.
2. Необходимо не только привести свое мнение, но желательно объяснить, почему студент так считает, обосновать свое мнение, чтобы получить бал выше.
1. Вопросы, которые задают кандидаты друг другу
1.1. Sport
Do you like having a picnic with your friends?
Do you like going cycling?
Do you like going skateboarding?
Do you like going swimming?
Do you like going to the concert?
1.2. Hobbies
Do you like reading books?
Do you like watching TV?
Do you like cycling?
Do you like playing football?
Do you like playing tennis?
Do you like running?
Do you like playing basketball?
1.3. Shop
Do you like department stores?
Do you like markets?
Do you like clothes shops?
Do you like shopping centers?
Do you like supermarkets?
1.4. Food
Do you like eating at fast-food restaurants?
Do you like having a picnic in the park?
Do you like eating at school?
Do you like going to a restaurant with your family?
Do you like eating at home?
1.5. TV
Do you like watching action films on TV?
Do you like watching the news on TV?
Do you like watching football matches on TV?
Do you like watching singing on TV?
Do you like watching programs about history on TV?
1.6. Town
Do you like cinemas?
Do you like shopping centers?
Do you like bus stations?
Do you like museums?
Do you like parks?
1.7. Holiday
Do you like staying at a campsite?
Do you like lying on a beach?
Do you like going to stay with your family?
Do you like having a holiday in the mountains?
Do you like going on a school trip?
2. Возможные ответы кандидатов
2.1. Положительные ответы
Yes, I do, because I like staying outdoors with my friends.
Yes, I do, because it’s funny.
Yes, I do, because I’m fond of pop music (classic music, rock music, different types of music), and I can play the guitar (the piano, the violin).
Yes, I do, and I’m really good at it.
Yes, I do. I can swim for hours, because I really like swimming.
Yes, I do. I’ve been interested in it for some years. I can explore new places. It gives me a lot of fun.
Yes, I do, because there are a lot of exciting TV Shows.
Yes, I do. I adore adventure books.
Yes, I do. I can play the piano. I’ve played for some years.
Yes, I do, because I can spend this time with my friend playing games.
Yes, I do, because I spend this time with my family, my mother, father, and my younger sister.
Yes, I do, because I love doing sports, it makes me feel happier, and It’s good for my health.
2.2. Отрицательные ответы
No, I don’t ride a bike that often, but sometimes I go for a ride with my parents.
No, I don’t. I can’t even do it.
No, I don’t, because I don’t listen to a lot of music.
No, I wouldn’t say I like it, because it is boring.
No, I wouldn’t say I like it very much. It’s boring for me.
No, I don’t. I prefer watching TV.
No, I don’t. I prefer dancing.
No, I don’t, because I don’t really like playing with balls.
No, I don’t. It’s difficult for me. I prefer playing football.
No, I don’t, because I think It’s dangerous.
Далее к диалогу подключается экзаменатор и задает по картинкам вопросы.
3. Вопросы, которые задает экзаменатор
3.1. Sport
Do you think cycling is dangerous?
Do you think playing football is fun?
Do you think playing tennis is exciting?
Do you think running is boring?
Do you think playing basketball is interesting?
Which of these sports do you like best?
Which sports are the most fun to watch on television? Why?
How can sport help you to make friends?
Why? Why not?
3.2. Shop
Do you think department stores are useful?
Do you think markets are cheap?
Do you think clothes shops are interesting?
Do you think shopping centers are exciting?
Do you think supermarkets are boring?
Why? Why not?
3.3. Food
Do you think eating at fast-food restaurants is healthy?
Do you think having a picnic in the park is cheap?
Do you think eating at school is fun?
Do you think of going to a restaurant with your family is fun?
Do you think eating at home is boring?
What’s your favorite café or restaurant in this area, Candidate B? Why?
And what about you, candidate A?
How often do you and your family go to café or restaurant, Candidate A?
And what about you, candidate A?
Why? Why not?
3.4. TV
Do you think watching action films on TV is exciting?
Do you think watching the news on TV is sad?
Do you think watching football matches on TV is interesting?
Do you think watching singing on TV is fun?
Do you think watching programmes about history on TV is boring?
Now, do you prefer watching television alone or with other people, Candidate B? (Why)
And what about you, Candidate A?
How much time do you spend watching television on different days of the week, candidate A?
Why? Why not?
3.5. Town
Do you think cinemas are exciting?
Do you think shopping centers are interesting?
Do you think bus stations are dirty?
Do you think museums are boring?
Do you think the parks are beautiful?
Which of these places in town do you like best?
Do you prefer going back to the same places in your town or going to lots of different places? Why?
Where do you think it is the best place to meet friends? Why?
Why? Why not?
3.6. Holiday
Do you think staying at a campsite is fun?
Do you think lying on a beach is boring?
Do you think going to stay with family is cheap?
Do you think having a holiday in the mountains is different?
Do you think going on a school trip is exciting?
Which of these holidays do you like best? Why?
Is it more fun to have holidays with family or with friends? Why
Do you ever feel tired after a holiday? Why
Why? Why not?
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