ವಿಷಯಕ್ಕೆ ಹೋಗು

ಮಾಡ್ಯೂಲ್:Namespace detect/data: ಪರಿಷ್ಕರಣೆಗಳ ನಡುವಿನ ವ್ಯತ್ಯಾಸ

ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯದಿಂದ, ಇದು ಮುಕ್ತ ಹಾಗೂ ಸ್ವತಂತ್ರ ವಿಶ್ವಕೋಶ
Content deleted Content added
okay, it needs wrapping after all
ಚು ೧ revision imported from d:Module:Namespace_detect/data
( ೧೯ ಮಧ್ಯಂತರ ಪರಿಷ್ಕರಣೆಗಳು ೯ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರಿಂದ ತೋರಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ)
೧ ನೇ ಸಾಲು: ೧ ನೇ ಸಾಲು:
-- Configuration data --
-- Namespace detect data --
-- This module holds data for [[Module:Namespace detect]] to be loaded per --
-- Language-specific parameter names can be set here. --
-- page, rather than per #invoke, for performance reasons. --

local cfg = {}
local cfg = require('Module:Namespace detect/config')

local function addKey(t, key, defaultKey)
-- This parameter displays content for the main namespace:
if key ~= defaultKey then
cfg.main = 'main'
t[#t + 1] = key

-- Get a table of parameters to query for each default parameter name.
-- This parameter displays in talk namespaces:
-- This allows wikis to customise parameter names in the cfg table while
cfg.talk = 'talk'
-- ensuring that default parameter names will always work. The cfg table
-- values can be added as a string, or as an array of strings.

local defaultKeys = {
-- This parameter displays content for "other" namespaces (namespaces for which
-- parameters have not been specified, or for when cfg.demospace is set to cfg.other):
cfg.other = 'other'

local argKeys = {}
-- This parameter makes talk pages behave as though they are the corresponding subject namespace.
for i, defaultKey in ipairs(defaultKeys) do
-- Note that this parameter is used with [[Module:Yesno]]. Edit that module to change
argKeys[defaultKey] = {defaultKey}
-- the default values of "yes", "no", etc.
cfg.subjectns = 'subjectns'

for defaultKey, t in pairs(argKeys) do
-- This parameter sets a demonstration namespace:
local cfgValue = cfg[defaultKey]
cfg.demospace = 'demospace'
local cfgValueType = type(cfgValue)

if cfgValueType == 'string' then
-- This parameter sets a specific page to compare:
addKey(t, cfgValue, defaultKey)
cfg.page = 'page'
elseif cfgValueType == 'table' then

for i, key in ipairs(cfgValue) do
-- The header for the namespace column in the wikitable containing the list of possible subject-space parameters.
addKey(t, key, defaultKey)
cfg.wikitableNamespaceHeader = 'Namespace'

-- The header for the wikitable containing the list of possible subject-space parameters.
cfg[defaultKey] = nil -- Free the cfg value as we don't need it any more.
cfg.wikitableAliasesHeader = 'Aliases'

-- End configuration data --

local function getParamMappings()
local function getParamMappings()
--[[ Returns a table of how parameter names map to namespace names. The keys are the actual namespace
names, in lower case, and the values are the possible parameter names for that namespace, also in
-- Returns a table of how parameter names map to namespace names. The keys
lower case. The table entries are structured like this:
-- are the actual namespace names, in lower case, and the values are the
-- possible parameter names for that namespace, also in lower case. The
-- table entries are structured like this:
[''] = {'main'},
-- {
['wikipedia'] = {'wikipedia', 'project', 'wp'},
-- [''] = {'main'},
-- ['wikipedia'] = {'wikipedia', 'project', 'wp'},
-- ...
-- }
local mappings = {}
local mappings = {}
mappings[mw.ustring.lower(mw.site.namespaces[0].name)] = {cfg.main}
local mainNsName = mw.site.subjectNamespaces[0].name
mainNsName = mw.ustring.lower(mainNsName)
mappings[cfg.talk] = {cfg.talk}
mappings[mainNsName] = mw.clone(argKeys.main)
mappings['talk'] = mw.clone(argKeys.talk)
for nsid, ns in pairs(mw.site.subjectNamespaces) do
for nsid, ns in pairs(mw.site.subjectNamespaces) do
if nsid ~= 0 then -- Exclude main namespace.
if nsid ~= 0 then -- Exclude main namespace.
೬೬ ನೇ ಸಾಲು: ೭೮ ನೇ ಸಾಲು:

return { cfg, getParamMappings() }
return {
argKeys = argKeys,
cfg = cfg,
mappings = getParamMappings()

೧೮:೧೦, ೧೦ ಅಕ್ಟೋಬರ್ ೨೦೨೩ ದ ಇತ್ತೀಚಿನ ಆವೃತ್ತಿ

This is a data page for Module:Namespace detect. It is loaded by the main module using mw.loadData, which means it is only processed once per page rather than once per #invoke.

--                          Namespace detect data                             --
-- This module holds data for [[Module:Namespace detect]] to be loaded per    --
-- page, rather than per #invoke, for performance reasons.                    --

local cfg = require('Module:Namespace detect/config')

local function addKey(t, key, defaultKey)
	if key ~= defaultKey then
		t[#t + 1] = key

-- Get a table of parameters to query for each default parameter name.
-- This allows wikis to customise parameter names in the cfg table while
-- ensuring that default parameter names will always work. The cfg table
-- values can be added as a string, or as an array of strings.

local defaultKeys = {

local argKeys = {}
for i, defaultKey in ipairs(defaultKeys) do
	argKeys[defaultKey] = {defaultKey}

for defaultKey, t in pairs(argKeys) do
	local cfgValue = cfg[defaultKey]
	local cfgValueType = type(cfgValue)
	if cfgValueType == 'string' then
		addKey(t, cfgValue, defaultKey)
	elseif cfgValueType == 'table' then
		for i, key in ipairs(cfgValue) do
			addKey(t, key, defaultKey)
	cfg[defaultKey] = nil -- Free the cfg value as we don't need it any more.

local function getParamMappings()
	-- Returns a table of how parameter names map to namespace names. The keys
	-- are the actual namespace names, in lower case, and the values are the
	-- possible parameter names for that namespace, also in lower case. The
	-- table entries are structured like this:
	-- {
	--   [''] = {'main'},
	--   ['wikipedia'] = {'wikipedia', 'project', 'wp'},
	--   ...
	-- }
	local mappings = {}
	local mainNsName = mw.site.subjectNamespaces[0].name
	mainNsName = mw.ustring.lower(mainNsName)
	mappings[mainNsName] = mw.clone(argKeys.main)
	mappings['talk'] = mw.clone(argKeys.talk)
	for nsid, ns in pairs(mw.site.subjectNamespaces) do
		if nsid ~= 0 then -- Exclude main namespace.
			local nsname = mw.ustring.lower(ns.name)
			local canonicalName = mw.ustring.lower(ns.canonicalName)
			mappings[nsname] = {nsname}
			if canonicalName ~= nsname then
				table.insert(mappings[nsname], canonicalName)
			for _, alias in ipairs(ns.aliases) do
				table.insert(mappings[nsname], mw.ustring.lower(alias))
	return mappings

return {
	argKeys = argKeys,
	cfg = cfg,
	mappings = getParamMappings()