How to contribute to Knowridge Science Report
To scientific researchers: if you have something insightful you would like to share with the readers, you’re welcome to submit a post of your research finding to our team.
Who are we looking for?
Our contributors are Universities and research institutes. The content is written based on scientific research published in peer-reviewed journals.
It’s recommended that you spend time reading through the site to get an idea of the type of stories we publish.
How does it work?
Send the final draft of your piece, a proposed headline, a brief bio, and links to any other pieces you’ve published to [email protected].
Our team will review your submission and get back to you if it’s something we’re interested in posting. Please note that we can’t make publishing guarantees.
Contributors FAQ
Does Knowridge Science Report accept new Contributors?
Yes. we accept guest posts from individual scientific researchers that fit in nicely with the areas we cover.
What are you looking for from a contributor post?
Interesting and enlightening science news and discoveries, and helpful advice and analysis. To get the single best piece of advice, please read the site. Get a feel for the types of stories we publish.
How can I submit a contributor post?
Send an email to [email protected] with the name of the contributor as well as his/her credentials. Indicate which category you think it belongs to. You will definitely hear back if we’re interested.
What else should I know?
We will typically give your piece our own headline so that it fits the Knowridge Science Report style. You are encouraged to provide a photo (at least 800*534) along with your article.
*Corrections: Please send any corrections to [email protected]. We only publish your research work.
What We’re Looking For:
- Unique analysis, commentary, and expert opinion. Our writers cover many topics — you can write about a similar topic provided you offer an original viewpoint that is corroborated by facts.
- Research studies or scientific findings. Make sure your points are clear and easy to read.
- Primary reporting. This means you have direct quotes.
- Accuracy. This includes spelling, grammar, and facts.
- Word count. 400-2,000 word posts tend to do well. This is not a hard and fast rule. Take the space you need to get across what you need to say.
What We’re Not Looking For:
- Sponsored posts.
- Extremely personal posts. Real-life examples are great, but we don’t want to read about your private life.
- Posts that use overly-technical language or terms only industry insiders would know.
- Attacks. No personal attacks, conspiracy theories, defamation, or gratuitous foul language.
- Posts that infringe upon another person’s intellectual property. This includes but is not limited to trade secrets, trademarks, and copyrights of any type.
- Keyword marketing or paid links. Adding keywords to increase SEO or driving readers to websites for promotional purposes is not tolerated.