Knowridge Science Report Team
Editor-in-Chief: Jane Yang, Ph.D.
Jane Yang holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and has seven years of research experience at Cornell University, the University of California Irvine, and Macquarie University.
Dr. Yang has strong research experiences in cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging, and psychology. She has published over 20 research papers in international peer-reviewed journals and served as a reviewer/editorial board member for more than 10 academic journals in her field.
After finishing her research work, she decided to follow her passion for writing science and health for the public. She joined Knowridge Science Report in 2017 as the editor-in-chief.
Dr. Yang is also the General Director of Knowridge Pty Ltd (ACN:663 518 858). Dr. Yang’s email address is [email protected].
Editor: Tom Chou, Ph.D.
Tom Chou holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience and has three years of working experience at Macquarie University.
Dr. Chou has strong research experience in neuroscience and published over four research papers in international peer-reviewed journals.
After finishing his research work at Macquarie University in 2017, Dr. Chou joined the newly founded editor team at Knowridge Science Report. Dr. Chou still tracks the latest developments in his research field and also expands his focus to disease prevention and related medical research. Dr. Zhou also believes that science could help people live better, especially in a world that went through a global pandemic. Tom’s email address is [email protected].
Editor: Yun Young, Master of Biology
Yun Young acquired his master’s degree in biology at the University of Wollongong in 2019.
Young has a strong enthusiasm for scientific writing and is determined to pursue his career as a science journalist. Young worked at Knowridge Science Report for an internship between 2018 and 2019 and joined the editorial team in 2019.
Besides writing the scientific findings in plain language, Young is also responsible for reviewing the submissions from universities and research institutes. Young’s work passion brings great joy to the whole team. Yun’s email address is [email protected].
Managing Editor: Steven Liang, Master of Business Administration
Mr. Liang holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from George Washington University in the U.S. He has a strong passion for the Internet and future technology.
In 2016, Mr. Liang founded Knowridge Science Report. He believes that science can offer multiple dimensions to understanding the world and that new technologies could and should help people live better. Mr. Liang’s email address is [email protected].