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GTA 6 Trailer Packed With Moments Inspired By Actual Florida Shenanigans

GTA 6 Trailer Packed With Moments Inspired By Actual Florida Shenanigans

Florida’s a pretty interesting place, and the fictional state of Leonida aims to be one as well

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What is reality anymore?
Gif: Rockstar Games / edyperezz_ / KETV / CHC News / Ary News / Kotaku

So, how many times have you watched the Grand Theft Auto VI trailer thus far? To be honest, I’ve fully lost track for myself, but as the internet pores over it for the 98-millionth time, folks are starting to point out that many scenes of life in the fictional state of Leonida look quite familiar. It turns out those wild scenes were inspired by real-world events in the great state of Florida.


Read More: Grand Theft Auto VI’s First Trailer Drops Early After Leak

No stranger to satirizing reality (as if that’s even possible these days), GTA often takes inspiration from real-world events to help shape its absurdist portrayal of American society. This time around appears to be no exception.

Let’s dive into some slices of real-life absurdity referenced in the trailer to see where GTA 6 is pulling its inspiration from.

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Online video shows woman twerking on car roof

Online video shows woman twerking on car roof

A side-by-side image shows people riding on top of cars.
Image: Rockstar Games / kilgore9012 / Kotaku

This clip from 2017 taken on the MacArthur Causeway in Miami of a lady twerking on the roof of a moving car (not safe!) seems like the clear basis for a moment in Grand Theft Auto 6’s premiere trailer.

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Cops chase naked man down the street

Cops chase naked man down the street

Gif: Rockstar Games / CHCH News / Kotaku

One scene in the trailer shows a Leonida police officer running after a nearly naked person dashing across the street in front of a gas station. It’s not hard to imagine that this footage from CHCH News in Halton (which, though not in Florida, still very much has Florida energy) served as the inspiration. Hat tip to MMI on Twitter (presently X) for spotting this one (and a few others).

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Miami donuts

Miami donuts

A side-by-side image shows cars driving in circles in the middle of an intersection.
Image: Rockstar Games / Local 10 / Kotaku

No, not those donuts (but damn am I hungry). Back in 2020, a bunch of folks decided it’d be a swell idea to hold up traffic by doing donuts in the middle of the street for as long as 30 minutes according to some reports. Just what is going on in this state? And why don’t I live in such a fun, lawless place? (Oh, yeah, that’s right). A similar scene takes place in the GTA 6 trailer.

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An alligator strolls into a shop

An alligator strolls into a shop

A side-by-side image shows an alligator walking by a shop.
Image: Rockstar Games / Fox 35 / Kotaku

One of my favorite scenes in the new GTA trailer was of the alligator walking into a convenience store. 10 years ago, a similar scene took place at a Walmart in Apopka, Florida. As Kotaku contributor John Walker pointed out, the gator was probably looking to exercise his 2nd Amendment rights by purchasing a shotgun at a store that sells as much produce as it does deadly weapons.

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Heavily tattooed Florida man arrested

Heavily tattooed Florida man arrested

A side-by-side image shows two heavily tattooed people arrested.
Image: KETV / Rockstar Games / Kotaku

Back in 2017, a Lawrence Sullivan was taken into custody for aiming weapons at moving vehicles (dude forgot he wasn’t in fact in Grand Theft Auto). Heavily tattooed in a style nearly matching that of a character we briefly see in GTA 6’s trailer, he notably didn’t have a gun permit because it was “too expensive.”

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More alligator shenanigans

More alligator shenanigans

Gif: Rockstar Games / Ary News / Kotaku

I have it on good authority that gators ending up in swimming pools is rather common in Florida, so it should be no surprise that the GTA 6 trailer references something wildlife control is usually called in to deal with. A similar scene took place in 2021, with our reptilian protagonist first parking itself under a table in one Tim Kelly’s house before it decided to go for a swim in his pool.


Read More: GTA 6 Trailer Is Full Of Hilarious Little Details

What do we expect when people live in close proximity to creatures that are literally related to friggin’ dinosaurs?

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Lady threatens people with two hammers

Lady threatens people with two hammers

A side-by-side image shows two people weilding hammers.
Image: Rockstar Games / edyperezz_ / Kotaku

Back in 2020, @edyperezz_ had a terrifying encounter with a racist who took to smashing their car with hammers. They shared their experience on Twitter (presently known as X, and pronounced “Ex”). The GTA 6 trailer also shows a menacing lady carrying twin hammers.

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Wheels Up, Guns Down

Wheels Up, Guns Down

A side-by-side image shows multiple bikes moving through an intersection.
Image: Rockstar Games / Local 10 / Kotaku

An annual event often taking place in Florida and Georgia, Wheels Up, Guns Down organizes bikers to promote peace and non-violence. Though maybe taking over intersections with dirt bikes and ATVs isn’t terribly safe? One scene from the GTA 6 trailer shows off a scene very reminiscent of this event.


That wraps up our list of real-world parallels to Grand Theft Auto 6. Have you spotted any similar scenes?
