Do You Feel Loved?

Picture of a red rose with title concerning love

Do you feel loved?

Do you have a Valentine? Maybe not – or maybe you do after all.

Feeling Loved and Valentines Day

A piece I read recently about Valentine’s Day history intrigued me. I found the history fascinating. What conviction Valentine held!

As Valentine’s Day approaches, our chance of similar persecution seems low. Love still sifts through the air, albeit more freely. But not everyone feels they have a Valentine.

But maybe Christians have a Valentine after all.

Jesus Loves You

Our groom, Jesus watches and waits for His bride – you and I if we’re believers in Christ. He stands drenched and overflowing with love. Call it a Valentine, if you will, albeit a slightly different angle from St. Valentine.

Sometimes it’s easy to forget we are loved. The groom awaiting his bride seemingly turns blurry, and we feel anything BUT loved.

Maybe someone has tossed dating or marital rejection our way, splattering its juice on us. Perhaps a spouse has offered less than kind words, parents left us in the dust for some other Cinderella life, or a child simply can’t stand to be near. We soak in feelings of rejection. It happens.

But there’s ONE who hasn’t rejected us. Never will.

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Do You Feel Loved?

There’s One who stands ready for acceptance: our groom. Will you be His bride?

Today, tomorrow, the rest of this week consider living loved. Stand intentional, living in the everlasting love of Christ, the faithful arms of our Father. After all, our groom awaits.

Happy Valentine’s Day, friend.

For More on Love:

Do you struggle with rejection?

Removing the Sting of Rejection

Subscribe below to receive the 3-day devotional Removing the Sting of Rejection in your inbox for FREE. Use this devotional to build your spiritual muscles to counter the sting of rejection.

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    1. Love {no pun!} this post, love that His love is available to us all in huge measure, no what our current marital or family status.

      So grateful for the Lover of our souls who knows exactly what we yearn for …

      Thanks, Kristi, for taking us to Him …

      Valentine’s Blessings to you, friend.