
KSBN's COVID-19 Information Center

A place for KSBN to update the public on matters related to COVID-19

Nurses in Kansas

How many nurses are in Kansas?

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2021

License Type:

KS Licenses

Clinical Nurse Specialist:


Licensed Mental Health Technician:


Licensed Practical Nurse – Multi-State:


Licensed Practical Nurse – Single-State:


Nurse Midwife:


Nurse Practitioner:


Registered Nurse – Multi-State:


Registered Nurse – Single-State:


Registered Nurse Anesthetist:


Total Nurses in the USA


Update (7/19/2022)

July 19th, 2022

Read the update from KSBN’s executive administrator about the Senate Substitute for House Bill 2279.

Update (4/21/2022)

April 21st, 2022

Read the update from KSBN’s executive administrator about the Senate Substitute for House Bill 2279.

Update (2/2/2022)

February 2nd, 2022

Read the update from KSBN’s executive administrator about House Bill 2477.

Update (1/10/2022)

January 10th, 2022

Read the update from KSBN’s executive administrator about Executive Order No. 22-01.

Monthly Update (5/14/2021)

April 12th, 2021

Read the monthly update from KSBN’s executive administrator.

Monthly Update (4/12/2021)

April 12th, 2021

Read the monthly update from KSBN’s executive administrator.

Monthly Update (4/2/2021)

April 2nd, 2021

Read the monthly update from KSBN’s executive administrator.

Monthly Update (2/25/2021)

February 25th, 2021

Read the monthly update from KSBN’s executive administrator. Also see the mentioned Senate Bill 14.

Monthly Update (1/26/2021)

January 26th, 2021

Read the monthly update from KSBN’s executive administrator. Also see the mentioned Senate Bill 14.

Monthly Update (12/16/2020)

December 16th, 2020

Read the monthly update from KSBN’s executive administrator. Also see the mentioned Executive Order 20-64.

Bi-Weekly Update (12/02/2020)
Bi-Weekly Update (11/18/2020)

November 18th, 2020

Read the bi-weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator. Also see the mentioned Executive Order No. 20-64.

Bi-Weekly Update (11/05/2020)

November 5th, 2020

Read the bi-weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator. Also see House Bill 2016.

Bi-Weekly Update (10/21/2020)

October 21st, 2020

Read the bi-weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator.

Bi-Weekly Update (10/7/2020)

October 7th, 2020

Read the bi-weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator. Also see House Bill No. 2016.

Bi-Weekly Update (9/23/2020)

September 23rd, 2020

Read the bi-weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator. Also see House Bill No. 2016.

Bi-Weekly Update (9/7/2020)

September 7th, 2020

Read the bi-weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator. Also see House Bill No. 2016, Executive Order 20-39, and Executive Order 20-49.

Bi-Weekly Update (8/24/2020)

August 24th, 2020

Read the bi-weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator. Also see House Bill No. 2016, Executive Order 20-39, and Executive Order 20-49.

Bi-Weekly Update (8/10/2020)

August 10th, 2020

Read the now bi-weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator. Also see House Bill No. 2016, Executive Order 20-39, and Executive Order 20-49.

Bi-Weekly Update (7/27/2020)

July 27th, 2020

Read the now bi-weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator. Also see House Bill No. 2016, Executive Order 20-39, and Executive Order 20-49.

Bi-Weekly Update (7/13/2020)

July 13th, 2020

Read the now bi-weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator. Also see House Bill No. 2016, Executive Order 20-39, and Executive Order 20-49.

Bi-Weekly Update (6/26/2020)

June 26th, 2020

Read the now bi-weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator. Also see House Bill No. 2016 and Executive Order 20-39.

Fingerprinting Availability

May 12th, 2020


If you are an initial applicant or endorsement and are in need of fingerprints, please view the list of locations compiled by KSBN currently accepting nursing fingerprints. Locations are subject to change depending on conditions.  You are highly encouraged to contact the law enforcement office via the phone numbers listed for any special instructions and before visiting, to see if they continue to perform these services.

Weekly Update (6/19/2020)

June 19th, 2020

Read the weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator. Also see House Bill No. 2016 and Executive Order 20-39.

Weekly Update (6/12/2020)

June 12th, 2020

Read the weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator.

Weekly Update (6/5/2020)

June 5th, 2020

Read the weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator.

Weekly Update (5/29/2020)

May 29th, 2020

Read the weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator.

Weekly Update (5/22/2020)

May 22nd, 2020

Read the weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator.

Weekly Update (5/15/2020)

May 15th, 2020

Read the weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator.

Weekly Update (5/8/2020)

May 8th, 2020

Read the weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator.

Weekly Update (5/1/2020)

May 1st, 2020

Read the weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator.

Weekly Update (4/24/2020)

April 24th, 2020

Read the weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator.

Weekly Update (4/17/2020)

April 17th, 2020

Read the weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator.

Weekly Update (4/10/2020)

April 10th, 2020

Read the weekly update from KSBN’s executive administrator.

Essential Functions Continue

April 2nd, 2020

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Board of Nursing  and the Landon building will be closed to the walk-in public through April 19.  Like most state agencies and businesses the majority of KSBN staff will be teleworking to perform the functions of the agency.  Due to our high utilization of technology and dedicated staff, routine functions like renewals and licensing will continue.  Some functions are interdependent with other entities, such as fingerprinting and NCLEX exams, and may not be business as usual.  KSBN continues to work collaboratively to seek solutions, streamline functions and identify any regulatory changes that can be made that will allow KSBN to work to support Kansas nurses.  Given that many of our KSBN staff members are teleworking, the best way to contact them is via their email.  You may find our direct agency contacts information listed under Staff Contacts on our website. Please continue to follow our website and social media [Twitter and Facebook] and our COVID-19 Information Center for agency updates and frequently asked questions.  For quicker responses, we strongly encourage you to do business with KSBN via our online services located on our website, mail or fax.  KSBN staff are working diligently to continue to carry out the essential functions of the agency.  Thank you for your patience during this difficult and uncertain time.

If you are an applicant or endorsement and need your fingerprints, you are encouraged to contact your local law enforcement office and/or the Kansas Bureau of Investigation to see if they continue to perform these services before visiting. The KBI can be reached at 785-296-7404.

NCLEX Exams to Resume in Limited Capacity

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN Examinations testing will resume on a limited basis at 60 Pearson VUE Testing Centers on March 25, 2020, ramping up to additional sites by March 28. Read more

Message to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) who prescribe medications.

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

During this time of COVID-19 pharmacists are seeing an increase in prescriptions for chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.  Be aware the big distributors report shortages of these medications, so please be mindful when prescribing these medications.

KSBN Closes

Friday, March 20th, 2020

In accordance to the directive of the Governor on the matter of COVID-19, the Board of Nursing will be closed starting end of business Friday March 20th.  We are set to reopen on Monday, April 6th.  We thank you for your patience in the coming weeks as we work through these challenging times.

Due to office closure for the ongoing COVID-19 response, KSBN will not be able to process anything sent by mail until Monday, April 6th, when we are scheduled to reopen. This includes KORA requests sent by mail, applications sent by mail, etc.

In an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19 and reduce its impact in our communities, we strongly encourage you to conduct all business with the Board through our website, email, or phone.

If you are an applicant or endorsement and need your fingerprints, you are encouraged to contact your local law enforcement office and/or the Kansas Bureau of Investigation to see if they continue to perform these services before visiting. The KBI can be reached at 785-296-7404.

KSBN Cancels Board Meeting

Monday, March 16th, 2020

In the Memorandum from Governor Kelly on March 13, 2020  we were directed to cancel all state-sponsored meetings or events of 30 or more people.  We could work on alternatives to conducting meetings, such as teleconference.  Since our Committee meetings and Board meetings are under KOMA, we did not have a back-up location that met the guidelines a participant could attend if needed.  A meeting space would need to allow at least six feet of distance between individuals attending in person.  All non-essential travel within the state is cancelled

Due to all these reasons the March Committee and Board meetings have been cancelled.  The next KSBN Committee and Board meetings are scheduled for June 15, 16, and 17, 2020.  All business on the March agendas will be moved to the June agendas. 


How will we receive updates of information from the Board of Nursing?

We will be providing information via various methods of communications including the website, social media and push notification emails form the KSBN KANNalert System.

Can nurses from other states practice in Kansas during the pandemic?

Kansas is a member state of the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC).  A nurse with an active multi-state license from other member states of the NLC can practice in Kansas.  The nurse does not need to do anything with the Kansas Board of Nursing, unless the nurse changes their residency to Kansas.   The states that are members of the NLC are located here.

House Bill 2477 allows a healthcare professional licensed and in good standing in another state may practice such profession in the state of Kansas for the purpose of preparing for, responding to or mitigating any effect of COVID-19.  A license that has been suspended or revoked or a licensee that is subject to pending license-related disciplinary action shall not be considered to be in good standing.  Any license that is subject to limitation in another state shall be subject to the same limitation in the state of Kansas.  Such healthcare professional shall not be liable in any criminal prosecution, civil action or administrative proceeding arising out of such healthcare professionals lack of licensure in the state of Kansas.  Within seven calendar days of initiating practice in Kansas, such healthcare professional shall notify the appropriate regulatory body in Kansas that such professional is practicing in Kansas by submitting information on a form and in a manner prescribed by the Board of Nursing.  This form is located on our website, here.

The healthcare professional is subject to all rules and regulations applicable to the practice of the licensed professional in this state; and considered a licensee for the purposes of the applicable professional practice act administered by the applicable regulatory body.  The provisions of House Bill 2477 are effective until January 21, 2023.

Can APRNs work without a collaborative agreement?

House Bill 2477 contains a provision that allows a licensed advanced practice registered nurse to provide healthcare services appropriate to the advanced practice registered nurse’s education, training and experience within a designated healthcare facility at which the advanced practice registered nurse is employed or contracted to work as necessary to support the facility’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic without direction and supervision from a responsible physician.  The advanced practice registered nurse shall not be liable in any criminal prosecution, civil action or administrative proceeding arising out of such advanced practice registered nurse’s lack of direction and supervision from a responsible physician.

House Bill 2477 containing a provision that allows a registered nurse anesthetist to provide healthcare services appropriate to such registered nurse anesthetist’s education, training and experience within a designated healthcare facility at which the registered nurse anesthetist is employed or contracted to work as necessary to support the facility’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic without direction and supervision from a physician.  The registered nurse anesthetist shall not be liable in any criminal prosecution, civil action or administrative proceeding arising out of the registered nurse anesthetist’s lack of direction and supervision from a physician.


Is the Board of Nursing accepting fingerprints and background checks at this time?

Yes, the Board of Nursing continues to accept fingerprints for licensure.  The Board of Nursing does not provide the fingerprinting services.  The applicant should contact their local law enforcement about obtaining their fingerprints.  More information about fingerprints is available on our website here.

Is KSBN continuing to process renewals for licensees?

Yes, the Board of Nursing continues to process applications for license renewals.  More information about licensure renewal is available on our website here.

Is the Board of Nursing going to waive the requirement for Continuing Nursing Education (CNE)?

House Bill 2477 states a healthcare professional may have their license reinstated within five years of lapse without satisfying the continuing education requirement.  This is the only provision about waiving the requirement for continuing nursing education.

How do I verify the status of a nurse’s license?

We encourage employers and anyone from the general public to use the following methods to verify licensure.

Public License Verifications

Does this impact my nursing compact (NLC) license?

No, the Kansas State Board of Nursing is part of the Nurse License Compact.  The NLC increases access to care while maintaining public protection at the state level. Under the NLC, nurses can practice in other NLC states, without having to obtain additional licenses. For information on the NLC please visit the one of the website links below.

Does the State of Kansas have a website for statewide update on COVID-19?

Yes, please visit the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) COVID-19 website for up-to-date information about the state’s response to the COVID-19 emergency.

Do we need to carry our License Card during this emergency?

The Kansas State Board of Nursing does NOT require nurses to carry their license with them at all times. We have moved our operations in the same direction as the rest of the country to allow for multiple methods for real-time license verifications by employers and/or the general public.  If the nurse wishes to have a copy of their card, they may log into their license portal and print one free of charge.  Read more about license printing.

How do I know when my license expires?

K.A.R. 60-3-108 states that a license for registered professional nurses and licensed practical nurses shall be renewed according to the following requirements:

  1. The expiration date of each license shall be the last day of the month in which the licensee’s birthday occurs
  2. The renewal date of each licensee whose year of birth is an odd-numbered year shall be in each odd-numbered year.  The renewal date for each licensee whose year of birth is an even-numbered year shall be in each even numbered year.

An example is:  licensee’s date of birth: 7/15/1988, the next expiration date is 7/31/2022

K.A.R. 60-11-113 states advanced practice registered nurse licensees shall be renewed on the same biennial cycle as the cycle for the registered professional nurse licensure renewal, as specified in K.A.R. 60-3-108.

As a reminder, you need to complete 30 hours of approved CNE before your license renewal.  APRNs must have 30 contact hours of approved CNE in the advanced practice nurse role before license renewal.