This work was made during the wiki photo-walk by Nahid Sultan & Saiful Aopu and released under the license(s) stated below. Please feel free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit Nahid Sultan & Saiful Aopu as author and follow the terms of the chosen license. If you use this work outside of the Wikimedia projects, we would very much like to get a note from you. Thanks!
parve bike – ji bo kopîkirin, belavkirin û weşandina xebatê
ji bo guhartin û adaptekirina naverokê – ji bo adaptekirina xebatê
Di bin van mercan de:
isnad – Divê tu isnadeke maqûl bikî, lînekek pêşkêş bikî ji bo lîsansê, û diyar bikî ku guhartin hatiye kirin an na. Tu dikarî vê yekê bi adilî bi cih bînî, lê ne bi awayê ku wekî lîsansor te an bikaranîna te pejirandibe.
parvekirinê mîna hev – Ger tu materyalê biguherînî, bizivirînî formeke din, an ava bikî divê beşdariyên xwe di bin eynî lîsansê an lîsansa hevaheng de wekî ya eslî belav bikî.
According to Sec. 72 of the "2000 Copyright Act of Bangladesh", the following acts shall not constitute infringement of copyright, namely:
(19) the making or publishing of a painting, drawing, engraving or photograph of architecture or the display of a work of architecture;
(20) the making or publishing of painting, drawing, engraving or photograph of a sculpture or other artistic work falling under section 36(c) (enumerated as "other works of artistic craftsmanship" under Sec. 2, "Definitions"), if such work is permanently situated in a public place or any premises to which the public has access;
(21) the inclusion in a cinematograph film of – (i) any artistic work permanently situated in a public place or any premises to which the public has access; or (ii) any other artistic work, if such inclusion is only by way of background or is otherwise incidental to the principal matters represented in the film;[...]