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An early 2026 poll finds former Gov. Larry Hogan isn’t much of a challenge for current Gov. Wes Moore.

Source: Ulysses Muñoz / The Baltimore Banner

If the 2026 gubernatorial election were held today, Maryland Gov. Wes Moore would handily defeat former Gov. Larry Hogan, according to a poll out Tuesday.

Hogan, a Republican, has not yet said he’ll run for governor in 2026. But in the hypothetical posed by Gonzales Research and Media Services, Moore, a Democrat, defeats Hogan 52% to 38%. Ten percent said they were undecided.

Hogan earned a similar share of voters, 42%, in his November bid for U.S. Senate, losing to former Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks, who cleared more than 54% of the statewide vote. Alsobrooks was sworn in as Maryland’s senator on Friday.

The Gonzales survey covered multiple topics including what voters thought of Moore’s job performance and whether they’re for or against paying more taxes to help fill the state’s nearly $3 billion budget hole.

… this story continues. Read the rest at The Baltimore Banner: Poll: Marylanders favor Moore over Hogan in 2026, oppose new taxes in 2025


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