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Theoria Gaeae

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(Redirectum de Theoria Gaia)
Terra planeta ab astronavi Apolline 17 conspecta.

Theoria Gaeae, a Iacobo Lovelock physico edicta et a Gaia, dea Graeca telluris appellata, ait omnes incolas superficiei telluris (animalia, plantas, aquas, saxa) sine conscientia quasi in unum corpus cyberneticae confundere quod vitam sustineat.

Astronautis in Luna gressis et studio de reliqua universitate exsultante, Lovelock alias planetas ad signa vitae invenienda investigare coepit. Sed conclusiones ex orbita huius telluris non discesserunt. Hoc mysterium teleologiae animadvertit: cum Sol plus calescat quoque saeculo, tamen temperatura vitae amica semper fuit terrae. Hoc Lovelock non putat fortuitum esse: miratur an viva ad aerem stabilem tenendum evolverint, an tellus nostra pro uno animante fungatur.

Lovelock autem mox didicit sibi a reprehensoribus non parsurum esse, quia secundum doctrinam tellus proposito agat—sententia quae aliquibus physicis religiosior videbatur. Reprehensoribus defervescentibus sed terra signa febris monstrante, Lovelock hac doctrina nuper usus est diagnosis faciendae causa. Timet ne Gaea a noxis nostris se ipsam sanatura sit tali calamitate ut civilizatio humana non iam esse possit. Lovelock igitur suadet ut, hoc discrimine, mutationem aeris mutemus priusquam Gaea nos permutaverit.

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[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Bondì, Roberto (2006). Blu come un'arancia. Gaia tra mito e scienza. Torino, Utet: Prefazione di Enrico Bellone. ISBN 88-02-07259-0 
  • Bondì, Roberto (2007). Solo l'atomo ci può salvare. L'ambientalismo nuclearista di James Lovelock. Torino, Utet: Prefazione di Enrico Bellone. ISBN 88-02-07704-5 
  • Jaworski, Helan (1928). Le Géon ou la Terre vivante. Paris: Librairie Gallimard 
  • Lovelock, James. The Independent. The Earth is about to catch a morbid fever, 16 January 2006.
  • Kleidon, Axel (2004). "Beyond Gaia: Thermodynamics of Life and Earth system functioning". Climatic Change 66 (3): 271–319 
  • Lovelock, James (1995). The Ages of Gaia: A Biography of Our Living Earth. New York: Norton. ISBN 0-393-31239-9 
  • Lovelock, James (2000). Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-286218-9 
  • Lovelock, James (2001). Homage to Gaia: The Life of an Independent Scientist. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-860429-7 
  • Lovelock, James (2006), interviewed in How to think about science, CBC Ideas (radio program), broadcast January 3, 2008. Link
  • Lovelock, James (2007). The Revenge of Gaia: Why the Earth Is Fighting Back — and How We Can Still Save Humanity. Santa Barbara CA: Allen Lane. ISBN 0-7139-9914-4 
  • Lovelock, James (2009). The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning. New York, NY: Basic Books. ISBN 0-465-01549-2 
  • Margulis, Lynn (1998). Symbiotic Planet: A New Look at Evolution. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. ISBN 0-297-81740-X 
  • Marshall, Alan (2002). The Unity of Nature: Wholeness and Disintegration in Ecology and Science. River Edge, N.J: Imperial College Press. ISBN 1-86094-330-6 
  • Staley M (September 2002). "Darwinian selection leads to Gaia". J. Theor. Biol. 218 (1): 35–46 
  • Schneider, Stephen Henry (2004). Scientists debate Gaia: the next century. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-19498-8 
  • Thomas, Lewis G. (1974). The Lives of a Cell; Notes of a Biology Watcher. New York: Viking Press. ISBN 0-670-43442-6