The Ionode Story ...
Good Chemistry is what we're all about ... in both our product developments and our business relationships. For 40 years, Ionode products have been highly respected and sought for delivering the value, precision and durability expected by today's demanding industries. Striving to deliver those same valuable principles in business relationships ... you're in very good hands.

Operating globally, Ionode is a specialist manufacturer of pH, ORP and Ion Selective electrodes for industrial, field and laboratory applications and are respected as the benchmark in the science of sensors.
Give us a try ... you'll see why !

Many years ago we learned that the industry needed a real solution to all of those annoying sensor problems ... clogging, failures, breakages, hydration issues, calibration problems etc. We saw how annoying cleaning probes had become, so we started by fixing that … and then we decided that our sensors should work in any sample you could imagine, so we fixed that too ... We knew they had to be tough (like an Aussie), sharp - like a bullet, and last forever … Too Easy! ( try the drop test on any other sensor )
Our deep knowledge of chemistry lead us to develop special double junction mechanics which resulted in far less contamination and incredible reliability. We then automated our laboratory and learned how to perfectly reproduce glass membranes which are super-tough and super-fast. Wrap it all up in a tough and flexible body and The IJ Koala Series is born ... the benchmark in versatility, reliability and performance. One sensor, so many applications.
By that time we had developed a full range of Ion Selective IJ sensors with the same outstanding Koala pedigree, a range of combination swimming pool probes used in thousands of pools throughout Australia and Europe and partnered with many OEM, process and research facilities to develop custom solutions for an ever-widening range of applications …
Here we are 40 years later convincing you to give us a try ...