Solar Product
Testing and Certification
We are an ISO 17025 accredited Testing Laboratory and an ISO 17065 accredited Certification Body for Solar products.
LabTest is the industry leader in assisting manufacturers with the evaluation of Solar Products for the North American and International markets. Accredited by Standards Council of Canada (SCC) as a Testing and Certification body for Canada and recognized by SRCC as a Testing Laboratory for the USA, LabTest provides Testing & Certification for the following Solar products:

Solar Domestic Hot Water (SDHW) systems
This includes collectors as well as the water heater tank and all associated components needed to run and control each. The collector must be certified before the whole system can be qualified.
Solar Thermal Collectors
Collectors absorbing sunlight power and using it for the heating of water for domestic use. Collectors must be tested individually first, and then as part of the whole system.

Photovoltaic Modules/Panels
An assembly of photo-voltaic cells that collects sunlight power and converts it into electricity. This includes “hybrid” systems that use Solar Thermal Collectors and PV Modules together, for the heating of water and production of usable electricity.
- ICC 901/SRCC 100 Solar Thermal Collector Standard
- ICC 900/SRCC 300 Solar Thermal System Standard
- ICC 902/PHTC 902/SRCC 400: Solar Pool and Spa Heating System Standard
- SRCC™ OG-100 Operating Guidelines For Certifying Solar Collectors
- SRCC™ OG-300 Operating Guidelines For Certifying Solar Water Heating Systems
- SRCC™ TM-1 Solar Domestic Hot Water System And Component Test Protocols
ICC-SRCC Test Method TM-2, Photovoltaic Water Heating Collector Test and Certification Protocol
- CAN/CSA-F379.1 “Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems – All Season”
- CAN/CSA-F379.2 “Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems – Seasonal Use”
- CAN/CSA-F378 “Solar Collectors”
- CAN/CSA-F383 “Installation of Packaged Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems”
- UL 1703/UL 61730 Standard for Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels
- ISO 9806 Solar energy – Solar Thermal Collectors – Test methods
We needed SRCC collector certification and LabTest helped perform the tests to the required specifications. The completed test resulted in a certified collector. LabTest staff went out of their way to make sure the test setup could be adapted for my needs. They made sure the test setup was working properly and to my expectations. They put in a lot of extra effort.
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