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How to Be a Girly Girl: 7 Tips of How to Be More Girly


So, how to be awesome? Well, opinions are divided. There are some that think being feminine is old-fashioned, while others see it as an advantage. Honestly, it’s all about your personal preference. If you are drawn to girly things like dresses and makeup and flowery accessories, then embrace it. If you’re more laid back and like to dress like a tomboy, then go for it. Don’t force yourself to change for anyone else. Accept yourself the way you are.

However, if you are willing to break outside of your comfort zone and embrace change, we can offer you some advice on how to be more of a girly girl. However, you don’t need to be a delicate feminine flower to be happy. You have the power within you. You simply need to be willing to embrace it.

How to Be a Girly Girl: Key Tips

If you wonder how to be happy, it starts with loving yourself. Yes, love yourself the way you are. And never, ever change yourself for anyone else. Always remain true to your heart.

And being feminine doesn’t mean you have to wear frilly dresses, sport a strand of pearls, sit at home baking and knitting all day and wear high heels 24/7. You can find jeans, skirts, slacks and blouses that are feminine, as well. And cute flats and platform shoes can be just as cute as heels. Not everyone can walk around all day in 6-inch stilettos. So, take this article with a grain of salt and pick what works best for you. It’s also all in the way you carry yourself and in your mindset, as well. Hopefully, some of our tips on how to be a girly girl can get you started!

Keep Up with Current Fashion

You don’t have to wear designer clothes or attend Fashion Week, but it can’t hurt to keep up with current trends. Check out fashion magazines and fashion bloggers online to stay informed about the latest trends. You don’t have to spend a lot of money either. You can always pick clothes on sale. It can’t hurt to add a pretty dress or skirt to update your wardrobe. You don’t need to dress like a runway model, but it would be nice to up your game and dress a bit more feminine.


Girly girls love their accessories. A cute pair of heels, a hat, a purse, some lovely earrings, a bracelet or necklace. A fun feminine accessory can really spice up an outfit and will make you feel more feminine. Treat yourself to that nice purse that you’ve been eyeing for weeks. Throw on some hoop earrings and pull those kitten heels out of your closet. A little bit can go a long way when it comes to accessories!

Experiment with Makeup & Hairstyles

One of the best things about being a woman is the ability to experiment with different hairstyles and makeup. There is a huge variety out there today, from funky colors to daring haircuts to fancy makeup styles. There are plenty of tutorial videos available online for both hair and makeup ideas, so go to town and have a blast playing around with different looks. Embrace the playful young girl inside you and try that bold new look!

Don’t Forget the Fragrance

Traditionally, there are fragrances that are considered masculine or feminine. Specifically, musky scents are more masculine, while floral and fruity scents are more feminine. Stay away from heavy musky scents and become a girly girl. And don’t wear anything that’s too overpowering. Spritz just a little behind your ears or on your wrists.

Think Like a Girl

If you really have trouble getting into the right mindset, read some “chick lit,” or watch some “chick flick.” Read some magazines that are issued for women. Also, don’t be afraid to express your emotions. That is, don’t be overly sappy, but don’t be cold either. Girly ladies are a bit more open with their feelings. Smile and laugh more and bat your eyelashes sometimes. Toss your hair over your shoulder and cock your head to one side. A little innocent flirting can go a long way! If you act the part, it will soon be your second nature!

Be Confident

Be confident, but not cocky. Girly ladies are also easy going. Have some faith in yourself and carry yourself with some attitude. Embrace the girly lady inside you and let her shine through.

Remember Your Manners

Always be polite and courteous. Say please and thank you and make eye contact. Let a man hold open a door for you or hold your bags. Just because you are a strong independent woman doesn’t mean chivalry is dead!

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