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Which Is Correct—“Alot,” “A Lot,” or “Allot”?

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“Alot” is not a word. We’ll discuss the correct spelling of this word (a lot), and go over another word that many people also commonly get confused with: “allot.”

White text over green background that reads "a lot vs. allot." (Alot or a lot or allot)
“A lot” is often misspelled as “alot.”
The store offered alot of student discounts.
The store offered allot of student discounts.
The store offered a lot of student discounts.

“Alot” or “A Lot”?

Alot (with no space) is an incorrectly spelled word. The correct spelling is always a lot (two words).

When used as a noun, the meaning of a lot is “a considerable number, quantity, or amount.”

We had a lot of fun during our vacation.

As an adverb, a lot means “a great deal” or “often.”

I care for her a lot.
We have been performing a lot during the tour.

What’s Another Word For “A Lot”?

When using a lot as a noun, you can replace it with these more concise alternatives:

1) Numerous

A lot of studies show that high social media usage has a detrimental effect on teens.
Numerous studies show that high social media usage has a detrimental effect on teens.

2) Several

There are a lot of types of bananas.
There are several types of bananas.

3) Many

If you make a right on Main Street, you’ll see that a lot of houses have been decorated for the festivities.
If you make a right on Main Street, you’ll see that many houses have been decorated for the festivities.

What Does “Allot” Mean?

A lot is also often confused with the verb allot, which means “to give or assign as a share or portion.” Therefore, it would be wrong to write allot of:

Allot of the concert-goers were unhappy with the late start.

A lot of the concert-goers were unhappy with the late start.

The correct usage of the word allot is:

We were told to allot five minutes to respond to questions after the presentation.

How To Remember the Difference Between “Allot” or “A Lot”

Remember, when it comes to alot and a lot, the correct choice is always a lot. If you’re trying to “allocate a certain portion,” then the word you want is allot.

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