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Welcome to Meridian Magazine’s podcast which focuses on the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Come Follow Me curriculum.
Join our study group and let’s delve into the scriptures in a way that is inspiring, expanding and joyful.
Come Follow Me Podcast #12: “All Things Must be Done in Order”, Doctrine and Covenants 27-28
In August of 1830, Newel Knight and his wife Sally visited Joseph and Emma in Harmony, Pennsylvania. Since neither woman had yet been confirmed, they agreed to perform the ordinance and have the sacrament together. Joseph set out to buy some wine for the occasion, when after he had traveled only a short distance, he was met by a heavenly messenger with a new instruction. The Church was rolling forth with understanding coming line upon line.
Come Follow Me Podcast #11: “Strengthen the Church”, Doctrine and Covenants 23-26
After the sacred gathering of nearly four dozen Saints in the Whitmer Home in Fayette, New York on Tuesday, April 6, 1830, this tiny band was given the commission to take the restored gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world. What an overwhelming task! How could so few bless so many? And yet, the Lord knew who He was calling and what various converts would do.
Come Follow Me Podcast #10: “The Rise of the Church of Christ”, Doctrine and Covenants 20-22
When that group of 40 or more gathered in the 20 by 30-foot Whitmer cabin that April 6, 1830 to organize the “only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth” (Doctrine and Covenants 1:30), they could not have entirely foreseen what lay ahead for this church that would, as the prophet Daniel said, “roll forth to fill the whole earth” (See Daniel 2: 31-45), but they did know they were about a great work inspired by God Himself. Let’s take you to that scene today.
Come Follow Me Podcast #9: “Learn of Me”, Doctrine and Covenants 19
Martin Harris found himself in a tight spot when he agreed to put up the money to pay for the printing of the Book of Mormon. E.B. Grandin agreed to publish 5,000 copies, but because of the unusual size of the order, and its risky nature, Grandin “told Joseph and Martin that he would not even buy the type or start the printing until one of them agreed to ‘promise to insure the payment for the printing.’ To begin the printing, Martin would have to put up nearly all of the property he owned.”
Come Follow Me Podcast #8: “The Worth of Souls is Great”, Doctrine and Covenants 18
The Doctrine and Covenants is a book full of affirmations that individuals count—that each of us is important in the sight of God. Message after message is to individuals. Some we have heard of like Oliver Cowdery or Hyrum Smith, and some to less familiar people like Leman Copley or Northrop Sweet, but then the Lord often adds this note: What I say unto one, I say unto all. But if that is not enough to let us know WE count; He gives us these 12 words in our lesson this week—and I memorized this scripture 45 years ago: “Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.”
Come Follow Me Podcast #7: “Upon You My Fellow Servants”, Doctrine and Covenants 12-17; JSH 1: 66-75
I love the natural unfolding of the restoration. Much of what happens is a result of questions that come to the minds of Joseph and Oliver in the course of the translation of the record. The more carefully you study the translation and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, the more you are amazed at the gift and power of God that was given to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery as they translated the record. These are two very young men: Joseph is 23 and Oliver is 22 years old!
Come Follow Me #6: “That You May Come off Conqueror”, Doctrine and Covenants 10-11
As you read the Doctrine and Covenants, section 10 seems out of place chronologically. Since it talks about Martin Harris and the translation of the 116 pages, shouldn’t it come after Section 3? What happened? We’ll tell you today.
Come Follow Me Podcast #5: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation,” Doctrine and Covenants 6-9
Just a few months after the 116 manuscript pages of the Book of Lehi were lost, a young man arrived in Manchester, New York. He was hired to be a teacher in New York’s Joint District 11. The small frame schoolhouse was located just about a mile south of the Joseph and Lucy Mack Smith Farm on Stafford Road. His name…was Oliver Cowdery.
Come Follow Me Podcast #4: Doctrine and Covenants 3-5 “My Work Shall Go Forth”
Joseph does not shy away from humbly including Section 3 in the Doctrine and Covenants, where he is severely chastened by the Lord for a failing. He could have hid it or polished it up to preserve his image, but because he is so honest, we not only get to see firsthand, the spiritual development of a prophet, but he also gives us all a deep teaching: “You should not have feared man more than God” (Doctrine and Covenants 3:7).
Come Follow Me, Podcast #3: “The Hearts of Their Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”, Doctrine and Covenants 2, Joseph Smith History 1: 27-65
Do we know every scripture that Moroni told Joseph Smith on his September 21 visit in 1823? Our first answer is, “They are listed right here in Joseph Smith’s history.” Yet Oliver Cowdery told us there are many more. And here’s another surprise—all but two are from the Old Testament.
Come Follow Me Podcast #2: “I Saw a Pillar of Light”, Joseph Smith History 1: 1-26
In every dispensation of the world a witness is called to testify to the people of that day and age that he has seen God and has talked with Him and has received instructions and guidance from Him. That witness is called to testify in his day that God lives, that He is real, that He cares about His children, that He hears and answers our prayers and that He has a work for us to do. Faith comes and is increased by listening to and heeding the testimony of that witness. In our day, in this, the dispensation of the fulness of times, that witness is Joseph Smith.
Come, Follow Me Podcast #1: “Hearken, O Ye People”, Doctrine and Covenants 1
It’s hard to leave our intense Book of Mormon studies behind, but we are now given the immense privilege of studying the Doctrine and Covenants and the early history of the Church and the Restoration of God’s Kingdom here upon the earth in our day. What could be more exciting?