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Passkey (FIDO2) authentication matrix with Microsoft Entra ID

Microsoft Entra ID allows passkeys (FIDO2) to be used for multifactor passwordless authentication. This article covers which native applications, web browsers, and operating systems support sign-in using passkey with Microsoft Entra ID.

For enabling FIDO2 security keys to unlock a Windows device, see Enable FIDO2 security key sign-in to Windows 10 and 11 devices with Microsoft Entra ID.


Microsoft Entra ID currently supports device-bound passkeys stored on FIDO2 security keys and in Microsoft Authenticator. Microsoft is committed to securing customers and users with passkeys. We are investing in both synced and device-bound passkeys for work accounts.

The following section covers support for passkey (FIDO2) authentication in web browsers with Microsoft Entra ID.

OS Chrome Edge Firefox Safari
Windows N/A
ChromeOS N/A N/A N/A
Linux N/A
Android N/A

Considerations for each platform


  • Sign-in with security key requires one of the following items:
    • Windows 10 version 1903 or later
    • Chromium-based Microsoft Edge
    • Chrome 76 or later
    • Firefox 66 or later


  • Sign-in with passkey requires macOS Catalina 11.1 or later with Safari 14 or later because Microsoft Entra ID requires user verification for multifactor authentication.
  • Near-field communication (NFC) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) security keys aren't supported on macOS by Apple.
  • New security key registration doesn't work on these macOS browsers because they don't prompt to set up biometrics or PIN.
  • See Sign in when more than three passkeys are registered for Safari on macOS.


  • NFC and BLE security keys aren't supported on ChromeOS by Google.
  • Security key registration isn't supported on ChromeOS or Chrome browser.


  • Sign-in with passkey in Microsoft Authenticator isn't supported in Firefox on Linux.


  • Sign-in with passkey requires iOS 14.3 or later because Microsoft Entra ID requires user verification for multifactor authentication.
  • BLE security keys aren't supported on iOS by Apple.
  • NFC with FIPS 140-3 certified security keys isn't supported on iOS by Apple.
  • New security key registration doesn't work on iOS browsers because they don't prompt to set up biometrics or PIN.
  • See Sign in when more than three passkeys are registered.


  • Sign-in with passkey requires Google Play Services 21 or later because Microsoft Entra ID requires user verification for multifactor authentication.
  • BLE security keys aren't supported on Android by Google.
  • Security key registration with Microsoft Entra ID isn't yet supported on Android.
  • Sign-in with passkey isn't supported in Firefox on Android.

Known issues

Sign in when more than three passkeys are registered

If you registered more than three passkeys, sign in with a passkey might not work on iOS or Safari on macOS. If you have more than three passkeys, as a workaround, click Sign-in options and sign in without entering a username.

Screenshot of sign-in options.

Next steps

Enable passwordless security key sign-in