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Express JS – A Brief Guide & Introduction

Express JS – A Brief Guide & Introduction

We have written these Express JS tutorials to help you in learning from easily the core concepts from each Express JS tutorial.

What is Express JS framework?

Express is fast, minimal, simple and flexible web development framework written in JavaScript on Node.js platform. It is open source, available for free to use and licensed under MIT License. It is maintained by Node.js foundation. Express was introduced on November 16, 2010. It was developed by StrongLoop, TJ Holowaychuk and few some others. After release, it gained popularity due to its simpler and faster mechanism. You don’t need to worry about any low-level detail, process, protocol or anything. It is easy to learn once you start focusing.

What is Express JS used for?

It provides faster and vigorous solutions for development of mobile applications, website, and API development. Express JS is also called Express.

Express is flexible due to its extensive behaviour. You can find a large number of modules on npm which can be included in Express. It does not restrict itself for any best way, so you may find multiple modules for performing the same task. Express is compatible with Pug template engine which allows extending common layout in multiple pages. Pug was developed in JavaScript. It has a very general rendering process. In these tutorials, I will follow Pug because it is dynamic and reusable, however, you find yourself uneasy with Pug at the beginning, you may use HTML and CSS directly.

What are prerequisites to learn this course in shorter time?

Before starting to learn from these tutorials, you must have basic knowledge of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and JavaScript. As Express is written in JavaScript, it follows the syntax of JS, so learning JS before Express will be helpful. HTML and CSS are used for making web pages and styling these pages, so we will use them for the creation and decoration of frontend. However, if you are going to be a backend developer only, you may skip HTML and CSS. Express is used for backend development, it will involve communication with the database so, you must have some basic concepts about database queries like how to create, insert, select, delete and update data.

Jobs for Express JS Developers

After learning Express JS, you will be eligible to apply for jobs below:

  1. Backend Developer
  2. Web Developer
  3. MEAN Stack Developer
  4. API Developer
  5. Mobile Application Developer
express js
MEAN Stack

Supported Databases

Express JS supports many databases. To use your desired database, you just need to load the appropriate driver. The list containing few of databases compatible with Express JS is given below:

  1. MySQL
  2. MongoDB
  3. SQLite
  4. SQL Server (MS SQL)
  5. PostgreSQL
  6. Oracle
  7. Neo4j
  8. Cassandra
  9. CouchDB
  10. Level DB
  11. Couchbase
  12. Redis
  13. Elastic Search
  14. Warehouse (Simple JSON based database)
  15. Lair DB

If you don’t find your favourite option, you may visit to find your favourite database driver.

Is Express a backend?

Yes, Express JS is server-side scripting based on JavaScript. JavaScript is a programming language used to enhance the user interface by adding dynamic features in front-end. However, Express JS helps in development of back end. In short, now you can build a complete web application in JavaScript.

What is Express in web development?

Express JS is a framework for development of backend of a website. The user interact with client, which is browser, through user interface and communication with server side and databases is established through Express JS. Here you go…You have an understanding of what is Express framework. Now you can proceed towards our next tutorial about setting up environment for development of projects in Express – a Node JS framework.

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