Class 3 JKBOSE Solutions |
Class 3rd EVS Solutions
- Poonam’s Day Out
- The Plant Fairy
- Water O’ water
- Our First School
- Foods We Eat
- Flying High
- What is Cooking
- From Here to There
- Work We Do
- Sharing Our Feelings
- The Story of Food
- Games We Play
- Here Comes A Letter
- A House Like This
- Our Friends – Animals
- Drop By Drop
- Families Can Be Different
- Left-Right
- A Beautiful Cloth
- Web of Life
Class 3rd Mathematics Solutions
1. Where to Look From
2. Fun with Numbers
3. Give and Take
4. Long and Short
5. Shapes and Designs
6. Fun with Give and Take
7. Time Goes On
8. Who is Heavier?
9. How Many Times?
10. Play With Patterns
11. Jugs and Mugs
12. Can we Share?
13. Smart Charts
14. Rupees and Paisé
Class 4 JKBOSE Solutions |
Tulip English Class 4th Solutions
Tulip English Class 4th Quiz
Class 4th EVS Solutions
- Going to School
- Living and Non-Living Things
- Ear to Ear
- From the Window
- Changing Families
- Safe Drinking Water
- How Days and Nights are Formed
- A Busy Month
- A Visit to Jammu and Kashmir
- Abdul in the Garden
- Eating Together
- Food and Fun
- The World in My Home
- Home and Abroad
- Defence Officer-Wahida
- Chuskit goes to School
- From Home to Market
Class 5 JKBOSE Solutions |
Tulip English Class 5th Solutions
- The Fowler and the Quail- Ellen C. Babbit from Jataka Tales
- Birbal the Wise – Abridged
- Gulliver among the Lilliputs. – Adapted from Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver Travels
- The Man who Swallowed a Snake – Adapted from Rumi
- The Man who Empowered the Blind – Abridged and Edited
- The Prodigal Son – Abridged from the Stories of the Bible
- The Cat’s Paradise – Emile Zola
- Pangong Tso – Abridged and Adapted
- The Idiot Box – Arvind Gigoo
- The Shadow – Robert Louis Stevenson
- From the Pied Piper of Hamelin – Robert Browning
- You are Old, Father William – Lewis Caroll
- The Eagle – Alfred Tennyson
- The Fountain – James Russell Lowell
- Paper Boats – R.N. Tagore
- This Land of Ours – Ghulam Ahmad Mahjoor Translated by Prof. G.R. Malik
Tulip English Class 5th Quiz
- The Fowler and the Quail- Ellen C. Babbit from Jataka Tales Quiz
- Birbal the Wise – Abridged Quiz
- Gulliver among the Lilliputs. – Adapted from Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver Travels Quiz
- The Man Who Swallowed a Snake – Adapted from Rumi Quiz
- The Man who Empowered the Blind – Abridged and Edited Quiz
- The Prodigal Son – Abridged from the Stories of the Bible Quiz
- The Cat’s Paradise – Emile Zola Quiz
- Pangong Tso – Abridged and Adapted Quiz
- The Idiot Box – Arvind Gigoo Quiz
- The Shadow – Robert Louis Stevenson
- From the Pied Piper of Hamelin – Robert Browning Quiz
- You are Old, Father William – Lewis Caroll Quiz
- The Eagle – Alfred Tennyson Quiz
- The Fountain – James Russell Lowell Quiz
- Paper Boats – R.N. Tagore Quiz
- This Land of Ours Quiz – Ghulam Ahmad Mahjoor Translated by Prof. G.R. Malik
Class 5th EVS Solutions
- Super Senses
- From Tasting to Digesting
- Seeds and Seeds
- Experiments with Water
- Our Health Services
- A Treat for Mosquitoes
- First Aid
- Rocks and Minerals
- Up you Go!
- A Shelter So High!
- The Earth
- When the Earth Shook
- Across the Wall
- A Seed Tells A Farmer’s Story
- Whose Forests?
- Like Father, Like Daughter
- On the Move Again
- Who will Do this Work?
- Sunita in Space
- Air: Its Uses and Pollution
- Clothing and Culture
Class 5th Urdu Solutions
- بچے کی دعا
- انصاف
- انٹرنیٹ
- گفتگو کے آداب
- تصویر کشمیر
- دوستی
- بابا غلام شاہ بادشاہ
- سدھ محا دیو
- ریل گاڑی
- گرو نانک دیو جی
- ہوا
- حضرت بی بی فاطمہ
- لداخ سے ایک خط
- ڈاکٹر امبیڈکر
- میری کیوری
- شام
- باہو قلہ
Class 6 JKBOSE Solutions |
Melody English Class 6th Solutions
- Who did Patrick’s Homework – Carol Moore.
- How the Dog Found Himself a New Master!
- Taro’s Reward – A Japanese story
- An Indian – American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla – Adapted from Span
- A Different Kind of School – E. V. Lucas
- Who I Am.
- Fair Play – Prem Chand (retold).
- A Game of Chance.
- Desert Animals.
- The Banyan Tree – Ruskin Bond.
Class 6 Science Solutions
- Food Where Does it Come From?
- Components of Food.
- Fibre to Fabric.
- Sorting Materials into Groups.
- Separation of Substances.
- Changes Around Us.
- Getting to Know Plants.
- Body Movements.
- The Living Organisms and their Surroundings.
- Motion and Measurement of Substances.
- Light, Shadows and Reflections.
- Electricity and Circuits.
- Fun with Magnets.
- Water.
- Air Around Us.
- Garbage in, Garbage out.
Class 6 Mathematics Solutions
- Whole Numbers.
1. Exercise 1.1
2. Exercise 1.2
3. Exercise 1.3 - Playing with Numbers.
1. Exercise 2.1
2. Exercise 2.2
3. Exercise 2.3
4. Exercise 2.4
5. Exercise 2.5
6. Exercise 2.6
7. Exercise 2.7 - Basic Geometrical Ideas.
1. Exercise 3.1
2. Exercise 3.2
3. Exercise 3.3
4. Exercise 3.4
5. Exercise 3.5
6. Exercise 3.6 - Understanding Elementary Shapes.
1. Exercise 4.1
2. Exercise 4.2
3. Exercise 4.3
4. Exercise 4.4
5. Exercise 4.5
6. Exercise 4.6
7. Exercise 4.7
8. Exercise 4.8
9. Exercise 4.9 - Integers.
1. Exercise 5.1
2. Exercise 5.2
3. Exercise 5.3 - Fractions.
1. Exercise 6.1
2. Exercise 6.2
3. Exercise 6.3
4. Exercise 6.4
5. Exercise 6.5
6. Exercise 6.6 - Decimals.
1. Exercise 7.1
2. Exercise 7.2
3. Exercise 7.3
4. Exercise 7.4
5. Exercise 7.5
6. Exercise 7.6 - Mensuration.
1. Exercise 8.1
2. Exercise 8.2
3. Exercise 8.3 - Algebra.
1. Exercise 9.1
2. Exercise 9.2
3. Exercise 9.3
4. Exercise 9.4
5. Exercise 9.5 - Ratio and Proportions.
1. Exercise 10.1
2. Exercise 10.2
3. Exercise 10.3 - Practical Geometry.
1. Exercise 11.1
2. Exercise 11.2
3. Exercise 11.3
4. Exercise 11.4
5. Exercise 11.5
Our Pasts I (History) Solutions
- What, Where, How and When?
- From Hunting-Gathering to Growing Food.
- In the Earliest Cities.
- What Books and Burials Tell Us?
- Kingdoms, Kings and the Early Republic.
- New Questions and Ideas.
- Ashoka, the Emperor who Gave up the War.
- Vital Villages, Thriving Towns.
- Traders, Kings and Pilgrims
- New Empires and Kingdoms.
- Buildings, Paintings and Books.
- Ancient Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.
The Earth Our Planet (Geography) Solutions
- The Earth in Our Solar System.
- Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes.
- Motions of the Earth.
- Maps
- Major Domains of The Earth.
- Major Land forms of the Earth.
- Our Country India.
- India: Climate Vegetation and Wildlife.
- Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh at a Glance.
Social and Political Life I (Civics) Solutions
- Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity
- Chapter 2 Diversity and Discrimination
- Chapter 3 What is Government?
- Chapter 4 Key Elements of a Democratic Government
- Chapter 5 (i) Panchayati Raj
(ii) Panchayat Raj in J&K - Chapter 6 Rural Administration
- Chapter 7 Urban Administration
- Chapter 8 Rural Livelihoods 72
- Chapter 9 Urban Livelihoods 81
Hindi Pushap Bhag I Solutions
- वह चिड़िया जो
- बचपन
- नादान दोस्त
- अक्षरों का महत्व
- चाँद से थोड़ी-सी गप्पे
- साथी हाथ बढ़ाना
- ऐसे-ऐसे
- टिकट-अलबम
- मैं सबसे छोटी होऊँ
- लोकगीत
- देश-गान
- सेनापति तात्या टोपे
- श्री वैष्णों देवी की यात्रा
- पहली बूंद
- शिष्टाचार
- बाल-वर्णन
Class 7 JKBOSE Solutions |
Tulips English Class 7th Solutions
- The Markhor. (abridged)
- Lal Ded. (abridged)
- Tobacco – The Silent Killer. (abridged)
- A Mad Tea Party. Lewis Caroll
- Macbeth. Shakespeare (edited by Thomas Donagh)
- Fetching the Doctor. Hamlin Garland & Heath
- The Bahu Fort. (abridged)·
- Windows. Wes Magee.
- Trees. Joyce Kilmer
- Abou Ben Adhem. Leigh Hunt
- The Rebel. D.J.Enright
- Sympathy. Charles Mackay
- To Sleep. Wordsworth
- The Gumbie Cat. T.S.Eliot
Class 7 Melody English Solutions
Class 7 Science Solutions
- Nutrition in Plants.
- Nutrition in Animals.
- Fibre to Fabric.
- Heat.
- Acids, Bases and Salts.
- Physical and Chemical Changes.
- Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate.
- Winds, Storms and Cyclones.
- Soil
- Respiration in Organisms.
- Transportation in Plants and Animals.
- Reproduction in Plants.
- Motion and Time.
- Electric Current and its Effects.
- Light.
- Water
- Forests: Our Lifeline.
- Waste Water Story.
Class 7 Mathematics Solutions
- Integers
- Fractions and Decimals
- Data Handling
- Simple Equations
- Lines and Angles
- The Triangle and its Properties
- Congruence of Triangles
- Comparing Quantities
- Rational Numbers
- Practical Geometry
- Perimeter and Area
- Algebraic Expressions
- Exponents and Powers
Our Past II (History) Solutions
- Tracing Changes Through A Thousand Years
- New Kings and Kingdoms
- The Delhi Sultans
- The Mughal Empire
- Rulers and Buildings
- Towns, Traders and Craftspersons
- Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities
- Devotional Paths to The Divine
- The Making of Regional Cultures
- Eighteenth-Century Political Formations
- Medieval History of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh
Our Environment (Geography) Solutions
- Chapter 1 Environment
- Chapter 2 Inside Our Earth
- Chapter 3 Our Changing Earth
- Chapter 4 Air
- Chapter 5 Water
- Chapter 6 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
- Chapter 7 Human Environment–Settlement, Transport and Communication
- Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions the Tropical and the Subtropical Region
- Chapter 9 Life in the Deserts
- Chapter 10 Jammu & Kashmir – Life and People
Social and Political Life II (Civics) Solutions
- Unit One: Equality in Indian Democracy
Chapter 1: On Equality - Unit Two: State Government
Chapter 2: Role of the Government in Health
Chapter 3: How the State Government Works - Unit Three: Gender
Chapter 4: Growing up as Boys and Girls
Chapter 5: Women Change the World - Unit Four: Media
Chapter 6: Understanding Media - Unit Five: Markets
Chapter 7: Markets Around Us
Chapter 8: A Shirt in the Market
Equality in Indian Democracy (continued)
Chapter 9: Struggles for Equality - Unit Six: Governance in Jammu and Kashmir
Chapter 10: Structures of the Governance in J&K
Hindi Puhap Bhag II Solutions
- हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन के 1-3
- हिमालय की बेटियाँ 4-9
- मिठाईवाला 10-19
- पापा खो गए 20-39
- शाम-एक किसान 40-43
- रहीम के दोहे 44-45
- एक तिनका 46-49
- नीलकंठ 50-60
- भोर और बरखा 61-63
- और भी दूँ 64-65
- जम्मू-कश्मीर की झीलें 66-70
- दाता रणपत 71-75
- दोहा एकादश 76-78
- लदाख का विवाह-उत्सव 79-82
- पुंछ और राजौरी के प्रसिद्ध तीर्थस्थान 83-88
- स्वामी अगरनाथ की यात्रा 89-94
- हिमालय और हम 95-97
Class 8 JKBOSE Solutions |
Tulips Class 8 English Solutions
- How Teachers Learn: John Holt
- Life: Ram Nath Shastri (Translated by Shivnath) Abridged & Edited
- Global Warming: Inam-Ur-Rehman
- For God’s Sake, Hold thy Tongue: Abridged & Edited
- Polo – The King of Games: Shafqat Habib
- Julius Caesar: Tales from Shakespeare by Charles & Mary Lamb
- Polythene: A Disaster Abridged & Edited
- A Nation’s Strength: R.W. Emerson
- Porus and His Elephant: Mary Dobson
- The Bangle-Sellers: Sarojini Naidu
- Prayer for Strength: R.N. Tagore
- The Brook: Alfred Tennyson
- Mercy: William Shakespeare
- Wrinkles: Arvind
- Meetings Poets: Eunice de Souza
- Stars Speak to Man: Abdul Ahad Azad
- Summer and Winter: P.B. Shelley
- The Unthankful Man: From Panchtantra
- Achilles: Gerald Durrel
- Colours of Rainbow: Chanchal Sharma
- Rustum and Sohrab: An Iranian Story
Class 8 Science Solutions
- Microorganisms Friend and Foe.
- Coal and Petroleum.
- Conservation of Plants and Animals.
- Reproduction in Animals.
- Sound.
- Food Production and Management.
- Combustion and Flame.
- Chemical Effects of Electric Current.
- Force and Pressure.
- Reaching the age of Adolescence.
- Materials; Metals and Non-Metals.
- Light.
- Pollution of Air & Water.
- Friction.
- Stars and the Solar System.
- The Cell.
- Some Natural Phenomena.
Class 8 Mathematics Solutions
- Chapter 1 Rational Numbers
- Chapter 2 Linear Equation in One Variable
- Chapter 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals
- Chapter 4 Practical Geometry
- Chapter 5 Data Handling
- Chapter 6 Squares and Square Roots
- Chapter 7 Cubes and Cube Roots
- Chapter 8 Comparing Quantities
- Chapter 9 Algebraic Expressions and Identities
- Chapter 10 Mensuration
- Chapter 11 Exponents and Powers
- Chapter 12 Direct and Inverse Proportion
- Chapter 13 Factorisation
- Chapter 14 Introduction to Graphs
Our Past III (History) Solutions
- How, When and Where
- From Trade to Territory the Company Establishes Power
- Ruling the Countryside
- Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age
- When People Rebel 1857 and After
- Weavers, Iron Smelters and Factory Owners
- Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation
- Women, Caste and Reform
- The Making of the National Movement: 1870s–1947
- India After Independence
- Formation of Erstwhile Jammu & Kashmir State and The Dogra Rule
Resources and Development (Geography) Solutions
- Chapter 1 Resources
- Chapter 2 Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources
- Chapter 3 Mineral and Power Resources
- Chapter 4 Agriculture
- Chapter 5 Industries
- Chapter 6 Human Resources
- Chapter 7 Industries of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh
Social and Political Life III (Civics) Solutions
- Unit One: The Indian Constitution and Secularism
Chapter 1: The Indian Constitution
Chapter 2: Understanding Secularism - Unit Two: Parliament and The Making of Laws
Chapter 3: Why do we need a Parliament?
Chapter 4: Understanding Laws - Unit Three: The Judiciary
Chapter 5: Judiciary
Chapter 6: Understanding Our Criminal Justice System - Unit Four: Social Justice and The Marginalised
Chapter 7: Understanding Marginalisation
Chapter 8: Confronting Marginalisation - Unit Five: Economic Presence of the Government
Chapter 9: Public Facilities
Chapter 10: Law and Social Justice
Social Justice and The Marginalised (continued)
Chapter 11: Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy in Jammu & Kashmir - Unit Six: Financial Literacy (Non-Evaluative)
Chapter 12: Barter and Money, Bank and Investment & Insurance and Tax
Hindi Pushap Bhag 3 Class 8 Solutions
- ध्वनि – कविता — सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी निराला
- लाख की चूड़ियाँ – कहानी– कामतानाथ
- अपराजिता – विकंलाग जीवन– शिवानी
- दीवानों की हस्ती – कविता– भगवती चरण वर्मा
- चिट्ठियों की अनूठी दुनिया – निबंध–अरविंद कुमार सिंह
- भगवान के डाकिए – कविता– सामधारी सिंह दिनकर
- प्लास्टिक जनित प्रदूषण – लेख– विभागीय
- क्या निराश हुआ जाए – निबन्ध– हजारी प्रसाद द्विवेदी
- कामचोर -कहानी– इस्मत चुगताई
- जीवन नहीं मरा करता – कविता– गोपाल दास ‘नीरज’
- जब सिनेमा ने बोलना सीखा– प्रदीप तिवारी
- जहाँ पहिया है – रिपोर्ताज–पी. साईनाथ अनु
- अकबरी लोटा – कहानी– अन्नपूर्णानंद शर्मा
- ओ नभ के मंडराते बादल – कविता– रामेश्वर शुक्ल अचल
- प्रेमचन्द – जीवनी– नागार्जून
- बाज और साँप – कहानी– निर्मल वर्मा
- टोपी – कहानी– संजय
- सूरदास के पद – कविता– सूरदास
- जम्मू-कश्मीर में हिन्दी – निबन्ध– विभागीय
- सुदामा चरित – कविता– नरोत्तमदास
- शब्दकोश
Class 8th Question Papers |
Class 8th Previous Years English Papers
- JKBOSE Class 8th English Paper 2014
- JKBOSE Class 8th English Paper 2015
- JKBOSE Class 8th English Paper 2016
- JKBOSE Class 8th English Paper 2017 WZ
- JKBOSE Class 8th English Paper 2017
- JKBOSE Class 8th English Paper 2018
- JKBOSE Class 8th English Paper 2019
- JKBOSE Class 8th English Paper 2020
- JKBOSE Class 8th English Paper 2021 WZ
- JKBOSE Class 8th English Paper 2021
- JKBOSE Class 8th English Paper 2022
Class 8th Previous Years Mathematics Papers
- JKBOSE Class 8th Mathematics Paper 2014
- JKBOSE Class 8th Mathematics Paper 2015
- JKBOSE Class 8th Mathematics Paper 2016 Set I
- JKBOSE Class 8th Mathematics Paper 2016 Set II
- JKBOSE Class 8th Mathematics Paper 2017 WZ
- JKBOSE Class 8th Mathematics Paper 2017 Set I
- JKBOSE Class 8th Mathematics Paper 2017 Set II
- JKBOSE Class 8th Mathematics Paper 2018
- JKBOSE Class 8th Mathematics Paper 2019
- JKBOSE Class 8th Mathematics Paper 2020
- JKBOSE Class 8th Mathematics Paper 2021 WZ
- JKBOSE Class 8th Mathematics Paper 2022