How to Keep Focused While Learning Python
There is nothing that can stop you from making your dreams come true. If you dream of learning to program, start by learning Python. With a good learning resource and some tricks for staying focused, learning Python is possible in as little as a month!
There’s probably no better time to start a new phase in your life than the beginning of a new year. If you agree, we should have coffee together! Do your resolutions include learning to program, more specifically, learning Python? If so, you have chosen very wisely – it’s a worthwhile skill.
New Year's resolutions are magical – they can ignite the flame of motivation in everyone and outline a more attractive future. Don’t you agree?
Hadn’t thought about programming while making your resolutions? It's not too late! Find out how to start programming right away.
Learn Python with us and make 2022 more fruitful than ever. I’m delighted to show you how you can achieve your goal much faster and how to keep focused while learning. Let’s make learning Python a piece of cake!
Reasons why you Should Learn Python
Python is just one of the programming languages, but it differs significantly from other languages. Its simple syntax, high usability, versatility, and unlimited possibilities set it apart from others, and it can even be an excellent introduction to learning other languages.
Python has an extremely wide range of applications. It’s useful in virtually any industry. It appears everywhere you hear about machine learning, data science, software, web development, or business automation. Do you have a favorite app? You can be sure Python is one of its components.
Not just that Python is cool and ubiquitous, it’s also very much wanted by employers. Learning Python pays off in your hard competencies, which is certainly appreciated in the labor market. Believe me – a whole lot of recruiters are just waiting for you to learn Python and start working for their organizations.
It's worth it! My colleague Yigit, who specializes in data science, gives more reasons why learning Python is a brilliant idea. Find out what Python looks like in the eyes of a professional, and make the decision to Learn Programming with Python!
But before you start, consider…
Best Resources for Learning Python
And I say right away that the choice is not going to be easy. You can take comfort in that I, as your experienced friend, can help you choose the resource that turned out the best for me. There are a lot of them, and it’s up to you and your personal preferences to figure out which resource is the most attractive for you for learning Python.
First, there are video tutorials. I mention them first because they gave me the most headaches. I don't know about you, but personally, I really like to understand everything. I spent hours watching YouTube tutorials, which eventually turned out to be a waste of time. It wasn’t that the Python information contained in the materials was wrong. It’s because as a beginner, I didn't understand what each video was about or what was happening on the screen at all.
So, it’s good to start with theoretical resources. Traditional desktop research gets you acquainted with the basics before you start learning Python. If you have an overview of what Python is made of, what it is, how it works, how and where it’s used, learning Python becomes much easier.
There is a resource that combines elements of expert knowledge and theoretical introduction. I mean online Python courses, which in the end were how I learned the most, from scratch. E-learning is a beautiful invention. With it, you can grow wherever you are as long as you have access to a computer and the Internet.
I sincerely recommend the Python courses available at I myself started with Python Basics. There is also a course dedicated to people strictly interested in data science. If you see the potential in Big Data and want to work in it, you won't find a better resource!
Before you start working with an online course, however, you must ...
Set Your Mind to Success
This may seem trivial to you. We don't think about how much our mindset influences our achievements every day. Sometimes, we just want to change something in our lives, learn new things, and make more money, but we don't quite believe we can. It just becomes an urge that fades quickly.
That’s why it’s so important to start learning Python effectively. You have to believe that technology is your ally and that you can use it for your own purposes. You have to deeply feel you can master programming with the right amount of work and commitment.
Is learning Python difficult? It depends. I said earlier it was one of the easiest programming languages to learn. Because it is! But programming itself is not as easy as it seems.
That’s not because it's some top-secret or complicated information. Rather, it’s because learning Python or any other programming language requires great concentration skills and the ability to remember a lot of things.

You are the only person who can shape your own mindset; I can only influence it. But please believe you can do it! That said, I CAN help you with the learning itself. I will give you the answer to the question of how to keep focused while learning.
Use Focus-Improving Tips
Once you realize you want to and can learn Python, all you have to do is to plan your learning and act. And this is perhaps the most difficult part.
I bet you will come across a moment when looking at your own hands consumes you more than learning. It’s not surprising; it just happens when our mind is overloaded.
So, let me introduce you to some tips for improving focus while learning Python.
Proper dosing of learning time is so important. You won't remember much if you just blaze through a course. Really. Less is more, and this method is great for learning Python.
This principle of less is more is behind the Pomodoro method for effectively learning Python. This technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo about 40 years ago. To this day, it’s discussed in great detail, even in advanced courses for managers. Why? Because it’s considered one of the best time management methods.
It’s based on the time spent on a task. For example, learning Python is limited to a specific time frame. Let’s say you want to spend 2 hours a day learning. It is very difficult to stay fully focused for the entire 120 minutes, right?
This is why Pomodoro involves dividing the scheduled time into sections. For example, you can have 4 intensive learning sessions of 25 minutes each in 2 hours. During each session, you do not do anything else but learn Python. You're only interested in the course and nothing else. At the end of each cycle, i.e., after 25 minutes, take a break. It can last for 3 to 5 minutes and is a good time to reset your mind and prepare for the next cycle.
Learning Python using the Pomodoro technique may look like this. You start a Python course at You commit to spending 2 hours a day learning. You mute the phone, set the timer for 25 minutes, and during this time you only deal with the course. When you hear the alert signaling the end of the 25-minute cycle, you get up from the desk/couch for 5 minutes and do whatever you want. This is a good time to get a cup of tea, a snack, do some stretching, or repeat everything you learned. You decide.
During the 2 hours, you perform 4 cycles. So, you learn in the 25x5x25x5x25xFINISH system. “FINISH” in this case means completing the task and having a well-deserved rest. You'll be surprised how much you can remember with Pomodoro!
Give Your Knowledge a new Form
Anything you learn can take unexpected forms. Everyone has different predispositions. Sometimes it's easier for us to learn by watching videos, listening to podcasts, or creating notes.
Whether you are a visual learner or learn better by practicing, choosing the right Python learning method matters. Here, however, we won’t focus on the source of your new programming knowledge but rather on its form.
It’s simple. Everything you learn during the course must be remembered for you to be able to use it properly. It does not work without repetition and preserving the information; unfortunately, this is an integral part of learning new skills.
Remember how you learned new things most easily during your school days. Were they flashcards? Colorful notes? Or maybe a game of association?
In my case, it turns out association works for me. When I'm learning, I listen to music. When I started a new section of a course, I listened to other artists. Thanks to this association, I subconsciously remember that I was learning to write reusable code while listening to Metallica and that I was learning to work with dictionaries accompanied by Rammstein.
I recommend writing down everything you find difficult to remember. Each time you move to the next stage of the course where skills from previous parts are required, you can help yourself with your own notes.
To better organize your new knowledge in your head, you can record your voice as you talk about Python and what you learned during the course. This may seem a little strange to you, but it really works. Have you ever heard we learn best when we pass on knowledge to other people?
You don't need to convey what you've learned about Python anywhere else or to anyone else. By recording and listening at any time convenient to you, you can pass on your own knowledge to yourself – you can repeat things from the course as many times as you want, wherever you want!
Create a Learning Sanctuary
Last but not least, it’s equally important to create an ideal environment for learning Python. Nobody knows what conditions help you focus better than you do.
When you think about how to keep focused while learning, you may imagine a spotlessly clean desk, absolute silence around you, a cup of hot coffee or tea, and information flowing into your head on its own. But this isn’t necessarily what works for everyone.
For example: in my case, it’s the silence that distracts me. If it's too quiet, my thoughts travel everywhere trying to fill the void. I can't concentrate on a task unless I am properly tuned in. Like musically.
Before I even start doing a task, I usually listen to heavy metal. It motivates me to act and tune in to complete the task. At work, I only listen to songs I know well, so I don’t get distracted by intriguing lyrics or melodies. The void is filled, I have a pleasant musical noise in the background, and I can associate everything I work on with a song or a specific band.
So, you need to answer a few questions:
What surroundings inspire you? Do you prefer peace and quiet or background noise?
You can learn in your own room or by hanging out in a cafe. You can use headphones and listen to your favorite music or listen to the surrounding sounds. If you're not distracted by passing people, you don't need to be alone in the room with a Python course.
What conditions do you like? Do you prefer it when it's cool or when it’s warm? Do you like it when lights are on or dimmed?
The lighting and the temperature in the place where you learn are very important. The moment you feel physically comfortable in your environment, the chance of becoming distracted decreases.
What is your favorite position for performing tasks?
Sitting? Lying down? At the desk? On the sofa? Each of us is different. With a course from, you have the comfort of taking your laptop with you anywhere because you don’t need anything else. If you want to learn in bed before going to sleep, nothing can stop you. Well, maybe except for back pain, if you're planning a longer session. Keep the ergonomics in mind!
Together, these little elements contribute to your success. The things we don’t think about when we sit down to perform our tasks often determine their success. So, pay attention to them. Adapt your environment so that the conditions are most conducive to the acquisition of your new knowledge. Create your own temple according to your own rules, with no place for distractions.
Is Learning Python Really for me?
Yes. Python was created and developed for you, definitely.
Success is in your head. How quickly you learn Python and start reaping the benefits from knowing it is up to you. It may be a month or a whole year. Or several years. You control everything.
If you want to develop yourself to pursue new career paths or do your day-to-day work better, don't overthink it. No matter what age you are or what industry you work in, learning Python brings you a lot of benefits.
Now that you know how to keep focused while learning, all you have to do is act!
P.S. If you wonder whether your computer is sufficient to handle the course, see Jakub's recommendation for laptops perfect for learning Python.