Need Some Motivation for Learning Python?
No matter where you are in learning Python, you need one thing: Motivation. Keeping yourself on track can be a challenge. Getting closer to an achievement isn’t just a matter of investing time and energy. It’s also about staying motivated.
People who learn Python can have different motivations: a new career, better pay, growing their skills. If you already know some Python and need a fresh source of motivation, this article is for you. Plus, it can help motivate you for other goals as well. Be sure to read the whole article; there is a little bonus at the end that will help you to reach your goal!
If you are looking to start learning Python, check out our Python Basics: Part 1 course. It will put your coding education into high gear. At the time of writing this article, this awesome Python course is free. Just log in and start learning!
Let’s start working on your motivation with a few Python facts.

What Is Python?
Python is one of the most popular open-source programming languages in the world. It’s appreciated by programmers, (big tech) companies, freelancers, small businesses, and startups. This is mostly because Python is a very versatile programming language. It’s user-friendly; some will even say it’s “simple” and easy to learn.
Python offers a large number of online libraries that help you tackle common use cases. Its clear and simple syntax makes it a favorite among beginner and veteran programmers alike.
But how does this translate to the possibilities learning Python gives you?
How Can You Use Python?
To stay motivated, it’s good to visualize your goal. And Python can help you see just what you will be able to achieve. Just look at some of the areas that regularly use Python:
Data Science
Analyzing and visualizing data with Python is a really pleasant experience. You can perform mathematical and statistical operations without breaking a sweat – all you need is the right Python library. In this case, these would include NumPy, pandas, matplotlib or scikit-learn. If you feel this could be your cup of tea, has the perfect learning track for data science.
Machine Learning and AI
AI is pretty popular nowadays, with AI-generated art, music, and books emerging around us. Python, thanks again to its simplicity and accessibility, is the language of choice for many AI applications.
Python allows us to implement tons of algorithms (and there are a LOT of algorithms when working with AI). Plus, it has hundreds of machine learning and deep learning libraries.
Game Development
Thanks to Python’s simplicity and coding speed, developers can see their work as a playable product in a matter of hours. It’s also great for prototyping. The popular Blender Game Engine uses Python. A lot of people are writing add-ons for it to help 3D artists in creating meshes and texturing and animating them.
In just about any application, Python is easy to learn and use – even for complex tasks. And this is the key to the popularity of Python. How popular is Python, you ask? Well the PYPL (Popularity of Programming Language) search index shows that Python has experienced the biggest growth in popularity (10.1%):

And the TIOBE Index shows Python is also in first place.

The data doesn’t lie. Python is the people’s champion. It’s popular with employers as well. And here comes a really nice motivational aspect to start or continue learning Python: the money!
How Much Can You Earn With Python?
Let’s be honest, a nice paycheck is something which gives us all motivation.
If you skim job offers, you will find a lot of them for Python pros: developers, data analysts, data scientists, data engineers, and so on. The ballpark salary for Python jobs is $60,000-$160,000 a year. The exact amount depends on job type, level, experience, etc.
My friend Jakub wrote an in-depth look at Python job salaries. I’m betting this will help you get some motivation for pursuing your Python career path!
So, we have some Python facts behind us. Now it's time for the fun part. Ready to get into the zone?
Motivational Videos That Will Help You Learn Python
Now I’ll share a few interesting videos of dialogs or monologues from various people. They are not only inspirational, but they also remind us how to keep our minds focused on our goals. Sometimes we need to leave things that are keeping us down behind us and push forward.
These aren’t life changing motivational videos; I use them as a quick motivational jolt. They help me to stop “doom scrolling” or procrastinating.
These videos are in no particular order; you can watch them individually. However, some contain explicit language.
- Joe Rogan
He is an American UFC color commentator, podcaster, comedian, actor, and former television presenter. I started listening to his podcast in 2018. What I liked about it was that he talked to his guests about how they work and how they stay passionate about their work. After listening to over a dozen episodes with scientists, comedians, politicians, professional athletes, I saw they all had one thing in common: Doing things. Or, as some put it, “showing up”. This is a longer video, but it’s definitely worth listening to it at least once.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger is an Austrian-American actor, film producer, businessman, former bodybuilder and politician who served as the 38th governor of California.
There are a few reasons I love this video. First of all, we learn that even the Terminator had to work really hard for his dream. He shares the struggles, adversities, and challenges on his path. As a person who grew up watching Arnold’s movies, this is a really great way to keep me focused on my goals and not make excuses.
- David Goggins
David Goggins is an American ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete, public speaker, and author. And most importantly, he’s a beast.
In this short video, he has the power to help me start doing things. And I hope he will have the same effect on you!
- Jocko Willink
Jocko Willink is an American author and podcaster. He’s also a retired United States Navy SEAL and former member of SEAL Team 3. This is very simple advice from a very motivated and complex individual. I highly recommend getting into the mindset of Jocko and exploring more of his advice videos.
- Big Think
This channel was my gateway to many videos that helped me to craft my mindset, get rid of unnecessary ideas, explore new ones, and get to know myself better. The video on the “40% rule” is something that has stuck with me for years now. I hope it will stick with you as well!
- Master Yoda
When I first saw The Empire Strikes Back at 8 or 9 years old, I didn’t understand this simple phrase: “Do. Or do not”. It’s binary. Just do the thing. Every day.
- Matsuoka Shuzo
This is by far my favorite boost-my-motivation video. Matsuoka Shuzo is a retired Japanese professional tennis player. Standing in cold water. He reminds you that you can do it. If this doesn’t help you write some code, I don’t know what will!
These things will help you find motivation to start or continue learning Python. But to stay on your educational path, it’s good to keep your eyes on the prize every day. This doesn’t mean you should read this article every day – although you can visit our blog on a daily basis! However, you can build a habit of boosting your motivation.
BONUS: Make a Compass
If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! This means you are motivated to learn Python. So here is a small thing I find very useful to keep on track towards reaching a goal. I call it “the compass”.
The compass can be anything: a Google Doc, a Post-It note, a reminder on your phone. What is important is that you have it at hand. I personally have it in the Cloud on Google Docs and as a reminder on my iPhone.
I check it every day in the morning; it helps me stay motivated. So how can you make your own compass? It's easy. First, open up your document of choice.
1. The Goal
Start with writing your goal(s). And don’t make too many goals. Three is the maximum I recommend. For example, your goal could be:
- Become proficient in Python by the end of the year.
2. The Actions
Write down daily actions you need to take to reach your goal, e.g.:
- Learn Python on com for an uninterrupted hour every day.
3. Reminders
This is an important list of things to keep in mind – things to do and not to do. It's a very personal list and will probably evolve as you progress toward your goal. For example:
- Read a Python Blog
- Don’t watch YouTube before finishing an hour of learning.
- Don’t scroll Twitter before going to sleep.
- Network with other Python enthusiasts online.
4. Affirmation
We used the reminders to stay focused on what we do; affirmations will help us influence how we think. Your motivation will drop at some point, so you need to be prepared. The affirmation section should consist of things to get you “back in the zone”, e.g.:
- Ask yourself Is this helping me achieve my goal?.
- Remember: Obstacles are temporary.
- When in doubt, listen to Matsuoka Shuzo.
Again this is a very individual plan. I highly recommend you create your own compass and check in every morning. It will keep you motivated and help you learn Python.
You Can Learn Python in 2023!
There are many reasons you should learn Python. We’ve covered the hard numbers. Also, we’ve learned how to get inspired and how to create a great tool to keep us motivated. Whenever you feel like quitting, just watch whichever videos work for you. Perhaps you have a different video you would like to share with others. We would love to see them in the comments below this article.
We would also love to help you kick-start or boost your Python career. Be sure to check out our hands-on online courses at I bet you will find one that’s just right for you. And I hope you will stay motivated to reach your programming dreams and goals :)