21 Nov 2018
6 Benefits of Learning Python for Financial Experts
An increasing number of fintech companies are using Python for data analysis. But what makes Python so special? And why is it a better language for data analysis compared to traditional software? Python is quickly becoming the most popular coding language in the world. Currently, it's perching comfortably in the fourth spot after Java, C, and C++ on the Tiobe Index of Language Popularity. And the Popularity of Programming Language Index ranks Python as the most popular programming language in the world in October 2018. 5 Nov 2018
5 Best Python IDEs for Data Science
Python is a programming language frequently used by scientists and data analysts to build applications. Why? Because it's easy to use and has few rules. But simply installing Python isn't enough—you also need a good interactive development environment (IDE) to program in. So what are the best Python IDEs for data science? Let's find out! (Note: all IDEs presented here support Windows, macOS, and Linux.) 1. Enthought Canopy Enthought Canopy is one of the best Python IDEs for scientists and engineers. 26 Oct 2018
How to Create Python Heat Maps for Marketing Campaigns
Heat maps are a great way to visualize patterns in data, but some businesses avoid them because creating them seems challenging and time consuming. Well, it's not. Do you know what the most popular programming language currently is? According to the PYPL Index, it's—you guessed it—Python. And our serpentine friend was also crowned the best programming language in 2018 by Linux Journal readers. Why all the buzz? Because Python is simple and easy to learn. 11 Sep 2018
New Course Launch: Python Basics for Programming
The LearnPython.com Team has been working hard to release a brand-new course, and it's finally here! Python Basics for Programming is a great place to start for anyone aspiring to become a software developer. Since our SQL courses, the LearnPython.com platform has been embraced by thousands of students who are eager to learn new technologies. After releasing Intro to Python for Data Science last month, we asked ourselves: why not create another introductory Python course, but this time from a software developer's perspective? 7 Aug 2018
New Course Launch: Intro to Python for Data Science
Over the past three months, we've been working on something completely new. Please welcome our new course on Python data analysis! We got many emails from users like you with good feedback on Vertabelo Academy's "Introduction to R" course. So first, I want to start off with a big thank you—reading your wonderful comments was like a burst of energy! We're always looking to improve our offerings, and we greatly value your input. 3 Aug 2018
How to Land a Good Coding Job in Just Three Years
Three years or three months? With all the 12-week bootcamps and coding schools out there, three years sound like a joke. "Enroll in our course today, and become an expert programmer!" "Start learning to code and jumpstart your programming career immediately!" Most probably, you've heard lots of claims like these if you're interested in coding. Are they reassuring? Maybe. Frustrating? Sometimes. If you've been learning for a year and still feel like a newbie programmer while others are starting their careers in three months, you start to wonder: What's wrong with me? 25 May 2018
More Than Just Coding – IT Community Involvement
There are many perceptions of IT, one of the fastest growing industries in the world. For a non-technical person, IT is usually associated with high salaries, numerous job offers, and elite clubs. But IT is more than just people earning big bucks for writing code. The most valuable part of the IT industry is its community. The first steps are the hardest As a complete IT newbie, I had lots of doubts and fears about entering the IT industry. 11 May 2018
Agile Data Science: Improving Your Workflow with Scrum
Within organizations, Scrum promotes efficient time and process management along with better team building and leadership. In order to implement Scrum, you'll need to follow a few simple rules. Introducing Scrum Today, we have the power to collect precise data both quickly and in vast quantities. In fact, 90% of the data available today was collected in the last two years alone. The rise of big data has greatly increased demand for data scientists, but the profession is one where few candidates possess the right skills. 20 Feb 2018
My Very First Script
We recently published a story from a LearnPython.com user who found her love thanks to SQL. On a similar note, I asked my colleagues to bring back old memories of writing their very first scripts. And yes, love is involved. Here at LearnPython.com, we've got some real OG programmers and data scientists making great content. They fell in love with data way before it was cool—and easy. So today, we're jumping back in time to see what it was like to learn SQL before the Internet and LearnPython. 19 Aug 2014