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  • Location
    Central IN
  • Interests
    Leatherworking, sewing, soaping, woodworking, crossstitching, crafting in general. Gardening, Roses, History, Bible

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Haven't settled on an area yet.
  • Interested in learning about
    stamping, tooling, carving
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    searching for how to use a swivel knife

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Leatherworker (3/4)

  1. Welcome. Where in Indiana
  2. Hope the links are allowed. Link to Rocky Mountain Leather's Machines They have Regard, but also their own Summitt (When they have it in stock) LInk to Artisian Leather Supply Machines ARTISAN Electric Creaser – artisan leather supply I have a cheap Chinese model. I have used the Handle from Rocky Mtn and the following from both Rocky Mtn and Artisan, (summit universal tip, and some of the tips)_
  3. What did you use to dilute with? I take it 1 part dye, 4 parts dilution.
  4. That's dedication. That is very gracious of you, I would be interested in the design files. Very interesting. It's amazing what people create with 3d printers.
  5. Depending on how thick the leather (i.e. material) is, you might need an industrial chain stitch embroidery machine that uses a single needle and thread. Meistergram Embroidery Machine, Singer 114E103 . Check out Youtube "Chain Stitch Embroidery" ChainStitchEmbroidery - YouTube
  6. you're watch straps are beautiful. Did you design the 3d printed folding jig?
  7. Very Nice. Have you discovered Landwerlen's yet?
  8. America, North: History of Indigenous Peoples' Dress | Encyclopedia.com Is there something accurate you could make for the ceremonial teams for your lodge?
  9. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  10. I agree with fredk. Sell them and take the $ and go to Landwerlen's in downtown Indianapolis and get some leather. They have a large variety of leather, and the also have "scrap bins) They are on Ilinois street.
  11. That's beautiful Jake, and the Marty Brown Memorial is a wonderful cause. Very nice stitching.
  12. Might find a group that restores JD tractor's and see if they have info. In part of US where I live, I've seen restored tractors taken to local county fairgrounds, some just for looks and others use them in vintage tractor pull competitions.
  13. Congratulations. What a wonderful find.
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