What is Law in 60?
Law in 60 is a first of it’s kind effort to provide legal news, updates and happenings from in and around India but without the long drawn stories.
Why was Law in 60 started?
The legal industry is known for expansive analysis, opinions and lengthy writings running into pages – be it an article, judgement, commentary or a simple news report: Law in 60 aims to change that by providing reports and updates from various areas of law and relevant happenings but in 60 words or less, so you only spend 60 seconds or less.
Law in 60 is here to simplify law: in 60 words or less.
What problem does Law in 60 solve?
Time saved and information gained is the result of using Law in 60 – with fast paced lives, everyone around including legal professionals, law students and the common folks have lesser time to make themselves aware – but, with Law in 60 – they can spend 60 seconds on each important happening and know just what they needed to know.
Who should use Law in 60?
Short answer: Everyone.
Long answer:
- Law students: to stay on top of the latest developments around the world and India with respect to judgements, orders and new laws – all in a short time, even when on the go.
- Legal Professionals: to stay informed on the latest happenings in their area and related areas of work in order to use the information as and when required, without wasting too much time reading unrelated material.
- Common Men & Women: law affects all and spares none, which is why it’s important to stay in loop with the latest happenings in the legal arena: be it what the Supreme Court said or the new law being passed in the Parliament, information is power.
Want to know more? Contact us.