Our Little Secret

Our Little Secret

Definitely the best of the three Netflix/Lindsay Lohan collaborations. Our Little Secret feels like a throwback to old school romcoms in the best sense and makes for a pretty delightful Christmas romcom. Lindsay Lohan and Ian Harding are both really good and have great chemistry together. They play off each other very well and you're rooting for them to end up with each other by the end. The stacked supporting cast is a lot of fun too with Kristen Chenoweth and Henry Czerny stealing the show. This is just a super cute, charming, funny, warm, and irresistibly sweet watch with a fun collection of characters, a lot of heart and a ton of holiday cheer that will certainly put you in the Christmas spirit. It doesn't bring anything new to the table and you know exactly where it'll go from the moment it starts, but thankfully it hits all these predictable story beats in a really enjoyable way. In a post Anyone But You world, there's absolutely no reason why this shouldn't have been given a proper theatrical release because it's a proper crowd pleaser. Maybe I was just in the right mood when I watched this, but I quite enjoyed it.

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