A woman inspired by a man of dreams swept into the arms of a general, and drawn into a worlds of danger.
A writer forms a triangle with a schoolmarm and a Mexican general on the run.
A writer forms a triangle with a schoolmarm and a Mexican general on the run.
Old Gringo - Il vecchio gringo, Gringo viejo, מסעו של גרינגו, Gringo vell, Старият Гринго, Tüzes alkony, 올드 그링고, Старый гринго, Stary Gringo, Přistěhovalec, 烽火异乡情, Gringo Velho
Nunca en mi vida creí ver a Gregory Peck de viejo y que siguiera tan guapo
Gregory Peck was still hot even as the old gringo he was. I said what I said
I had no idea about Ambrose Bierce's travels and "mysterious disappearance" in Mexico during their revolution just after the turn of the century. I didn't do enough research to see how much here is fabricated, but there's definitely a story here. Unfortunately, Old Gringo does a poor job of extracting the story from the events. The plot is too disjointed and scattershot, but, if it was streamlined, there's a gem in this rock. I love giving roles like Ambrose Bierce to older actors like Gregory Peck here. He's able to imbue the character with a sense of vitality and eccentricity. It's plain to see that Bierce lived a full life.
Jane Fonda #12
It was around the point in the movie where Jimmy Smits lines up two prisoners of war he's taken hostage and demands that Gregory Peck kill them and when he refuses Peck is then ordered to stand in-between the two of them and when the guys on both sides are killed and realizes he just narrowly escaped being killed himself and is elated at feeling was about then that it struck me that this is trying very hard (and partially successful) at being the kinda adventure film that John Huston or Howard Hawks would've made. I mean it's not as lively, but the visuals of the action taking place at the Mexican revolution (the various gun battles taking place…
Luis Puenzo’s romantic adventure. When school teacher Harriet Winslow (Jane Fonda) goes to Mexico to explain, she is abducted by General Tomas Arroyo (Jimmy Smits) and his insurgents.
Adapted from the novel The Old Gringo by Carlos Fuentes, which was published four years earlier, the story concerns author Ambrose Bierce (Gregory Peck) who develops a triangle with a schoolmarm (Jane Fonda) and a Mexican general (Jimmy Smits) absconding.
Jane Fonda gives an okay performance in her part as Harriet Winslow, the schoolteacher whose ability to do her job is dashed. However, there are occasions where Harriet doesn’t really know what she wants to do with herself, earning a Golden Raspberry nomination for Worst Actress.
Elsewhere, there are alright performances to…
too many moustaches
From Columbia Pictures & Fonda Pictures comes a historical drama shot in Mexico & directed & co-written by Luis Puenzo. It 🌟 s Gregory Peck Jane Fonda Jimmy Smits & Pedro Armendarez Jr. Awesome epic it feels big since it's shot on location. Awesome popcorn movie 🍿👍😎
a TWO HOUR long movie about jane fonda standing still and looking confused while a revolution breaks out around her. i watched this while doing my latin homework and honestly i believe it doesn’t deserve any more attention than that! one star because it was so boring that it made homework seem like the best thing ever and another star for gregory peck simply because he is gregory peck, i don’t think i need to explain my reasoning any further.
Gregory Peck is an odd old man who wants to die in Mexico, Jimmy Smits is a passionate and hotheaded revolutionary tortured by his own lineage, and Jane Fonda plays a spinster who falls in love with both of these men. It's such a wild combination of actors I would have never dreamed of even appearing together in a movie BUT HERE THEY ARE, giving such wonderful and nuanced performances! While the trailers made it seem like a completely cheesy love triangle set during the Mexican Revolution, what there is instead is a great love story that certainly gave me similar vibes to movies like THE ENGLISH PATIENT. Some of the action (and romance!) sequences are truly amazing to watch and honestly I really enjoyed watching this movie and it's one I can imagine myself going back to many more times.
Pues GRINGO VIEJO (1989) tiene ese aroma a melodrama de aventuras clásico. Muy torpe en su ejecución, evidentes problemas de ritmo y dirección, pero agradable de ver. Sólo por ellos(Fonda y Peck, los momentos que comparten son lo mejor), merece mucho la pena. Tiene ese encanto casi desaparecido hoy día, de las historias bonitas. La frontera, revolución mexicana, Pancho Villa...
Dos películas duró la carrera internacional de Puenzo, en esta rifó casi todo el crédito que había conseguido con el premio de la anterior.
Who TF is Ambrose Bierce?!