Based on the much-loved children’s book written by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake, Revolting Rhymes takes classic fairy tales, then mixes them together and serves them with a mischievous twist.
Based on the much-loved children’s book written by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake, Revolting Rhymes takes classic fairy tales, then mixes them together and serves them with a mischievous twist.
Сказки Серого Волка, Ruskiga rim, Rimas Revoltantes, Cuentos en verso para niños perversos, Хулиганские сказки, 反叛的童谣, Odvratne rime
"Jack gave the old brown cow away,
And came back later in the day.
When he produced one lousy bean,
His startled mother, turning green,
Leaped high up in the air, and cried:
"I'm absolutely stupefied!
"You crazy boy! Do you really mean
"You sold our Daisy for a bean?!"
She snatched the bean. She yelled, "You chump!",
And flung it on the rubbish dump.
Then summoning up all her power,
She beat the boy for half an hour,
Using - and nothing could be meaner -
The handle of a vacuum cleaner..."
Revolting Rhymes is an utter delight.
Where not one single aspect of it can be considered shite.
Roald Dahl's book is adapted with sheer aplomb,
Beautifully animated and the camera move of the final shot is so well done that it'll stick with me for a while– but it's not a particularly special "this ain't your grandma's nursery rhymes!!" take, and the ending is kinda frustrating!!!
this is the tale i'm going to tell my kids, except in my version snow white and red riding hood will will marry each other in the end
The first episode of this is clearly the stronger of the two but as a whole this is a fantastic anthology and one of the best bits of animation that I've seen in a long time. Great cast, wonderful character designs, and an understanding of Dahl's particular blend of humor and darkness.
Also, Snow White and Red are definitely gay.
Un cambio turbio a la historia que todo mundo conoce, contada por un villano. La animación es tan bonita y las voces le dan un toque de dulzura a cada personaje.